Levi raised his eyebrows slightly.

looked at Li Si like a starry moon.

subconsciously regarded it as the Qin Emperor.

He immediately asked, "You are Emperor Qin?"

"I am Li Si, the prime minister of the Great Qin State!

Who are you?

Why are you outside the palace of my Great Qin Kingdom, kill the important ministers of our dynasty?

Could it be that you think that I have no one in Daqin?"

Although Li Si is a civil official.

But the sound is like a bell, and the momentum is extremely strong.

It is not a loss to be a representative figure of Legalism.

Hear who they really are.

Li Wei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, if Emperor Qin came in person.

Then he didn't mind going up and talking about it.

But if it's just Lees, then forget it.

Levi sneered: "You are an important minister?

It's ridiculous.

If I kill Zhao Gao, it will be of great benefit to the entire Qin State.

Don't say anything else.

But say two things.

As soon as Zhao Gao dies, you will not be set on the pillar of shame.

As soon as Zhao Gao dies, the great power 693 "will not die second!"

Hear the words.

Li Si's face changed greatly, and he shouted loudly: "What nonsense!

The so-called divine right of kings!

Under the leadership of Emperor Qin, my Great Qin State will be immortal for eternity.

Why do you dare to talk about the fortunes of the country?"

Levi burst out laughing.

And he laughed very loudly.

"Divine authority of kings?

Who is God?"

Levi took a sharp step forward.

Hold up the sky with one hand.

continued to shout coldly: "Calling the wind, calling the rain!"

The next second.

A gust of wind rose.

All the people present were unstable.

And the originally clear night sky also became cloudy in the blink of an eye.


With a thunderclap.

Li Si couldn't help but turn pale.

Looking at the sky in disbelief.

A drop of rain falls on its face.

The season of early spring.

The rain is still a little cool.

But it's definitely not too cold.

But Lis's whole person is like falling into an ice cave.

His body began to tremble.

And the rain in the sky is getting heavier and heavier.

Everyone present saw this.

Instantly froze in place.

Levi's voice resurfaced in their minds.

"Who is God?"

This sentence, as it sounds now, is more like a question.

Everyone was terrified.

Even among the well-trained Golden Fire Cavalry, there was a rush of movement.

Under their gaze.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier around Levi.

Keep all the rain around you out.

It looks like an immortal in the world.

Meng Tian, who was the leader, gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

It's not too difficult to keep the rain out.

But if you can invite wind and rain at will.

That's a proper immortal technique.

Is this man in front of him really an immortal?

Look around.

looked at everyone's surprised looks.

Levi couldn't help but smile.

This is the real way to use the wind and rain!

Sure enough, it is the supreme weapon of manifestation!

Subsequently, Levi had no intention of staying here for long.

Pulling the hand of the startled salamander, he stepped into the air and walked away against the wind.

After it is gone.

The rain lasted for another half an hour before it ended.

After it is over.

The sky is once again cloudless and clean.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still some traces of rain on the ground.

I'm afraid everyone will think.

This scene just now.

It's a profound illusion.

After a long time.

Li Si and Meng Tian came to the palace.

told Qin Shi Huang everything he had just seen.


Also includes those words that Levi said.


He really couldn't figure it out.

Why did Zhao Gao die, he would not have been nailed to the pillar of shame.

Could it be that Zhao Gao will bewitch himself into doing something in the future?

That's not right.

Above the court. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two of them have never been at odds, so how can they do things together?


The sound of Qin Shi Huang slapping the table interrupted Li Si's train of thought.

The Prime Minister bent down again.

Hurriedly said: "Emperor Qin's anger is not that we are negligent in our duties.

It's that the man is amazing.

Calling for wind and rain with one hand made everyone freeze in place.

Then, they flew away.

Like...... It's like a heavenly immortal descending. "

Although some are difficult to speak.

But that was everyone's first reaction at the time.

Perhaps, that man is the legendary fairy.

Meng Tian also spoke: "What Master Li said is true.

The minister was also a little distracted at that time.

So...... "[]

didn't wait for Meng Tian to finish speaking.

Emperor Qin threw the piece in front of him to the ground.

He said in a deep voice: "So you didn't leave that immortal behind?"

What do you all eat?

Go and find it, all for Lone!

Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to get it back.

I want him to be the national teacher of the Great Qin Kingdom!"

Hearing this...........

Meng Tian and Li Si's expressions were wonderful.

I don't know what to say.

In the end, it was Li Wei who adhered to the rules in his heart.

He reminded in a low voice: "Emperor Qin, that person just killed the CRRC Mansion Order and smashed a city wall.

It's a bit inappropriate to let him be a national teacher, right?"

"Lonely, let you execute, not let you question!

Got it?"

Qin Huang's voice was extremely cold.

In his heart.

It doesn't matter if Levi is an immortal or not.

The person who can summon the wind and rain at will, in the eyes of all the people, is the arrival of immortals.

If there is a Levi joining.

The power of the Qin Emperor's divine power will be strengthened again.

When the time comes, the people will be convinced.

Great Qin was bound to march out and annex other countries.

Complete your lifelong dream of unification!


The farmers were excited.

Tian Meng, the master of the Flame Hall, was actually killed in his base camp.

Along with it, there is also Tian Hu, the master of Chiyou Hall.

These two young people who had high hopes died.

It's a huge blow to the entire farm.

Tian Jia Tian Mi shouted coldly: "Silence!"

The originally noisy scene instantly fell silent.

Tian Mi looked at the Zhu family, the master of Shennong Hall in the crowd.

He asked in a deep voice: "Zhu family, I only ask you one word."

And just ask once.

Does the death of Tian Hu and Tian Meng have anything to do with you?"

All the people in the farmhouse knew about it.

The 1.4 candidates for the next Xia Kui, Zhu Jia and Tian Meng are both popular players.

Tian Meng died.

The Zhu family is naturally the biggest beneficiary.

All, Tian Mi's question is equivalent to asking what all the Tian family members think.

The Zhu family did not hesitate.

Immediately said: "My Zhu family is willing to swear in the name of the ancestor."

The deaths of Tian Meng and Tian Hu have nothing to do with my Zhu family.

It has nothing to do with the people of the Zhu family!"

Hear the words.

Tian Mi said in a deep voice: "Okay, I believe you."

From Tian Meng's wounds, nothing could be seen.

But Tian Hu's death was definitely from the hands of the Yin and Yang family.

The Six Souls Fear Curse, but their forbidden art!

My Tian family, I can't die in vain!

Therefore, the blood debt must be paid in blood!"

The Zhu family echoed: "This matter is a shame for everyone in my farm, and we will naturally do our best to help!"

With his statement.

All the peasant disciples present immediately shouted loudly: "The blood debt must be paid with blood!"

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