[Yue Yue Xiyan]: Senior, senior, how can you name and ask for Yuchenjun, isn’t this clearly telling him that you have a problem? Yue Xiyan felt that if she could not stay young forever in the future, then menopause would definitely be advanced.

These women are too much to worry about.

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai]: Don’t worry, watch me operate.

Jiu Xinnai said that he would draw inferences.

Isn’t it to dispel Zhao Yuchen’s suspicions that may appear? Simple!

“I can see everything that is happening outside in the seal, this feather dust is good for Naruto, I can feel that there is no bad thoughts.”

“Before coming here, Naruto also kept telling me that he liked him.”

“I have something to leave for the time being, I can let him continue to be Naruto’s guardian.”

Jiu Xinnai held his hands to his chest and looked at the ape flying sun, giving his reasons with a straight face.

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Hearing Hachen’s name, Naruto, who had been in a state of giggle next to him, finally came back to his senses at this time and nodded his head in agreement.

“I also want Brother Yuchen to be my guardian, but he promised to take me to live in a big house, take me to eat a lot of uneaten delicacies, teach me how to dress up, and make me look like a girl.”

Speaking of this, Naruto couldn’t help but think about it.

“When the time comes, Sakura, she will definitely…”


Before Naruto could speak, Jiu Shinna hit him on the head with a fist.

The previous words are still very serious, even if you want to be liked by women, it’s good, but what is Sakura talking about?

“At a young age, don’t always think about how to please a woman.”

“Ninjutsu, physical skills, cultural achievements, and behave in the world for me first!”

Jiu Xinnai looked like he hated iron but not steel.

She hadn’t forgotten what Zhao Yuchen said about Naruto and Haruno Sakura in her diary.

That’s pure licking the dog!

Although she said that she finally succeeded in licking “to”, this process also made her mother feel unable to see it.

If Naruto attracts people by his own excellence, it is okay to be heart-to-heart, but it is okay to keep giving to move people.

What if you become an honest person who is bullied?

“Okay, got it…”

Naruto held his head aggrievedly.

But from his contented eyes, it can be seen that he enjoys the feeling of being educated by his mother.

This is a picture that he has fantasized about countless times in his dreams, and he will only feel happy!


Jiu Shinna originally wanted to say something more, but after seeing Naruto’s eyes, they all turned soft.

At the same time, she was even more unpleasant to the ape flying sun chop next to her who was pretending to be laughing.

And for Zhao Yuchen, she just looks at it and how to look good.

After all, without this crosser, she didn’t know what happened to her son, and she was still stupid.

Even if Naruto’s future is the seventh generation of Hokage, what kind of ninja savior has the strength to cut the moon.

But in the eyes of one of her mothers, it is not gratifying, but very ironic.

Why did he suffer so much Naruto and become such a hero for the ninja world?

They don’t deserve it!

“Hello Hachi-kun, I’m Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.”

Jiu Xinnai came to Zhao Yuchen and stretched out his slender white and tender tofu-like hand.

To be honest, she stood next to Naruto not at all like a mother, more like a sister.

“Hello, Jiu Xinnai…”

Zhao Yuchen couldn’t think of what to call her for a while.

After all, it is a person who died twelve years ago, and the identity and position are not easy to define.

“You can call me sister, get it.”

Jiu Xinnai grinned and said heartily: “I was only twenty-four years old when I died, Naruto’s experience over the years was shared with me by that bastard of the Nine Tails, and I am not much older than you now.”

Jiu Xinnai wanted to get closer to Zhao Yuchen.

Whether it is for the ability to temporarily resurrect like today, or to be resurrected in the true sense, or for Naruto, this is necessary.

“Sister Jiu Xinnai?”

Zhao Yuchen smiled gently.

The drama of my sister and brother is amazing in this little day.

“Actually, I don’t mind if you let me call you sister.”

Zhao Yuchen smiled and said, “After all, your appearance is really young.”

Jiu Xinnai suddenly burst out laughing.

Being called so by a handsome guy younger than himself, normal women will be happy, right? Soon she still had the idea of befriending each other in her heart.

“However, my name is Brother Yuchen, and Brother Yuchen is called Mother Sister, isn’t this chaos?”

Naruto asked very blindly.

“We have our own monographs, and it doesn’t matter.”

Zhao Yuchen smiled.

Jiu Xinnai immediately echoed.

Naruto didn’t bother anymore.

He just needs to know that both of them like him.

At this time, the guy of Ape Flying Sun Chopping suddenly came out to be discouraged: “Jiu Xinnai, what are you doing in the ancestral land of the Vortex Country?” ”

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to know your purpose, it’s just that you have just reunited with Naruto, is there any difficulty in having to leave?”

“Maybe I can help you.”

At first glance, it sounds like a grandfather who cares about his grandson.

When Naruto next to him heard this, he looked very moved, and then looked at Jiu Shinna with hopeful eyes.

In fact, as long as Jiu Xinnai is really resurrected and has been showing the strength he has today, the true level of Ape Flying Sun’s concern can be as high as 9.9.

But when he asks this now, he is not simply concerned, but also tempted.

He was curious and skeptical about the resurrection of Jiu Xinnai.

“Abominable old monkey, Hachi-kun is right, you can’t let Naruto be brainwashed by him anymore, you have to find a way to wash it back in the future.”

Jiu Xinnai angrily scolded the ape in his heart for flying the sun.

Both because of Naruto’s cheap touch, and because he heard the temptation of Sarutobi Hinata.

But she can’t do anything yet, because after today she will return to the seal.

The so-called country of devortexing is just an excuse.


Jiu Xinnai pretended to be hesitant.

Seeing this, Ape Fei Ri said with a concerned look: “You also know that the old man is very knowledgeable and knows many secrets in the ninja world, maybe you can give it to the counselor.”

“And Jiraiya has been in contact with me, if you lack manpower to help, I can notify him to come back.”

While showing kindness, he also slightly revealed a hole card.

Jiraiya, who knows immortal arts, is definitely the strongest of the three ninja now, and also surpasses his dying ninja.

For this kind of speech, the ape flying sun chop has used pure love like fire, and even becomes instinctive.

[The old monkey is knocking on the side again, tempting constantly, is this guy only learning the most peripheral politics in a thousand hands? ] 】

[What else can Jiu Xinnai do back to the Land of Whirlpools? ] Bofeng Shui Gate is to cast a ghoul to seal and die, the soul is in the belly of the god of death instead of the pure land, and the rebirth of the dirty soil cannot be recalled, and if you want to resurrect, you need to use specific props, of course, she is looking for this thing. 】


Am I thinking so? How come I don’t know myself?!

I didn’t think that my whirlpool clan still has props to liberate the soul in the belly of the god of death, why don’t you elaborate on it? Hang your appetite!

“However, I don’t want to revive the wave feng shui gate.”

It’s not that Jiu Xinnai is ruthless and has a big opinion of Bofeng Shuimen and doesn’t want to revive him.

If there is a chance to resurrect Wave Feng Shuimen, for Naruto’s consideration, she will do it.

But she won’t think about it for a long time.

Just because this person of Bofeng Shuimen is too “big picture”.

In Zhao Yuchen’s words in the diary, the outstanding successor of the Will of Fire.

A third-generation Hokage has already fooled Naruto into this, if you add a fourth-generation Hokage’s father, don’t think about it well in this life, I’m afraid to become the Virgin White Lotus.

So before successfully reshaping Naruto’s three views, so that he can distinguish between good and kind, and know how to “have revenge” instead of “repay grievances with virtue”.

Absolutely can’t let the wave feng shui gate come back to life, absolutely!

[Actually, Jiu Shinnai can completely tell the truth with Ape Fei Ri, not only can deter the old monkey, but also make the old monkey better for Naruto. ] 】

[After all, if the fourth generation can be resurrected, I am afraid that Tsunade will not be able to take away his Hokage position if he returns. ] 】

[Died to protect Konoha, most of the beneficiaries are still alive, let him be invincible, not to mention that now that the villagers know Naruto’s identity, they will feel guilty and compensate. ] 】

[And Bofeng Shuimen also has “civilian origin”]

“Outstanding achievements”

[“Originally Hokage / Justifiable” and other halos, a batch of cattle. 】

[Wait, I have ideas about Jiu Xinnai, and Bofeng Shuimen is considered a love rival, what do you do with good things to say? ] 】

[Even if it is a diary, this is not advisable, in the future, you must firmly be a fourth-generation Hokage Black. ] 】


Seeing this honest speech, many women holding diaries laughed.

For female ninjas who live all day in intrigue and killing, this strange sense of security makes them addicted.

That is, Jiu Xinnai and Yue Xiyan were by Zhao Yuchen’s side, so they endured it hard, for fear that he would see a little bit of trickiness.

But soon, the expressions of the women became strange.

They didn’t understand what Wei Wu’s legacy was, but it didn’t sound like a good thing.

But they know that the person Zhao Yuchen confessed this time is not a loli reserve, not a mature big sister, but a… Wife.

This guy said that he was fraternal, but to such an extent!?

“Ino, what kind of expression do you have?”

Yamanaka Mansion, Mrs. Yamanaka, who had just returned home from the Hokage Building, was thinking about gossip about the progress of her daughter’s “teacher-student love”, and saw her with a strange expression.

“That, Mom.”

Ino sorted out the wording and asked, “Do you think that if there is a man who likes someone else’s wife, right?” ”

“Just like it, then naturally there is nothing wrong with it.”

Mrs. Yamanaka didn’t even want to think: “Affection, stop at etiquette, like is a mood, not controlled by people, but behavior is controlled by themselves.”


Ino nodded thoughtfully: “Then what if you want to chase people?” ”

“That’s also a scoring situation.”

“Divide the situation?”

“Yes, you have to first see whether the wife’s life is happy, the happiness of life is the bad family, not the good person, you see one kill the other.”

“But if life is unhappy, it is to save people, and it depends on the method of pursuit.”

“Of course, if people are children, you have to divide the situation, this is a complex science.”


Yamanaka Ino nodded, and finally thought about it and asked, “That family has children, but her husband is dead?” ”

“Do you still need to ask?”

Mrs. Yamanaka immediately showed an expression of admiration: “This shows that people are true love.”

“Ino, sometimes a wife is not an identity, but an attribute.”

Ino? Attribute? Water, fire, earth, wind and thunder?

Meanwhile, inside the Hokage office.

Jiu Xinnai felt that her CPU was burst, and her mood was strange, and she couldn’t tell the dog herself.

But soon she came back to her senses and hid this emotion deeply.

Just because of Zhao Yuchen’s words in the diary.

[But then again, how did Jiu Xinnai come back to life?] 】

[There are so many resurrection methods in the ninja world, how do you feel that none of them are right? ] 】


It turns out that resurrection can not only rely on diaries, but also the ninja world itself has many methods!?

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