Fang Bing smiled when he heard this.

“It’s okay, I didn’t reveal my identity, and they’ll leave later.”

Sure enough, as Fang Bing said

It’s not dawn yet.

The troops, who had found nothing nearby, all withdrew.

But what Fang Bing didn’t expect was.

General Ross is not a man who gives up easily.

Let the army go just to eliminate fishing boats and panic.

When he returned to base.

Immediately let the intelligence services begin to analyze everything in full force.

Trying to find the identity of the magician.

General Ross also personally contacted S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ask S.H.I.E.L.D. if the Sorcerer’s identity is known.

Nick. Fury knew that Fang Bing must not be offended.

Nothing was told to him.

The intelligence department soon found out when Iron Man was previewing at the bar before

Asked the magician for help

In the end, he was indeed saved by a portal.

And sent someone to look for Tor. Stark asked.

But Iron Man still owes Fang Bing two lives

How could it be possible to betray Fang Bing.

Directly sent away the people from the military.

Until two days later.

General Ross’s intelligence was analyzed.

Only then did I find a breakthrough point.

“General, we found out that when the magician first appeared on Manhattan Avenue, he killed the person saved by the Iron Overlord, and he was also in the villa where the magician once again protected the night before.”

“It’s probably not a coincidence.”

General Ross took the file.

Take a closer look.

After a while.

“Not a coincidence! The magician must be related to the four people in that car! “

General Ross said with a joyful look on his face.

“Send someone to bring those four back for interrogation!”

Several military vehicles were filled with soldiers.

Heading towards Fang Bing’s home in Queens, New York.


Jingle bells.

The phone rang.

It woke up Fang Bing, who was meditating.

He picked up his phone and looked at it.

It was a call from the bald director.

“Fang Bing, there is bad news, General Ross has discovered that you and your family have contacted the magician, and the capture of your army is already on the way.”

Fang Bing frowned when he heard this: “How did he know?” It won’t be news from S.H.I.E.L.D., right? “

The bald chief quickly explained.

“Don’t underestimate General Ross, the military has independent intelligence services and has its own secret agents! It’s not hard to find some clues. “

Fang Bing had a headache.

I feel like there’s something going on here.

It’s not that he’s afraid of General Ross.

Just because once the identity is exposed.

It means that the former leisurely life will be gone forever.

“Do you have a way to get him to dismiss the idea?”

Fang Bing asked the bald chief on the phone.

The bald chief was overjoyed.

Know that the opportunity is coming.

“Unless you give him back those two monsters.”

“Even so, with what I know about General Ross, he will not easily give up his curiosity about you as a magician.”

“Unless, you officially join S.H.I.E.L.D., I have the right to refuse all unreasonable demands from the military.”

Fang Bing knew what the bald chief was paying attention to.

Too lazy to take care of him.

Hung up the phone directly.

He was ready to deal with it himself.

Since General Ross wanted to find out the identity of the magician so much.

Just let him know!

Then Fang Bing sat at home waiting for General Ross’s men to arrive.

Ten minutes later.

Several Humvees drove into the block.

Fang Bing saw that the target had appeared.

A portal opened directly in front of the car.

Frightened, the driver quickly stepped on the brakes.

Fang Bing walked out of the portal.

Three punches and two feet against the rain of bullets.

Knock all the soldiers unconscious.

Then a huge portal opened.

Directly threw the soldier and the Humvee vehicle into it.

And the portal Fang Bing chose to drive directly next to General Ross.

In military bases.

Look at the huge portal that suddenly appeared in front of you.

General Ross, who has not yet figured out what happened.

He was almost killed by several Humvees that fell out of the portal.

After tumbling to avoid sudden danger.

General Ross just stood up and wanted to give orders.

Only to find that the masked magician appeared in front of him.

Ichigo grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

“I heard you’re looking for me?”

Soldiers around who reacted.

See the general being controlled.

They all raised the guns in their hands and aimed them at Fang Bing, who suddenly appeared.

But in the next second, he was all knocked down by the thunderbolt current emitted by Fang Bing.

General Ross struggled with his legs in midair.

Feeling like you can’t breathe.

Life began to slowly leave him.

Finally before he was about to die.

Fang Bing let go of his hand.

Threw him to the ground.

Cough! Cough!

General Ross coughed violently on the ground.

Take a big breath of air.

Wait for the slowdown.

Just wanted to talk.

But the magician before meeting opened a portal again.

On the other side of the door turned out to be his daughter Betty!

Fang Bing stretched out his hand and walked through the portal.

One grabbed Betty.

Dumped to General Ross.

“I heard you want to interrogate my family?”

Fang Bing pulled down his mask and asked again.

This is what General Ross and Betty only discovered.

It turned out that the magician was just a young man less than twenty years old.

And General Ross, who has seen the data.

Quickly recognized.

The magician in front of him was Fang Bing, the owner of that villa.

It was on Manhattan Avenue that one of the four people sitting in the car.

He also immediately understood why Fang Bing came to him.

“Don’t hurt my daughter, I’ll never go to your family again!”

People who can do generals,

It can’t be a mindless stunned man.

Knowing how to judge the situation is a necessary basic quality.

Fang Bing nodded.

“Then now it’s just you and me who have a personal grudge.”

A portal opened with a wave of his hand.

On the other side of the door is the vibranium cell under the sea where Abomination is.

“You want to get my pet? Then give it back to you…”


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