As time progressed, and the minds of the clansmen evolved, and when we discovered that the galaxy where the tree of life is located is only a corner of the universe, the patriarch decided to open the door to the universe with his own hands.

However, the complexity of things is far beyond our imagination – whenever a tribe leaves here and wants to explore the universe, they are teleported by some unknown force into a spatial dimension that cannot be understood by our civilization.

Such a loss could not be accepted by us, so the patriarch decided to close the entrance. ”

“Inexplicably missing?” Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, “Since you guys are all over the world, why didn’t you try to find it?” ”

“Do you think Patriarch they haven’t tried?” The guardian looked sad and said, “Unfortunately, this universe is bigger and more dangerous than we can imagine. When the patriarch returned from outside, he was covered in trauma. Soon after, he sat under the tree of life, turned into a white bone, and left the Transcendent Protoss forever. ”

“What?” Li Feng couldn’t believe it and let out an exclamation.

Since he could determine that the Transcendent was a clan member of the Transcendent God Clan, then the guy who was the first patriarch should be much stronger, right?

Could it be said that in this unknown universe, there is an existence that is even more terrifying than the Transcendent Protoss?

And, their people as targets for hunting?

This thought made Li Feng break out in a cold sweat behind his back.

If this is really the case, perhaps the decline of the Transcendent Protoss is not without a trace.

“Fortunately, the patriarch gave birth to a baby with the girl of life before he died-” The guardian’s eyes lit up, and he stared at Li Feng and said, “This baby has directly possessed hundreds of millions of ancient energy fluctuations in its body since it was born, and even made the tree of life increase by a few points. It was a bizarre sight to remember. ”

Li Feng’s mouth opened slightly, but he closed it again, with a look in his eyes, he read the meaning of the guardian’s words.

“Since the disappearance of the group leader, his baby has been the strongest existence in the entire Transcendent Protoss. However, his birth was actually a way beyond the destruction of the Protoss. As if recalling something extremely painful, the guardian gasped a little sharply, and said, “We tried everything to hide the secrets of this unknown universe, but in the end he discovered it. ”

“He left?” Li Feng said.

“Yes.” The guardian nodded and said, “He knew that his power could not be bound by this universe, so he privately opened the hidden passage of the Tree of Life and left this pure land. ”

“And then?” Li Feng asked, “Why did the Transcendent Protoss Race go to exhaustion because of this?” ”

“The patriarch already understood before he died that the tree of life could not endlessly give birth to a divine baby, it also needed nutrients, and once its own nutrients were out of balance, then the divine infant conceived would no longer be called a divine child, but a defective product.” The guardian hesitated, “So the patriarch came up with another method – to intersect with the clansmen, no longer waste the essence of the tree of life, so as to continue the bloodline beyond the god race.

When this plan was first implemented, no trouble was found, until tens of thousands of years later, the bloodlines in the bodies of all the clans began to gradually pass.

In order to solve this trouble, we spent countless hours and finally figured out that only the existence of the patriarch can give birth to the perfect divine child that makes the tree of life more and more prosperous, and the other clansmen are simply the essence of the tree of life, how can they continue the bloodline? ”

“I see what you mean-” Li Feng suddenly realized and said, “That is, only the baby who left can give birth to perfect bloodline offspring? ”

“That’s right.” The guardian nodded slowly, stared into Li Feng’s eyes, and said, “His departure is equivalent to inadvertently taking away the future beyond the Protoss Race. We don’t blame him, because this is the only descendant of the patriarch. ”

“Then how do you know that he was not taken away by some kind of power you are talking about like the rest of the tribe?” Li Feng asked puzzled.

“Because…” The guardian raised the scepter in his hand and waved it lightly above his head.

Then, the branches and leaves of the tree of life leaned over, forming a mist of light, and the picture emerged.

Seeing this, Li Feng’s pupils shrank slightly.

The person in this picture, Hao Ran, is wearing a white dress, carrying one hand behind him, floating on the surface of the earth – a transcendent!

His eyes were deep, with endless brilliance, as if he was thinking about something.

More than ten seconds later, a light mass streaked above his head, and the light mass contained exactly what had crossed from another world – Li Feng!

Seeing this scene, as if he felt something, the transcendent raised his finger and popped out a silk thread towards the landing point where Li Feng was, drilling into the latter’s brain.

At this point, the picture clicked and disappeared.

The guardian smiled, looked at Li Feng, and did not continue.

Li Feng’s heart turned over a terrifying wave.

It turned out that everything was predestined.

It turned out that it was no coincidence that he fell to Earth.

This is all the result of the manipulation of the Transcendent!

He, from the very beginning, chose Li Feng!

“The scene you saw in the dark space of Asgard was probably done by you on purpose.” Li Feng sighed in his heart and muttered to himself to the body of the transcendent, “I didn’t expect that you would have such a past. And did you choose me so that I could help you change your mistakes? ”

“This image is the picture that he sent back to the tree of life before he died. That’s why I will leave a soul doppelganger of my own on Earth and let him answer your path. ”

The guardian repeated what he had said to Li Feng, “There is no doubt that you are his successor, the survivor of the bloodline in his body. ”

“Was my destiny controlled by him from the beginning?” Li Feng clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and said to himself, “But such a me is not me.” ”

“No, survivor.” The guardian said slowly, “Transcending the Protoss is the pinnacle of evolution, a level that countless creatures cannot reach. He was able to choose you and give you his legacy because he recognized everything about you and was above him. You, see what I mean? ”

Hearing this, Li Feng suddenly realized.

yes, why didn’t I think of it?

Tired of the days when there was no one to fight, the Transcendent chose to kill himself, which is actually a practice after liberation.

He used his power to explore a glimmer of heaven and saw a corner of the future.

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