Chapter 0099 – Admiral! The pheasant strikes!!!

Just as Sister Zhou was pulling everyone to ‘happily’ fight the landlord on the island, a figure riding a bicycle slowly came from the sea.

“Ah la la ~~~”

“Sure enough, there is a gang of pirates~”

“It seems that the guess is correct!”

The green pheasant, who left first from the warship, had arrived not far from the uninhabited island at this moment.

Look at the Virgin docked on the shore in front of you.

Just from the appearance of the Virgin, the pheasant had already sensed the extraordinary nature of this group of pirates.

The speculation in his heart about the death of the golden lion was a little more certain.

As for whether this group of pirates did it, the pheasant needs to be further determined.

Since it was late, the pheasant did not see the pirate flag on the ship, but it was no longer important.

After getting on the island, you can know everything.

Just when the green pheasant came to the island, Sister Zhou and the others had also finished the game, and because of the first time they played, everyone was also quite interested.

However, it was already late, and everyone had to give up and wait for tomorrow to play.

“I don’t know why, it seems that the temperature has dropped a lot~”

“Yes, it’s inexplicably cold!”

“It’s strange, let’s go back to the ship first~”

Everyone had just packed up their things, but at this time, Sister Zhou and the others suddenly felt that the atmosphere of the island had dropped.

Without much thought, everyone hurried back to the ship.

At this time, Genichi suddenly noticed something, and his eyes looked to the other side of the island, just as everyone walked towards the boat

Robin in the crowd, however, suddenly changed his face drastically.

The further you go to the sea, the lower the temperature.

At this time, Robin seemed to sense something, and this feeling seemed to have been carved into his bones.

Robin could never have forgotten the experience.

Now this temperature makes Robin seem to return to the change he had when he was a child.

Looking at the people who were all walking towards the boat, Robin’s steps suddenly became slower and slower, and gradually broke away from the crowd.

However, Robin’s actions cannot be concealed from Genichi and Klockdar, who is the former boss.


Seeing Robin leave suddenly, Genichi and Klockdar also followed one after the other.

“Whew, it’s so cold, it’s freezing me!”

“Come on, come on, get back to the ship, we’ll fight until dawn!!”

As everyone returned to the Virgin, the comfortable temperature in the room suddenly made everyone much more comfortable.

Just when Sister Zhou still wanted to pull everyone to continue playing cards.

At this moment, the live broadcast room suddenly brushed a screen full of curtains.

“Sister Zhou, turn back quickly, idiot!”

“Obviously the temperature on the island is not right, someone is definitely coming!”

Robin’s face changed just now, it must be the green pheasant chasing him!

Sister Zhou didn’t see that Robin didn’t follow?! Keep up!

It’s really big, this captain’s heart is really big, Genichi and Klockdar have already caught up, Sister Zhou moves faster!

“Now give me immediate catch-up! General of the district! Afraid of a hanging! Originally, I wanted to play cards, but Sister Zhou subconsciously glanced at the live broadcast room, and her face suddenly changed. ”

After looking around the hall, he didn’t see Robin, not even Genichi and Klockdar.

“Oops!!! Robin is in danger! ”


“Are there enemies?!”

Hearing Sister Zhou’s exclamation, everyone who had all the cards in their hands on the side hurriedly stood up.

At such times, where will there be people in the mood to play cards.

“Carmen! Choba! Kim! You guys stay and guard the ship! ”

“The others come with me!”

Now that she has experienced big and small battles, Sister Zhou, who has become more mature, hurriedly gave the order.

Everyone did not hesitate, Ace and the others followed Sister Zhou and quickly left the Virgin and returned to the island, while Ajin and the others stayed on the Virgin, and everyone quickly took action.

And the other side of the island.

“Ah, how did you find out?”

“Nicole Robin~”

Looking at Nicole Robin who appeared in front of him, the green pheasant couldn’t help but be surprised.

Unexpectedly, the first to find out was Nicole Robin, and at this time, Nicole Robin looked at the childhood enemy in front of him, but the whole person couldn’t help but tremble.

The moment I saw the pheasant

Everything that happened to O’Hara came back to Robin’s mind.

“Why are you here!”

In the face of Nicole Robin’s inquiry, the green pheasant at this time seemed to be facing an old friend who had not seen him for many years.

As the green pheasant raised the fire, he spoke: “Alala, I accidentally found something, so come to investigate~”

“But I was a little surprised.”

“It seems that you are also on that ship, then, the death of the golden lion should be inseparable from the pirate group you belong to!”

The first time he saw Nicole Robin, the pheasant already had the answer in his heart.

The guy who can keep Nicole Robin on the ship will definitely not be a simple gang of pirates.

Before Nicole Robin could answer, the pheasant suddenly stood up and walked towards Nicole Robin.

“Nicole Robin, I didn’t expect that there were pirates who would let you on the boat~”

“But didn’t you tell them that by letting you get on board, you were killing yourself?”

“Or is this gang of pirates really bold and worried at all?”

I saw that as the green pheasant slowly spoke, Nicole Robin’s trembling body at this time did not have the slightest ability to resist.

But thinking of Sister Zhou and them, Robin plucked up the courage to speak: “So, are you coming to take me away today?” ”

“Ah, la-la, you don’t need to ask me~”

“Because, someone doesn’t want you to leave, Nicole Robin!”

Faced with Robin’s question, the green pheasant suddenly stopped and stared at Robin not far behind.

Hear the words of the pheasant.

Robin was still puzzled, but at this time, Genichi and Klockdar, who had been following Robin for a long time, suddenly became ugly.

“Genichi! BOSS! ”

Looking at the Genichi and the two who appeared behind him, Robin hurriedly prepared to ask the Genichi and the two not to come over.

Before Robin could speak

Genichi and Klockdar gave Robin a reassuring look before coming to Robin.

“Ah la la, the deputy captain of the Dumb Bride Pirates, Genichi taste~”

“So it is!”

“Then everything is explained!”

The moment he saw Genichi, the pheasant instantly understood why the golden lion died on that island.

After all, the Dumb Bride Pirate Group, this group of newcomers, pirate pheasants, still have the latest information from the Navy headquarters

For the highest source of combat power on the ship, the green pheasant naturally paid more attention.

So combined with the dead golden lion, the group of mute bride pirates who happened to appear on the next island that happened to be on the way.

“What killed the golden lion?”

“Well, what’s the problem?”

For the question of the pheasant, Genichi nodded without care.

The pheasant’s gaze that received an affirmative answer was immediately locked on Genichi, but Klockdar on the side also attracted the pheasant’s attention, the familiar outfit and the left hand that had been changed into a golden glove.

“Ah, this won’t be Klockdar~”

“I didn’t expect Klockdar to be.”

“Desert Great Sword!!!”

Without waiting for the pheasant to finish speaking.

A sand blade instantly burst out from the foot of the green pheasant

The sharp sand blade cut off the green pheasant directly in an instant.

However, at this time, Klockdar pouted unpleasantly.

“Cut, it’s nasty bad taste!”

Knowing that his attack would have no effect, the green pheasant in front of him actually looked like he had been cut off from the waist.

This under-beating look is really under-beaten.

Hear Klockdar’s complaining

I saw that the corpses that had been beheaded on the ground suddenly condensed together, and the green pheasant 957 that had just been beheaded appeared intact in front of the three.

“Really, I didn’t expect that you, as a Qiwu Sea, would also join this pirate group~”

“Ah la la, it’s really getting more and more dangerous~”

Rubbing his head, according to the information he learned, the green pheasant did not expect that the group of mute bride pirates who defeated Klockdar in Alabastan could pull the sand crocodile to the ship as well.

None of the intelligence of the Navy is mentioned.

However, he saw that Klockdar, who had recovered his daughter’s body.

The green pheasant suddenly understood again, and probably did not recognize this woman as Klockdar.

Watch Nicole Robin join such a dangerous pirate group

The green pheasant’s face was slightly solemn and stared at Nicole Robin, who was protected by Genichi and Klockdahl.

“Nicole Robin, join such a pirate group, do you think you are safe?”

Hear the words of the pheasant.

Nicole Robin, who had been somewhat relieved behind Genichi and Klockdar, suddenly trembled.

As if thinking of something bad, his eyes looked towards the green pheasant in horror.

“The more the pirate group you belong to, the more dangerous it is for them.”

“With you on the ship, sooner or later the world government will intervene to eliminate them!”

“How long do you think this pirate group can last in front of the world government?”

As the pheasant slowly spoke

Nicole Robin’s body suddenly trembled even more.

In the face of such a behemoth as the world government, a single word can ruin the entire Ohara.

Nicole Robin’s heart was even more full of fear.

Thinking that Sister Zhou and the others on the ship may die because of themselves.

Nicole Robin’s eyes were filled with despair.

Looking at Genichi and Klockdar, who were protecting themselves in front of him, Nicole Robin just wanted to speak.

“What is a world government?!!”

“If you have the ability, come here! Robin is the old lady’s crew!!! ”

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