The sound of the sound of a thunderstorm was so strange that the sound of a thunderstorm was so strange.


Apu’s strange voice came~


Accompanied by Apu’s strange voice, the music sounded, and everyone present was attracted and immersed in the music.

“Yo Yo Xi~ What kind of music is this? Why do I feel that my body is out of control?” Kizaru looked puzzled~ But his eyes were still calm and calm.

“I was captured by my music. Since I have met the general, I must make a big fuss before leaving!” Apu pouted~

“Boom!” Apu slapped his stomach. A sound came, and Kizaru immediately exploded.

Along with the explosion, Kizaru was blown to pieces, and his hands and feet were separated.

"Ah~ What a terrifying ability~" Kizaru was fine. His body turned into light and suddenly closed up.

This is...

Everyone was shocked. They originally thought that Kizaru was successfully attacked by Apu and everyone was relieved. But now it seems that Kizaru was not hurt at all.

"Hahaha, you can't hurt Kizaru if you don't have domineering power!" A burst of laughter came.

It was Bai Qi who had arrived at the destination who said this. The supernovas looked at Bai Qi one by one.

"This is... I remember, he is Bai Qi. If the supernovas also count him, he will undoubtedly be the giant among the supernovas!" The strange monk Ulki said in shock.

"Bai Qi? I have heard of it." Hawkins also echoed. "The guy who killed Jack the Drought was only eight years old. This is the real supernova!"

"Enough of playing, I will withdraw first, you guys play~" Apu saw that the matter was a big deal and ran away in a hurry.

Apu was jumping on the roof while running.

"You sneak attacked me, it's not that easy to get away~" Kizaru turned into a ray of light again, and came to Apu's side in just a moment.

With a rotation and a side kick, Apu was hit and hit directly to the ground. Under the strong impact, the floor around him had cracked.

Apu spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"You all have to die here today~" Kizaru said angrily. "Because you newcomers are so terrible, your speed and weight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kizaru turned into a ray of light again, and came to Drake and Urouge's side in an instant.

With a bang, Urouge and Drake fell to the ground again.

All the scenes were seen by Bai Qi with his own eyes. He had just used the domineering of observation.

Bai Qi's mouth corners slightly raised. Kizaru's light-speed kick, his observation can completely see through!

It seems that the system product is an absolute treasure. The intermediate observation Haki is already useful against the admiral. It is conceivable that when all three colors of Haki are upgraded to the top level in the future~

Coupled with his abnormal physical fitness, hehe, that kind of powerful oppression, I am afraid that the entire pirate world, from ancient times to the present, no one can resist it~

On the battlefield, shocked by Kizaru's light-speed attack, the current supernovas no longer have the calm expressions of the past.

"Damn it, we are done now, Admiral Kizaru is serious." Drake's face was full of horror. He had personally witnessed the horror of Admiral Kizaru when he was a rear admiral in the navy.

These people today are not enough to fight against Kizaru alone. This time it's over!

Drake closed his eyes. It seems that he is completely defeated today, unless there is a miracle~

Hawkins was also shocked. How could it be possible? He had already divined! This time his probability of death is 0.

But judging from the current situation, he is afraid that he is in danger. "This, this is impossible!" Confused Hawkins picked up the card in his hand again and performed divination again. "The divination result is that there is a mutation, and the probability of death is 0." Hawkins muttered as he looked at the card in his hand. "Mutation~" Hawkins fell into thought. "Could it be?" Hawkins seemed to remember something and locked his eyes on Bai Qi. "Bai Qi, by the way, Bai Qi, this newcomer with a bounty of up to 1 billion, must be the key figure in this mutation!" Hawkins finally had a glimmer of hope in his heart. "Hey, are you still in a daze? You underestimated me~" Kizaru came to Hawkins' side again in an instant. "Speed ​​and weight! This is your last

"You're going to die, Hawkins~" Kizaru said with a slightly serious face.

"See if you can withstand my light-speed kick~" Kizaru grinned and said to Hawkins lazily and sarcastically.

Sizzle~ Kizaru's right leg instantly turned into light.

Hawkins' face was full of horror. Has the change not happened yet? Could it be that Hawkins, who had experienced so many hardships and defeated so many pirates, came to the Sabaody Archipelago!

Is this~ his burial place?

He closed his eyes and waited for Kizaru's attack. With Kizaru's speed, Hawkins knew in his heart that it was impossible to avoid it~

A black shadow suddenly appeared. Kizaru's attack did not stop for a long time. Hawkins slowly opened his eyes and saw a young figure appear in front of him.

This, this figure is, Bai Qi! The newest captain on the Whitebeard ship, the guy who once killed Drought Jack!


In the distance, a man and a woman dressed in newspapers pulled the trigger on their cameras.

"Did you take a picture? "The tall male newspaper member asked with concern.

"I took the photo, brother. I took the photo!" the female newspaper member said excitedly.

It is obvious that the tall and thin male newspaper member is the senior of this female member~

"Open it, let me see~!" the male newspaper member also said excitedly. At the same time, he took the photo handed over.

In the photo, Hawkins was lying on the ground, Bai Qi stood in front of Hawkins, stretched out his arms, and blocked Kizaru's side kick.

"I didn't expect that Bai Qi, the hot favorite, would be met by us today! "The male newspaper staff member was so excited that he was trembling when he spoke~

Holding this precious photo in his hand, he was trembling.

You know, this photo in front of him is likely to make him promoted three levels in a row!

I heard that last time, just taking a photo of Bai Qi defeating the members of the Don Quixote family and Owen of the Big Mom Group in the Dressrosa Arena. The journalist was directly promoted to the vice president of the news agency!

"Yes, senior brother, this time, Bai Qi's opponent is the admiral of the navy!" The female newspaper staff member also said excitedly.

"Senior brother, do you think we will be rewarded with tens of thousands of Baileys when we return to the company after taking such valuable information this time?" The female newspaper staff member blinked her big eyes and said excitedly.

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