The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Looking at the head of Page One rolling on the ground, the pirates of the Beasts Pirates opened their eyes wide, their eyes full of fear.

The boss Page One, who was still full of energy just now, chopped off the head in front of this eight-year-old kid with just one move! Just one move?

The fear of death from the depths of their souls devoured their hearts~

Some pirates were so scared that they peed their pants and collapsed on the ground motionless. Looking at the messy purple hair of Page One's head, they couldn't help but think that they would end up like this~

The air was filled with a silent atmosphere, "Run!" I don't know which pirate shouted.

The pirates of the entire Beasts Pirates evacuated the island like crazy. Some of them wanted to run faster, so they held on to the people in front of them and pushed and shoved each other, and even a stampede occurred.

Rayleigh stared blankly at the group of fleeing pirates. He shook his head helplessly, squinted his eyes and said lightly: "You little brat, it seems that you are notorious. Are even the pirates of the Beasts Pirates so afraid of you?"

The Beasts Pirates are not ordinary pirates. They are a super pirate group that is one of the Four Emperors of the New World!

It can be said that they have experienced many battles. Many pirates of the Beasts Pirates have also seen the world. It is common for them to clash with other Four Emperors, so when they see the opponent's generals, even the Four Emperors! Being able to stay calm is a basic requirement~

But these guys, facing Bai Qi, lost their minds one by one, which shows how bad Bai Qi's reputation is~

In fact, Rayleigh was right. Bai Qi's reputation in the Beasts Group is indeed very loud. Everyone gave Bai Qi a nickname: Devil!

From the perspective of the Beasts Pirates, Bai Qi had committed all kinds of bad punishments against the Beasts Group. The all-traitor Drought Jack Outer Pirate Group, the all-traitor Sippshead Pirate Division, the instant killing of Holdem, the poaching of Speed, and the beheading of Drought Jack!

Which one doesn't match the title of Devil? !

This is also the reason why these pirates may still maintain some rationality when facing the Four Emperors, but when facing the devil Bai Qi, they can't maintain any rationality at all.

Looking at the pirates running frantically, Bai Qi sighed helplessly, "I say, am I that scary?"

Just Bai Qi said this, but his body honestly activated the Conqueror's Haki~~

Bai Qi closed his eyes, and a monstrous momentum suddenly centered on Bai Qi and began to run rapidly around.

Rayleigh next to him reflected a white light in his eyes. To be honest, Rayleigh was not very satisfied with the battle between Bai Qi and Page One just now. After all, he was killed instantly, which was not interesting.

But Bai Qi's Haki at the moment made Rayleigh suddenly interested.

"Conqueror's Haki?" Rayleigh said lightly.

Is the little ghost in front of him also the king's qualification that only one in a million people can appear?

But it's normal to think about it. If a guy who dares to kill the Celestial Dragons and fight with the generals says that he doesn't have Conqueror's Haki, this is called strange!

Sure enough, Bai Qi's tyrannical aura instantly enveloped an area of ​​one square kilometer with Bai Qi as the center.

It took less than 5 seconds for the pirates of the Beast Group to escape and for Bai Qi to use the Conqueror's Haki. Obviously, they were all easily surrounded by Bai Qi's Conqueror's Haki.

Under the wrapping of the terrifying Conqueror's Haki, the pirates' already frightened hearts trembled even more at this moment! The fleeing pirates fell to the ground one after another, and fainted directly from fear!

No one was spared! Bai Qi's mouth corners slightly raised. The life and death of these pirates depended on their own luck. There were countless beasts in this gloomy forest~

There was no doubt that some pirates would become the food of the beasts.

Pluto Rayleigh slowly walked over, "You guy, you are really scary~ Even the Conqueror's Haki is so skillful!" Rayleigh said lightly with a cigarette in his mouth.

Bai Qi laughed. If I were to be modest now, I'm afraid it would be too artificial.

"I say, old man, do you regret not joining my Great White Shark Pirates now?" Bai Qi said jokingly.

"Humph, little brat, you're still far from being good enough. My captain is only Roger! Haha!" Pluto Rayleigh also laughed at this joke.

After such a small episode, the two of them took a simple nap in the forest and continued to set sail the next day~

Swish~ The sea breeze blew, rolling the sea water,

It brought up ripples, which rushed to the farther sea, constantly hitting the beach in the distance.

A dot-shaped island gradually became larger and clearer.

"Finally reached the destination, Kraikana Island, where Hawkeye lives!" Bai Qi said excitedly.

After dealing with Hawkeye, in this last battle, he can meet the old man with white beard whom he hasn't seen for a long time!

On the beach of Kraikana Island, there is a small boat docked, and an old man and a young man jumped off the boat.

They are famous figures in this world, one is the old Pluto Rayleigh, and the other is Bai Qi, who is very popular recently!

Walking on the island, the whole island gives people a scene of decline. There is a slightly purple and rich humidity in the sky, and some cemeteries can be seen from time to time~

Lush trees take root here, forming patches of forests, blocking the sunlight from the sky, adding a lot of gloomy atmosphere to this small island.

It is hard to imagine that this place is the residence of the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!

At this moment on the island, a man with green algae hair was wrapped in bandages and staring at the surroundings with vigilant and angry eyes. It turned out that the man at this time was being intercepted by a group of baboons.

"Asshole! This damn baboon!" The green algae head held three samurai swords, and it was Zoro who was hit here by the bear!

The baboons around were moving quickly one by one, and they made strange sounds in their mouths. Surprisingly, these baboons were wearing human defensive clothing and holding human weapons.

It is a species unique to this island, also known as human imitators! As the name suggests, these baboons can imitate humans. This island is a place where wars are often raging.

As a result, the baboons here have become manic, and they have learned human means of war one by one.

"Damn it!" Zoro took three knives, used his skills, and slashed at a baboon with force.

However, this baboon not only dodged it, but also learned Zoro's moves!

"Damn it! How is this possible?" Zoro shouted loudly. He had learned swordsmanship for more than ten years, but animals could learn it just by watching him?

This made Zoro doubt his life. In anger, his previous wounds suddenly tore apart, and Zoro, who was in pain, almost fell to the ground.

"Wow wow wow ~" The baboons cheered and jumped for joy, and rushed towards Zoro with weapons.

Looking at the fierce attacks of the baboons. The injured Zoro said helplessly, "Asshole! This is over!"

However, when these baboons were about to knock Zoro down, they stayed where they were, threw down their weapons, and fled away like flying.

Zoro looked up in confusion, and saw two people, one old and one young, walking slowly towards him with a smile ~ It was Bai Qi Leili and the other two!

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