The boat was full of fish, and the boat was full of fish.

Whitebeard looked behind him. He didn't know when a seaway appeared on the ice sea, leading directly to the Navy Headquarters. The people on the boat could vaguely see that they were three famous guys in the world.

Hawkeye Mihawk, Pluto Rayleigh, and the little devil Bai Qi. "Kuhaha! Go for it, the little devil Bai Qi is coming!" Whitebeard said excitedly.

Diamond Joz, Flower Sword Vista, and the Ice Witch turned their heads and looked behind them. The little devil Bai Qi's ship sailed quickly on the sea like an arrow, and the ship stirred up waves after waves.

The morale of the entire Whitebeard Pirates suddenly increased. According to the plan, not only will Bai Qi, who has the strength to defeat the admiral, join the Whitebeard Pirates, but there will also be two powerful helpers, Hawkeye Mihawk and Pluto Rayleigh!

In other words, the Whitebeard Pirates will add three top combat forces at this moment! Enough to compete with the most powerful force on this sea, the Navy!

Diamond Joz saw the arrival of Bai Qi, and his morale soared. "What a shitty navy, dare to provoke our family of the Whitebeard Pirates, I won't forgive you, do you really think that our people in the Whitebeard Pirates are vegetarians?"

After saying that, Diamond Joz ran hard, and half of his body had been diamondized. While running, he directly knocked away some ignorant navy, and then pried up a huge ice block like a hill!

He raised this huge ice block high above his head and roared at the navy in front of him: "Dare to provoke our Whitebeard Pirates, you can block it if you have the ability!" Seeing the arrival of Bai Qi, Joz was full of energy, and a momentum emanated from Joz's body.

"What a strong arm!"

"How can we resist this? We will be crushed to death by ice!"

"Is this still a human?" Faced with Diamond Joz's sudden attack, the navy was shocked.

People all over the world saw this scene on the big screen, and they opened their mouths in surprise.

"I really didn't expect that the Whitebeard Pirates are worthy of being the world's largest pirate group, and even the captains are so powerful!" An intern reporter said in surprise.

"Needless to say? If it were any other Four Emperors, they would have been finished long ago. There is still a powerful guy in the Whitebeard Group who has not appeared. If he appears, I am afraid that the navy will be even more unable to resist." A news agency manager came to the intern and explained.

"More powerful guy? Is there anyone else who hasn't come?" The intern said with a confused look on his face.

The manager looked at the new intern in disbelief, squinting his eyes, and said suspiciously, "You really don't know?"

"I don't know, who else? I just started this industry not long ago..." The intern touched his head and said awkwardly.

"Even if you are not a journalist, don't you read newspapers? Alas, young people nowadays don't pay attention to national affairs. You don't even know Bai Qi, the Bai Qi who defeated Kizaru and Hawkeye to become the world's number one swordsman!" The manager almost roared.

"Bai Qi!?" The intern was like being struck by lightning. Who wouldn't know this popular figure that the New World has been talking about recently?

This vicious criminal, if a child cries, he will be scared and stop crying immediately by saying that the great pirate Bai Qi is coming.

How could I not know? It's just... I really didn't know that Bai Qi was on Whitebeard's ship.

This is not surprising. After all, when Bai Qi first boarded Whitebeard's ship, the only major thing he did was to defeat a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million...

Compared with the current Bai Qi, it is simply incomparable.

This intern is also the perception of Bai Qi by most ordinary people in the current pirate world: a sinful criminal who dares to kill Celestial Dragons and attack the admiral at a young age...

On the battlefield, Akainu, who was sitting on the throne of the three admirals, had a cold look in his eyes.

"Did the morale increase because of that bastard Bai Qi? And that bastard Kizaru really made the navy lose face!" Akainu said angrily.

"Really, if everyone goes out, who will guard the execution platform?" Akainu said with cold eyes, slowly standing up.

The whole arm turned into a speech with extremely hot temperature, dripping on the ground, and the ground was immediately burned into large holes, making a sizzling sound from time to time.

Looking at the huge ice block in the sky, Akainu raised his lips slightly, "Humph, you guys underestimate the navy too much!"

"Big Spitfire!!

!" Akainu punched out, and a huge fire fist full of magma suddenly appeared. Under the strong high temperature, the air made a crackling sound.

The red magma fist collided with the ice thrown by Joz in the air! With a bang, such a large piece of ice was smashed to pieces, and melted directly under the high temperature.

But the red magma fist still did not stop. After Peng turned, it turned into magma stones, and smashed towards Whitebeard and his men like a storm.

The largest piece of volcanic magma rushed directly to Whitebeard. Whitebeard looked at the approaching flame bomb in front of him, without a trace of ripples in his eyes.

He directly picked up the Kusukumoki in his hand and chopped at the flame bomb. The huge flame bomb was directly inserted into it.

"Fancy, magma kid, is this all you can do?" Whitebeard said disdainfully.

"Whitebeard, this is a luxurious funeral prepared for you! "Akainu was not to be outdone.

"Kuhaha, lava kid, you are only worthy of lighting candles on my cake!" Whitebeard exuded a domineering aura.

Boom, boom, the earth was shaking, and a huge figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield. It looked weird, with two horns on its head, and was extremely tall. It was the ancient giant, the demon Oz!

Oz took a big knife and walked directly to Ace's execution platform. Bang, bang, bang! One shell after another hit Oz's face!

Ace saw Oz coming towards him, and he was injured one after another. He roared: "Oz, don't come over, your huge body will become a living target for the navy!" Ace almost cried.

My family members are now fighting bloody battles for the mistakes they have made! All this is because of my willfulness!

The people watching the battle in front of the big screen showed surprised expressions. "Is this... an ancient giant? Wow... so tall, taller than the giant vice admiral of the navy!"

"How is it possible?" The giant navy vice admirals in the center of the battlefield showed surprised expressions one by one. It was taller than their giants! The demons are really powerful!

At this time, Bai Qi was less than 200 meters away from the periphery of the battlefield. Looking at the body taller than the mountain, Bai Qi said seriously, "Rayleigh, think of a way, let's rush to the inside of Crescent Bay! I have to go save people, little Oz has appeared, he can't die! ! "

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