The sea was full of monsters, but I didn't know about it.

When did such a monster appear on the sea? How come I didn't know about it?

"Who are you? Why didn't I know about your bounty order?!" Sipshead roared in extreme fear.

"Of course, I just went out to sea."

Sipshead was shocked again. He was defeated by a kid who just debuted. His luck was too bad.

However, Sipshead suddenly laughed. "Kid, you can't kill me. I am a subordinate of Jack, the boss of the Four Emperors! If you kill me, your whole family will be buried with me!"

"Oh? Do you know who my family is? If you want my family to be buried with you, our White Group will accompany you at any time!"

The people around the tavern, including Ellie, were shocked again. What on earth did our little Baizhuang Tavern experience today? There are two super pirate groups fighting here!

"Whitebeard? Whitebeard?" Sipshead seemed to remember a very terrible enemy, and began to tremble all over. At this time, he knew very well that he would die today!

"How about it? Let you die knowingly. It's good for you, right?"

Bai Qi raised his sword high above his head. At this time, the seriously injured Sipshead was unable to escape.

"Even if you are a member of the Whitebeard Group, what good will you do to your Whitebeard Group? If the two major pirate groups go to war, we will not get any advantage! Stop it quickly, kid!" Sipshead struggled with the last glimmer of hope.

However, reality is cruel.

Bai Qi did not pay much attention to Sipshead's warning. He raised the sword high and chopped it down.

The speed was too fast.

Sipshead could only stare with his eyes wide open, watching the sword slash down fiercely.

With a whoosh~

The white sword light flashed and passed by Sipshead's neck.

Before he could scream, his head fell down.

Judging from the wide eyes, the deceased was extremely frightened before death.

Blood gushed out, and Sipshead's body fell down.

As a witness, Ellie screamed in fear when she saw this scene, and then her body trembled and fainted.

There was a deathly silence all around.

Bai Qi looked at the customers around him and said lightly: "If Jack's people come to investigate, tell him that my name is Bai Qi. The captain of the 17th Division of the Bai Group. If you are not afraid of death, you can come to me!"

"Also, such a beautiful lady fainted, don't you know that the Den Den Mushi is called a doctor?"

"Yes, Lord Bai Qi." The people around were so scared that they quickly called the Baizhuang Hospital.

Watching Bai Qi gradually walk away.

"That brat just now actually wiped out Kaido's entire squad?"

"Really? Although I saw it with my own eyes, I still can't believe it now."

"It's over now. When the two major pirate groups fight, we will definitely bear Kaido's wrath! We will all be blamed when the time comes~"

The tavern owner who had been silent just now suddenly became active.

Everyone looked ugly. It was too unlucky. The whole tavern had a pungent smell of blood, which blended into the air and made people sick. The scene was full of corpses and I didn't know how to deal with them.

The tavern owner squatted on the ground and didn't know how to deal with it. As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer.

On one side is the Beast Pirates, and on the other side is the Whitebeard Pirates.

I can't afford to offend either one!

A male waiter in the tavern asked the boss weakly: "Boss, how should we deal with it?"

The tavern owner's mind was blank now, and his face was full of helplessness~

How to deal with it? The two most powerful pirate groups in the world are fighting here, and so many people have died. You ask me how to deal with it?

Especially since the dead are Kaido's men. I have long heard that the Beasts Pirates are cruel and unjust. Now so many of my men have died here. Even if I know it has nothing to do with the tavern, I will definitely vent my anger here!

"Hurry up and ask the navy to deal with the bodies. In addition, if anyone asks about this, just say that the two major pirate groups don't like each other and it has nothing to do with our tavern."

"By the way, didn't the demon say when he left just now that his name is Bai Qi, and when the Beasts Pirates come, report his name to them."

"It seems that I have to leave the New World. This place is too difficult to gain a foothold." The boss sighed heavily, packed his luggage, found a carriage, and evacuated quickly.

Only a group of waiters were left with a confused look on their faces.

Three days later, the New World, Wano Country.

On an island next to Onigashima.

Bilibili~ Bilibili~ The phone sounded.

Rumble, a heavy voice came,

It was like an earthquake.

You can imagine how huge and strong this person's body is.

The person who came was Jack, one of the three leaders of the Beast Pirates, known as the Drought! Wherever Drought Jack passed, there would be no grass, and the whole land would be filled with grief!

He had a ponytail and a pigtail, a metal jaw in his mouth, and looked very ferocious. He wore a thorny orange on his body, and two sickle-shaped long knives hung around his waist.

He picked up the Den Den Mushi with his huge hand.

"Master Jack, Siphead, that group was wiped out!"

"What did you say?" Jack's face instantly became gloomy, his eyebrows slightly raised, and he looked particularly ferocious.

"Jie, Master Jack, Sipshead was indeed annihilated!"

"He is inferior to his opponent, so let him die. We will have a real fight some other day. But this weakling has lost the face of our Beasts Pirates. Who killed him?"

In the pirate world, the strong prey on the weak, this is the iron rule that everyone abides by. Sipshead is just a dog to Jack, and it is not a pity that he died. But this dog lost the face of his master, this is the real problem! We must find the guy who wiped out Sipshead, cut him into pieces, and defend the face of the Beasts Pirates!

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