The reporter was so excited that he could not wait to see the video.

"Close-up! Close-up!" The reporters in the bird house in the sky were completely excited.

"Not only did he defeat Sengoku, but he also scared off the entire Blackbeard Pirates?" Morgan Gans murmured.

"Bai Qi is so handsome! He killed the evil wolf in one blow, and the huge body was cut in half. It's so scary!" A reporter's eyes still showed excitement.

"Yeah! Not only did he kill the evil wolf in one blow, but he also defeated Xilu of Rain with one blow! Xilu of Rain is the warden of the Impel Down, and his strength is unfathomable. I didn't expect Bai Qi to defeat him with just one move!" Another reporter added.

"It seems that this war is unclear again... It's really tortuous, but the more tortuous it is, the more I like it! Hahaha!" Morgan Gans said excitedly.

The more tortuous this war is, the greater the profit will be.

In the whole bird house, when everyone was excitedly communicating, an intern showed a cold look and walked behind Morgan Gans with a frown.

Silently, one reporter after another fell to the ground, and finally the dagger sank into Morgan Gans' back.

Morgan Gans turned his cheek, "You..." Looking at the men around him who fell to the ground and bled continuously, Morgan Gans said in horror.

"You... You are a member of the CP organization!" Morgan Gans said in shock.

"That's right, you are going to die, and I am not afraid to tell you that I am a member of CP0. This time I came to monitor you!"

"The order given to me by the top is that if the intelligence you obtain is harmful to the navy, then wipe it out on the spot!" The intern showed a cold smile.

"It's really ironic, Morgan Gance, the day when you said the news value is the greatest is the day when your life ends. How could the world government let you spread unfavorable news at will?" The members of the CP0 organization showed a slanting smile.

"Flutter!" Morgan Gance jumped directly from the bird house. When CP0 tilted his head and looked down, Morgan Gance had already flown away.

"Well, all this information is still in the bird house, so you can keep your life for now~" CP0 muttered as he looked at the sky and turned into an albatross.

In the whole Marinford, no one noticed that just when they were fighting fiercely, a bird house in the sky pulled by a bird suddenly caught fire...

In just a few minutes, the changes on the battlefield changed dramatically again!

The sharp slashes in the sky kept colliding, which was the struggle between Pluto Rayleigh, the deputy of the former Pirate King Roger, and Admiral Kizaru.

"Hahaha! Kizaru, you were so smug just now, but now you've been slapped in the face, right?" Pluto Rayleigh said sarcastically.

Upon learning that Bai Qi was defeated, Kizaru, who had just recovered from his lazy state, looked ugly again.

What a joke, is Bai Qi still a human being? After such a terrible blow, he was able to turn the tables?

And he was wearing seastone handcuffs! This kid has severely damaged Marshal Zhan Guo again. It has to be said that there are too many mysteries about this kid...

Various fruit abilities can ignore seastone, abnormal defense, and the ability to move in space. Which of these can't make a person a hegemon?

All these abnormal talents are concentrated on this eight-year-old kid, a demon child, an absolute demon child, he is not a human!

Monster! This is the most appropriate word that Kizaru can think of to describe Bai Qi.

Looking at Kizaru's weird look, Pluto Rayleigh found it more and more funny. Bai Qi, this kid, was really a surprising guy~

Bai Qi's weird performance on the battlefield, always paying attention to the execution platform, Crane, as the chief of staff, naturally noticed it.

At this time, Vice Admiral Crane had a severe headache and threw some medicine into his mouth.

"Asshole! Bai Qi is indeed the biggest variable in this war!" In fact, long before the war broke out, Chief of Staff Crane had analyzed the battlefield.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Navy has a very high chance of winning. If there is an accident in this war, it must happen to Bai Qi.

I didn't expect it to come true so soon...

"It's a pity that you lost this battle, Vice Admiral Crane! Now you understand why I believe in Bai Qi unconditionally, right? Because Bai Qi is the kind of man who does what he says!" Empress Hancock's beautiful eyes revealed

Admiring eyes.

Did they fail? Chief of Staff He looked at the entire battlefield.

Luffy, Ace, and Little Oz have already rushed to the execution platform. There is no doubt that these three people will become another powerful foreign aid to support the Whitebeard Pirates.

At the execution platform, Sengoku was seriously injured, and Garp had to face Bai Qi, the injured Whitebeard, Marco, and Ace, Luffy and Little Oz who came next.

The three admirals on his side were all tied up and had no spare time to do other things.

Akainu was already injured, and although Aokiji was not seriously injured, his physical strength was very limited after releasing the Ice Age in succession... Kizaru was also tightly entangled by Pluto Rayleigh.

The admirals were barely equal.

The vice admirals were not good enough. Many of the outer captains of the Whitebeard Pirates had already reached the level of vice admirals. In addition to the combat power of Doflamingo, Empress Hancock, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the vice admirals were completely suppressed.

Among them, the veteran vice admiral, Spider-Man, was seriously injured... Spider-Man was definitely a first-tier combat power among the vice admirals, but I didn't expect that he would be defeated so miserably!

As for the other weaker forces, their levels were about the same, and the minions completely saw who had more people, and who would win.

Throughout the battlefield, the top combat power of the navy and the middle-to-middle combat power were frustrated. It was like two people fighting, and one of them was strangled by the opponent!

Vice Admiral Tsuru, as a chief of staff, sighed deeply. As a chief of staff, how could he not see the situation of this war?

In the direction of the execution platform, Garp asked Sengoku with a dark face: "How about it, Sengoku, you retreat first, leave it to me here!" Garp clenched his fists and said.

"I'm fine and can protect myself. I can't retreat at this moment, otherwise the navy will really have no hope!" Zhan Guo gritted his teeth and said while enduring the pain.

"Okay, then I can fight without worries!" Garp's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Garp, although you are very strong, two fists can't beat four hands. I give you a suggestion. First deal with Bai Qi!" Zhan Guo said after analyzing the whole battle situation.

Bai Qi, this guy, really impressed Zhan Guo. Now think about it carefully. Although this war was launched by Whitebeard's conspiracy, it has always been Bai Qi who determined the trend of this war!

Now Zhan Guo is very sure that if his navy wants to turn the tables, the only hope is to kill Bai Qi. At this time, Zhan Guo has regarded Bai Qi as a more terrifying existence than Whitebeard!

"Well, Zhan Guo!" Garp's eyes were furious, and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to shoot out light, staring at Bai Qi straight.

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