The blue flames were scattered, and some of the energy reached Kibe.

Although Marco had resisted most of the damage, Kibe was still knocked to the ground by the aftermath.

"You came in time, Marco, otherwise, I can't guarantee that Kibe can survive!" Bai Qi exhaled heavily, relieved.

There was silence all around!

The pirates who were watching the battle and talking and laughing just now, now looked dull and opened their mouths into a European shape! Their throats were very dry, and they swallowed hard, their eyes all focused on Bai Qi.

Even the core captain of Whitebeard and his gang opened their mouths wide.

Diamond Joz patted his head vigorously with his hands, his eyes were dull, and he looked like a dementia.

Joz rubbed his eyes vigorously, and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Whitebeard's eyes were full of strange expressions, and he didn't say a word.

After a long time, Vista's lips trembled, and he opened his mouth and said: "Joz, why did the boy's attack just now look so similar to..."

"Trembling Fruit!" Joz shouted!

"Yes, although it can't be compared with Dad's Trembling Attack, it is indeed the attack method of the Trembling Fruit." Vista said in disbelief.

Everyone turned their eyes to Dad Whitebeard.

Dad brought such a terrifying kid to our ship!

Whitebeard was not so surprised, after all, he had personally witnessed Bai Qi's fruit ability.

Even he was so surprised at the time, it was reasonable for these captains to be surprised.

But Whitebeard still didn't say a word, which made the captains even more confused. I wonder what my father is talking about. Why won't he speak up now?

Kibbe, one of the protagonists of this battle, how could he not feel the horror of the attack just now? !

Kibbe's back was covered with cold sweat, his eyes were dull and lifeless, the corners of his mouth kept shaking, and he stammered: "The power just now was so terrible, I can't believe you are so strong, if that attack just now, hit me..."

Kibbe didn't say it, but everyone with a discerning eye knew that the attack just now would have killed Kibe!

Contrary to his usual behavior, Kibe slowly exhaled and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I am arrogant. I lost this game! I lost with conviction!"

In this battle, Kibe completely understood what kind of existence he was on the Whitebeard Moby Dick.

From beginning to end, he was the only one who was arrogant. He couldn't even beat a kid who just got on the ship, so he didn't have the face to say that he was a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions in the future!

After going through the gates of hell, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more relaxed. It's better to be alive. Even if his strength on the Moby Dick is not conspicuous, he can be protected by the world's most powerful pirate group, Whitebeard, so his safety is still very guaranteed!

In the future, he will be on the Whitebeard Group, clean up well, do his part well, and never dare to shout that he is a big pirate.

"You go back first, Kibe, and have a good rest." Marco said.

"Yes, Captain Marco." Kibe turned his head and looked at Bai Qi, then slowly left. Only a dejected figure was left.

The cold sweat on Marco's forehead has not faded yet, and there is a look of surprise between his eyes.

If he had been a step later, it would have been a tragedy!

There is also this kind of attack. How can I not know it? Isn't this the attack of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit of Whitebeard? !

"Kid, what was your attack just now? "Although he was sure, Marco still couldn't believe it.

"Vibration Fruit attack. A lower level of the Vibration Fruit." Bai Qi said.

Marco exhaled, but there was still a look of doubt in his eyes.

Although it was a lower level of the Vibration Fruit, no one had seen the complete fruit illustration, so Marco was still skeptical.

The pirates around heard the words "Vibration Fruit" and were full of doubt, with a flash of white light in their eyes.

"This kid can do Vibration Attack?"

"It seems that the kid just told Captain Marco what kind of Vibration Fruit it was~"

"Impossible! How can it be so similar to the fruit attack of Lord Whitebeard!"

"Could it be Father Whitebeard's son?"

"Have you ever seen a fruit that can be transmitted through blood?!"

"This kid is so surprising."

Everyone was talking about it, and it was so lively.

"Everyone, go away!" Whitebeard coughed a few times.

Whitebeard and Joz and other core captains

A group of people came over.

The pirate ship, which was bustling just now, has now returned to its former calm. Everyone is doing their job, and one has to admire Whitebeard's leadership ability.

Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the combat mission! Defeat the pirate with a bounty of over 100 million and you will be rewarded with Observation Haki! Perfectly complete the mission and you will be rewarded with cooking skills (one-time consumable).

A confident smile appeared on Bai Qi's lips.

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