The flag was set smoothly, but he had to stay in this town for a while.

Bai Qi found out the best tavern around, and when he saw the only eight-story high-rise in the town, he chose it!

"Boss, give me the best room, two rooms." Bai Qi walked into the best tavern mentioned by the locals.

"Sir, do you want to stay in a room? Our room costs 5,000 Baileys a night." The waiter said perfunctorily when he saw Bai Qi's short appearance.

Where did the little ghost come from here? He also learned to open a room like an adult? If it weren't for the rules of the tavern, the waiter would have thought of sending the little ghost away quickly.

His own store is the most expensive tavern in Taiqiu. Who of the people who come here is not a local rich man in Taiqiu?

How could a little brat with such shabby clothes have the money to stay in a tavern~

So he thought of telling the price to make this kid give up.

"Okay, this is one million Baileys." Bai Qi took out the money directly.

"I'm really sorry, I've used up all the change. You can take this one million Baileys first. We may stay for a while." Bai Qi threw the banknotes on the counter, took the keys of two rooms, and then turned to the second floor.

"This, this, this..." The waiter looked at the banknotes worth one million Baileys on the counter, his face full of confusion.

I'm really short-sighted. Whose son is this? Why is he so unfamiliar? The waiter patted his head hard, but still couldn't remember.

Then, a centaur-like woman came up, and the waiter smiled.

This is a devil fruit ability user! I remember that ten years ago in Taiqiu Town, there was also a local devil fruit user who was very powerful in Taiqiu. Even the mayor respected him.

Finally, this devil fruit user was unwilling to stay in this small place for the rest of his life and went out to explore the world. I remember that when this devil fruit user went out to sea, the whole town saw him off, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

I don't know how he is doing now.

The centaur woman in front of me must be the legendary animal-type devil fruit user.

I heard that animal-type users have inhuman strength and speed, and are much stronger than ordinary people in terms of physical attack and defense.

They are also the crew members that major pirate groups are vying to recruit. I can't afford to offend a small waiter like me.

"Hello, beautiful lady, do you want to stay in a room?" The waiter squeezed out a professional smile.

"Have you seen a boy this tall, eight or nine years old?" Speed ​​blinked his big eyes.

"Beautiful lady, his room is 205, 206, two rooms in total." The waiter didn't dare to neglect him, and even bent his waist.

After watching Speed ​​leave, the waiter wiped the sweat from his head. I heard that animal-type devil fruit users are more irritable, and most of them are pirates, so I dare not neglect him.

Wait, the centaur user just now is looking for that kid again? That means the two are together, one is rich, and the other is a devil fruit user.

It seems that these two people must be colleagues under some extraordinary power.

"The appearance of a centaur, and she is a woman. Is it very unique? Maybe I can find some clues in the newspaper." The waiter was bored and flipped through the nearly 100 newspapers next to him.

From the dust on the newspapers, it can be seen that these newspapers are all old newspapers. In the pirate world, some barren places have relatively blocked communication with the outside world. The newspapers used are generally more lagging.

In addition, it is quite expensive to buy real-time newspapers, so people here usually buy some old newspapers, which are one-tenth of the latest news newspapers. This is also one of the reasons why old newspapers are popular in some small towns. Continue to look through. "Centaurs, Centaurs..." The waiter muttered to himself. Another ten minutes passed. I saw the picture of Centaur Speedra delivering the treasure ship. "Found it, let me see the title." The waiter carefully examined the newspaper. "Speedra escorted the treasure ship and enjoyed himself, but some villagers around him starved to death." The waiter read the title word by word. "What? It's just some gossip reports." It's just that... The next moment, his eyes gradually became serious, and finally horrified. The lady just now, named Speedra, was actually from the Beast Pirates? The Beast Pirates, that is the legendary Four Emperors Pirates! The four most powerful pirates

The pirate group formed by them is the absolute king in their own territory! Even the navy is not in their eyes!

Speed ​​belongs to Kaido's Beast Pirates.

That pirate group has always been brutal and uses suppression and exploitation as its main way of ruling!

If you neglect it, you may be killed. That war group that regards human life as worthless!

Wow~ Two incredible people have come to my tavern. The waiter's hands trembled unconsciously. Did he say something he shouldn't have said just now?

Will his service attitude make the two unhappy? The waiter fell into deep thought.

However, this waiter doesn't know yet that the eight-year-old kid is a more powerful person than Speed.

At this moment, people all over the world, including Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, are discussing Bai Qi, the kid.

"President, Bai Qi is really a topic of conversation!" Ou Di said with a shocked face.

"Yes, to be honest, in all the years I've been in this business, this kid is the one who shocked me the most." The president of the World Economic News gave Bai Qi a high evaluation.

As the president of the World Economic News, he knew too many things, such as the Five Vice Admirals' Demon Slaying Order, the snatching of the historical text, and even the wars under the Four Emperors, as well as the past of Pirate King Roger.

He had heard of all these, and even some of them were reported by himself.

However, they could not shock Morgans, because Morgans could always read the big things with common sense, but Bai Qi, this kid, could not use common sense at all~

At the age of eight, Bai Qi, this kid, had just won the arena in Dressrosa~ Not even two days later, he actually defeated Drought Jack of Kaido's Beasts Pirates.

The Drought Jack who had super strong defense and dared to challenge the Four Emperors and the generals directly!

The tyrannical man with a bounty of more than 1 billion!

This is nothing. The most shocking thing is that Bai Qi actually, actually killed Jack with his own hands!

This has obviously broken the agreement between the Four Emperors and the balance between the Four Emperors~

The Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. These two legendary Four Emperors pirate groups will be at risk of a full-scale war!

A war caused by a little captain Whitebeard!

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