The youngest of the Four Emperors, Red-haired Shanks, and Beckman discussed with great interest about Bai Qi.

Jesus said, "I didn't expect that Whitebeard had a treasure~"

Beckman echoed, "This kid is definitely a genius. A fighting genius!" From Beckman's eyes, one can see the anticipation.

"I didn't expect that he could kill Drought Jack." Red-haired Shanks held the newspaper and stared at Bai Qi's head on the newspaper.

"No matter how you look at it, it's just a kid~" Jesus sighed.

"It seems that the new era is really here. What, little ones, are you scared?" Red-haired looked around and looked at everyone.

"Hahaha!" The laughter of the pirates came from all around?

"If he dares to go against our Red Hair Pirates, I don't mind giving him a taste of bullets." Jesus Bu muttered.

"Hehehe, Jesus Bu, don't let that kid defeat you." Beckman took a puff of cigarette, looked at Jesus Bu, and then turned to look at Red Hair.

The two of them looked at each other, and they could see from their eyes that they were eager to meet the kid.

"Hahaha! I'm really looking forward to the arrival of the new world!" Red Hair and Beckman and others looked at each other and laughed.


The next day, Bai Qi just left the tavern and saw a group of people in black.

"This is Bai Qi, but he's a powerful character!" Everyone talked about it.

"Yes, the navy has been alarmed."

"How do you know?"

"You don't know yet, our town is surrounded by navy now, I think there are almost two thousand people in total!"

Bai Qi was confused. Ta Ta Ta~ Just after he finished speaking, a group of navy came over in goose steps.

Speed's face was filled with fear. "Captain Bai Qi, has this alarmed the navy? We are afraid that we are surrounded by the navy. I wonder if there are any generals coming."

"General?" Bai Qi was surprised. Speed ​​was too timid.

He was so scared of everything. Jack the Drought was scared. If Jack was Speed's boss before, then it was natural for him to be subconsciously afraid of Jack the Drought after living under Jack's reign of terror for so long.

But seeing that the navy was also so scared, it only showed that Speed ​​was too timid.

"Speed, remember, I am here in our Great White Shark Pirates, so you don't have to be afraid of anything."

A gust of wind blew up Bai Qi's hair. Although he was only an eight-year-old child, he was so tall in Speed's eyes.

Like a mountain, it gave people a sense of inner security.

"Well, Captain Bai Qi, I believe you~" Speed ​​nodded happily.

"Well, get on the horse and show your strength." Bai Qi jumped up and jumped onto the back of Speed ​​Centaur.

"What's wrong, Navy, what do you want from me? I don't think I've offended any Navy, right?" Looking at the Navy surrounded by nearly two thousand people, Bai Qi smiled faintly.

"Hahaha, kid, it seems that you are as brave as the rumors say." The smoking man Smoker appeared, holding a big cigar in his mouth, wearing a white leather jacket, and holding a special sea tower stone fork weapon in his hand.

From the Navy crowd, Bai Qi recognized Smoker at a glance. "Oh? You are Smoker, right? Why? The Navy sent you to arrest me?"

Bai Qi was a little confused. First, he didn't offend the Navy, so why would the Navy send someone to find him.

Secondly, even if the Navy felt that his threat was too strong, they would have to send a more powerful Vice Admiral, right? Smoker's current rank is not Vice Admiral.

I am the man who killed Jack the Drought. Unless the navy is crazy, why would they send a mere smoker to arrest me?

Smoker was slightly stunned. "Why, Bai Qi, do you know me?" After saying that, he looked at Bai Qi, but he couldn't remember any past with the kid in front of him.

"Don't worry about this. I know all the famous people in the whole pirate world." Bai Qi grinned mysteriously. He didn't lie. He chased One Piece in the anime in his previous life, so naturally he knew all the characters in it.

"Haha, interesting kid." The smoker continued to light a cigarette. "I'll be frank. I came here on the orders of Marshal Sengoku to invite you to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was shocked.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea? That is an existence independent of the navy and pirates!"

"I heard that each of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has its own privileges~ This kid just

Entering the sea, there is such a good thing waiting for him, what a lucky guy~"

"Yes, the kid really made a fortune. With the title of Shichibukai, it will be much easier to do some things in the future."

Everyone was talking about it, it was so lively. After all, Shichibukai is still very famous in the pirate world.

Even some powerful pirates regard being Shichibukai as their life goal~

Obviously, everyone thought Bai Qi would agree to the navy~

"I refuse!" Bai Qi said firmly.

"What?!" The people around opened their mouths one by one, unable to believe that someone would refuse the invitation of Shichibukai!

That is the dream of many pirates!

Smoker was also confused. "Kid, what did you say? "

Some of the surrounding navy have already shown an impatient look. If you don't join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, then you are a real pirate!

Since ancient times, the navy and pirates cannot coexist. Some people have already thought about getting rid of this ignorant kid here. Maintain true justice!

A female officer in the crowd drew her sword. It was Smoker's subordinate Dashiki. She wore a pair of glasses and stared at Bai Qi and Speed ​​fiercely.

"Since you don't join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, then you are the enemy of our navy. For the justice of the navy, I will get rid of you." Dashiki, who was wearing glasses, said seriously.

"You are quite brave, little sister. "Bai Qi was amused.

Looking at Tashigi, who was only a sergeant, Bai Qi was a little amused. It seemed that there were many people in the One Piece world who didn't know their own weight~

"Well, sister, I don't know how to be gentle with women~" Bai Qi stared at the female officer wearing glasses in front of him with interest, wondering if she dared to rush up.

"Kill you!" Tashigi drew her knife and rushed over suddenly.

Really dare~

A puff of smoke suddenly appeared, and then a person stood in front of Tashigi, holding down Tashigi's saber with his hand.

"You are not his opponent yet, Tashigi~ Don't make a meaningless sacrifice." Smoker said with a serious look in his eyes.

"But,,, just let them go like this?"

"Our mission has been completed, Tashigi, as for them, there will be special personnel to deal with them, we can report to the headquarters. "Smoker said with serious eyes.

After taking two steps, he turned his head and looked at Bai Qi: "Bai Qi, you will regret not joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Pirates like you will be punished by justice sooner or later." After saying that, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Hahaha, the punishment of justice? Why are you navy so pedantic? You are not as clear as Doflamingo. What is justice? As long as victory is justice!" Bai Qi said lightly with sharp eyes.

Smoker was obviously stunned, and his voice lingered for a long time. What is justice? Is it really as this pirate kid said, that the winner is synonymous with justice?

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