On the other side of the battlefield, thirty pirates were surrounding the ten members of the Great White Shark Pirates who had just been recruited from the New World.

It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of Bai Qi's recruited men is much stronger than that of the native pirates of the Sabaody Archipelago~

Especially the big man who was nearly two meters tall, it can be said that he alone restrained nearly ten people.

If it weren't for this two-meter-tall strong man who restrained so many pirates, it would be hard to say whether the situation here was a win or a loss.

Bai Qi already had an idea that he could be appointed as the captain of a small team under Speed ​​in the future.

And the income and weapons of each level of personnel are different.

This is a modern management concept. As long as you have the ability, even if you are only half a level higher than others, you will be given a different level.

There are also differences in wages and weapons.

Only in this way can the competition of the Great White Shark Pirates be mobilized to the maximum extent, and high-quality pirate talents can be cultivated to the maximum extent~

There is progress only when there is competition~

The battlefield with the largest number of people surrounded, Speed ​​Battlefield, at this time Speed ​​opened the observation Haki, and the pirates' movements were as slow as a snail in Speed's eyes~

"This Centaur, how can it feel that he can see through my attack?"

"Asshole! This Centaur is too weird, and he can even dodge my attack from behind. What kind of fruit ability is this?"

Everyone complained, after all, fifty pirates couldn't take down a woman, it was too embarrassing~Everyone became anxious.

Brother Leopard was so angry that his lips trembled. Yelling: "You bunch of idiots, don't tell me that it takes so long to kill a child?" After saying that, Brother Bao looked at Bai Qi with anger.

"What?..." Brother Bao couldn't believe his eyes. His men collapsed on the ground one by one, scared to death? !

Look at the masked kid who was unharmed. Strange? Could that kid know some witchcraft?

Brother Bao suddenly slapped his head with his hand. "That's right! This kid must also be a devil fruit user!"

Facing two devil fruit users at the same time, this is a bit too much~

This is bad!

Brother Bao looked at Bai Qi with his peripheral vision, and Bai Qi didn't mean to attack.

He had been in the Sabaody Archipelago for so many years, but he didn't expect that this time, he would fail~

It must be the supernova, the masked kid!

In addition to the supernova, Brother Bao really couldn't think of any other force that could beat his pirate group like this.

The defeat is already apparent~

Just when Brother Leopard was distracted, an arrow whizzed and hit Brother Leopard's heart.

After a while, except for the pirates who collapsed on the ground and peed their pants, the surrounding pirates were also wiped out~

"Speed, you are too slow here~" Bai Qi said with his hands spread out.

Faced with the slaughter of these rookies who can't even use Haki, Bai Qi obviously can't show any interest.

This is why Bai Qi didn't kill Brother Leopard himself.

The reason is simple, he is not qualified~As a pirate leader, at least the bounty is over 100 million for Bai Qi to be qualified to kill him personally~

"Sorry, Captain Bai Qi, I will definitely continue to improve my strength!" Speed ​​said awkwardly.

Faced with some rookies without Haki, he actually took so long, and Speed ​​was also a little embarrassed.

Looking at the situation on his side, three people were slightly injured, and no one was injured~

Bai Qi was slightly satisfied with his new subordinates. Although their strength was not very strong, he could slowly cultivate them in the future. After all, facing the attack of pirates with superior numbers, his Great White Shark Pirates were able to survive, and Bai Qi was basically satisfied.

He once again cast his eyes on the dozen enemy pirates who were slumped on the ground. At this time, their urine had dried up, leaving only traces of drying on the ground.

Bai Qi couldn't help but grinned again~

The pirates on the ground had strange expressions on their faces. Their boss had been killed, but the combat power of the dozen people in front of them was so terrifying!

And they were all ruthless people. Everyone was worried whether they would end up like their boss and Brother Leopard~

Everyone looked at Bai Qi with a horrible look on their faces. They knew very well at this moment that only Bai Qi could decide their life and death~

One by one, they knelt on the ground, "Uncle, please spare us, we will never dare to do it again~"


Bai Qi stared at these stray dogs kneeling on the ground begging for mercy~

"No, no, no~ We won't be pirates anymore, please forgive us~" They kowtowed on the ground one by one.

"You are really spineless~" Bai Qi smiled bitterly.

"Well, I'm afraid of dirtying my hands by killing you spineless guys~" Bai Qi said.

The pirates' faces eased after hearing Bai Qi's words, and their lives were finally saved~

I will never be a pirate again, it's too dangerous!

"But you have to answer a question for me, and I can let you go~" Bai Qi continued.

Answer the question? If you don't know the answer, won't you still die?

The pirates looked at Bai Qi nervously, fearing that Bai Qi would ask some tricky questions that were difficult to answer~

Their throats were dry and they swallowed their saliva.

"Tell me where Xia Qi's blackmail bar is?" Bai Qi asked.

To be honest, I only know from the comics that this weird bar is in the 13th area, but I don’t know the specific location from the anime~

I saw that the pirates who were sitting on the ground with nervous expressions were relieved at this time.

"Xia Qi's blackmail bar, it is in the 13th area. If you can spare us, we can send you there~"

"It's just..." The pirate was hesitant to speak.

"Just what?" Bai Qi looked unfriendly.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that Xia Qi, the owner of Xia Qi's blackmail bar, is not a good person. She likes to blackmail, especially foreign pirates~" After saying that, he looked at Bai Qi and his group.

Foreign forces, or pirates, aren't they Bai Qi and his gang~

Although the dozen people in front of me are very powerful, I have been in Xia Qi's extortion bar and have witnessed it with my own eyes~

A foreign pirate with a bounty of nearly 100 million was extorted, and then wanted to resist, but was beaten up by Xia Qi like a child~

From this, it can be seen that Xia Qi's strength is even more unfathomable~

"Hahaha!" Bai Qi laughed, "You don't have to worry about this, just lead the way~"

"Yes, yes, uncle~" The pirates nodded and bowed one by one.

"By the way, Speed, collect their treasures~" Bai Qi said lazily.

"Treasure? I like to do this kind of thing the most~" Speed ​​jumped up excitedly.

"You, if you have any treasures on you, hand them all over quickly. If I find a treasure that you haven't handed over, be careful that I will kill you~" Speed ​​said seriously, and there was no longer the breath of the girl just now.

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