The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Kid, how about joining forces?" Luo's face was already sweating, and he was shocked and worried.

The man in front of him was so strong! He could easily beat Luffy with one hand! If he didn't join forces with Kid, he would have no chance of winning!

"I agree..." Kid was also shocked by the scene just now. Now is not the time to worry about face.

The gap is too big. If he tries to be a hero for the sake of face, his end will be the same as Luffy's!

"Room! Magnetic Iron Fist!" Kid used his ability again, which was even bigger than the last time~

The whole venue was dark, giving people a depressing feeling.

With the blessing of Luo's room, the magnetic iron fist appeared directly in front of Bai Qi.

"What a great ability!" Bai Qi's mouth corners slightly raised.

"However, in the face of absolute strength, fancy tricks are useless!" Bai Qi licked his lips with his tongue~

He dodged easily by turning sideways!

"What? So fast!" Luo couldn't believe his eyes. In his own domain, Kidd's attack had been sent to Bai Qi's eyes! It was less than one meter away from Bai Qi.

But the opponent's reaction was too fast, as if... as if he could see through the future in advance!

After just thinking for a moment, Bai Qi had already moved in front of Luo at high speed.

"Take my punch, and taste the power of my daily sit-ups!" A punch hit Luo's stomach, Luo was knocked away, hit one wall after another, and finally fell into a coma.

Looking at Bai Qi who was smiling at him faintly at this time, "No, it's impossible!" Kidd was trembling all over at this time.

In front of him, this eight-year-old kid was so strong! For the first time in all the years of sailing, I felt the terror of the enemy!

For the first time, I knew the taste of fear!

Even when facing the Seven Warlords of the Sea and even the Four Emperors, Kidd believed that he would never lose his composure like this.

But facing Bai Qi, this eight-year-old kid, he couldn't stay calm.

He was so young, but he had such strong strength, such a terrible talent! He has surpassed the Four Emperors! Think about it, when I was this age, I was still fighting with street thugs...

Just like Law's ending, a phantom appeared. Kidd just showed a surprised expression, and was knocked unconscious by Bai Qi's punch!

"I've learned the power of the supernova!" Bai Qi said lightly.

As a result, the three supernova giants were all instantly killed by Bai Qi~

"Luffy, Luffy!" Nami and her group hurried to the place where Luffy fainted.

"Ah, I was defeated?" Luffy, who was awakened, looked confused.

"You idiot, he is the man who killed Jack the Drought! How could you be his opponent? He is different from all the opponents you have met before. Haven't you noticed?" Nami said reproachfully.

Is he different? Luffy stared at Bai Qi blankly. This person is indeed different from his previous opponents.

Although he looks very kind on the surface, Luffy also knows that this person is not only powerful, but also decisive, as if, as if he is a natural overlord!

This... this... will be a huge stumbling block on my way to becoming the Pirate King!

"Wait, why are those two guys, Luo and Kidd, fainted now?" Luffy was confused again.

"Are they also knocked unconscious?" Looking at Luo and Kidd motionless on the ground. Luffy asked puzzledly.

"Fainted." Sanji lit a cigarette and answered thoughtfully.

"How long did they hold on?" Luffy asked curiously.

"It was just... just a moment! It was too fast, I didn't see it clearly, but I only know that it took Bai Qi less than three seconds from the start to the end!" Sanji exhaled heavily and said in shock.

"Three... three seconds!" Luffy was shocked. He looked at Bai Qi again.

Is the gap between him and the goal so far? Is this... the monster of the new world? At the age of only eight, he defeated the elites who fought hard in the first half of the Grand Line!

"Damn it!" Luffy pounded the ground hard, "I can't accept it!"

Bai Qi was still measured in his attack on the supernova, and at this time, Law and Kidd also woke up.

After waking up, you looked at me, I looked at you, and each of us was as dumb as a wooden chicken.

"We... We lost so easily?" Kidd and Law looked at each other, their faces full of shock.


The chaos continued. The navy continued to pour out. The Celestial Dragon took advantage of the chaos and pointed his gun at Kami.

"You guy, it's because of you that my brother Charles Luosheng died. I want you to train him." Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace said angrily.

"No, go stop him!" Chopper said anxiously.

But everything was too late, the distance was too far, and there was no time to stop him.

With a bang!

All the minions in the entire venue fell to the ground, including Xia Lulia Palace and other Celestial Dragons.

An old man with a white beard, dragging his shoes and wearing a pair of glasses, walked slowly over.

"What?" Everyone was attracted.

"Kira, I didn't expect that there would be so many monsters in the small Sabaody Archipelago. This time I won't challenge rashly... Hehe." Kidd smiled bitterly, and then looked at Bai Qi.

This eight-year-old guy successfully taught himself a lesson! There are always people outside the sky, and Kidd is completely convinced this time!

After Pluto Rayleigh appeared, he focused his attention on Bai Qi.

"You are Bai Qi, right? I have heard of your name for a long time~" Pluto Rayleigh said lightly.

"Pluto Rayleigh! I have often heard of your deeds!" Bai Qi replied. I really didn't expect that old man Rayleigh was quite concerned about the entire pirate situation.

I became famous only in the past month, and I really didn't expect Rayleigh to know about it.

"Rayleigh! He is Rayleigh? The vice captain of the Pirate King?" Nami said in shock, and at the same time looked at Bai Qi.

"Why does that eight-year-old kid feel like he is on equal footing with Rayleigh~ What an arrogant kid!" Nami was full of emotion. Sure enough, if you have strength, you are awesome~

"And you, Straw Hat Luffy, I have wanted to see you for a long time!" Rayleigh looked at Luffy.

"Ah? I don't know you." Luffy said with a confused look on his face.

As in the plot of Pirates, after untying Camie's collar. Everyone fled.

Outside the venue.

Supernova gangster Becky was leading his men to board the ship. "That bastard! He actually dared to kill the Celestial Dragons. He's really crazy!"

"Boss, we have to leave quickly. There is intelligence that the general is coming soon." Becky's men said anxiously.

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