PS: I have already started working today, and I am tired when I come back, and I may update it very slowly in the future.

Zhao Yang, who returned to this world, glanced left and right and returned to the coffee shop, and without saying a word, he fell asleep and woke up in about three hours.

Zhao Yang suddenly sat up and said, "It's time for your doppelganger to collect these things."

What Zhao Yang said was nothing else, it was Pandora's box, and Bals's purpose did not know what it was.

So before his purpose was achieved, he collected it one step at a time, and he still knew where Pandora's box was.

There is a Pandora's box in the Nasita Coffee House, plus the other two also happen to have it, just thinking of this, Zhao Yang immediately took action.

His own doppelganger has already begun to act, and as for himself, he has already laid down to make salted fish.

At the same time, on the other side

, Bals had just come to Xidu not long ago, and he was also complacent when he saw Pandora running one of the pieces in his hand, but suddenly drank at this time.

"Put it down!"

The people of the Western capital soon rushed over, and they all took out their guns and pulled the trigger.

A large number of bullets shot towards Bals, and Bals only raised his right hand, and time paused instantly.

By the time time time time time it was returning, the people of the Western Capital would have died long ago.

Yuko Shidong, who was controlled by himself, should have already got it, and indeed as Bals thought, he did get it, but he didn't get it completely.

Zhao Yang's doppelganger just rushed over and snatched one of the pieces of Pandora's magic box in Shi Dong Yuzi's hand.

At this time, Shi Dongyuko no longer has self-awareness, and is completely a puppet.

Seeing the appearance of this person, she first paused and began to search the memory of this person in her mind.

Because this Zhao Yang at this time transformed into Levi, there was no knight in his memory at all.

Bals, who had just rushed over, also saw Kamen Rider Levi, and wondered in his heart, why did this knight also come to this era?

Bals spoke, "It's really getting more and more interesting, and Levi has come to this era."

Levi said, "Sure enough, from the world of Ekseid to this world, you have been interfering with the balance of history."

Bals replied, "Saying that I intervened in the balance of history, didn't you Kamen Rider Reiwa era also come?" I'm sorry to say me.

Levi said, "That's enough for you."

Took out a seal that Bals had never seen before.

Levi pressed the seal.

"Lord of demons,"

he sighed at the seal, then stamped it.

Don't ask where this seal came from, Zhao Yang synthesized it through the medium of demons, plus the processing of the system, without any side effects.

After stamping the seal, he inserted the seal in his hand on the drive and slammed it to the right.

Then the sound effect sounded, this voice was full of majesty and domineering, and at the same time had some Wang Ba qi.

"Dark, Darkness

" "Abyss, Abyss

" "Hell, Hell

" "Evil spirit, Evil Spirit

" "Satan, Demon Satan

" "Lord of the demons"

"Kamen Rider Levi Demon Lord Form"

Anyway, I just couldn't imagine that Kamen Rider Levi would have this form, and even if Bals wanted to break his scalp, he couldn't think of why he had this form.

Bals said in a somewhat surprised tone: "It's really surprising to me, Levi actually has this form."

Feeling this extremely huge energy, the corners of Bals's mouth rose and said: "To be honest, you really shouldn't show me this power, the power of Kamen Rider Levi, I will accept it unceremoniously."

Bals took the blank dial and pressed it against Levi, and then 5 seconds, 9 seconds, 10 seconds were stunned and nothing changed, and Levi still stood in place.


Bals never expected that the current Levi was strong enough to threaten him, and even immune to the theft of power, so he could only kill him first.

Levi took out his new weapon, a gun.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! More

than a dozen bullets hit Bals, and Bals just raised his right hand and stopped the dozen bullets that flew over.

What surprised Bals even more was that his time stopped, and it didn't have the slightest effect on Levi.

Seeing Levi rushing towards him with a gun, he quickly used time to accelerate and leave the place, and then hit several energy balls.

"Bang, boom!"

The dozen bullets that came over collided with Bals's energy ball, and an explosion suddenly occurred.

Of course, Zhao Yang also deliberately put a lot of water here, otherwise with his current strength, he would easily be able to catch Bals.

Levi said, "How about eating me?"

A new stamp on the belt was placed on this gun.

The sound effect sounded at the same time.

"Final release,"

an extremely dazzling shockwave hit Bals.

After Bals saw it, he did not dare to resist this blow, and at the same time, he could feel that if he really carried it, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.


Although it was empty, this attack caused a lot of dust after hitting the ground, and also exploded a huge deep pit.

Seeing this huge pit that was blown out, Bals dodged in time, but unfortunately the shock wave from the explosion still shook him out.

Although he opened the protective shield at that moment, he also suffered some injuries, although not serious, but still able to barely deal with Levi.

Levi suddenly said at this time: "Hand over Pandora's box, otherwise you're welcome to blame me!"

Bals saw that Levi was full of ability again, and he didn't want to carry this blow again, and said: "What I already have in hand, do you think I will put it back."

Not much more verbose here, turned around and disappeared, saw Bals with a Pandora's box, one of which left here, and sighed.

There is a piece of the northern and southern capital of the Nasita Coffee House, which has also been obtained, but it is not obtained here.

Just thinking of this, Zhao Yang's doppelganger breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, he already had three pieces here, and as for the rest, he could only look for it slowly.

Next to him, there was also the rescued E general, in order to prevent her from disobeying, he specially put her into a blank card bag, and then summoned her, which was honest.

Please take a look at the next one, don't forget to click on the reminder thank you and a good review.

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