"The two people looked at each other and looked at each other for a while, Zhao Yang took the lead in attacking, and a sword slashed out, but instead of hitting the enemy on the opposite side, he was hit."

"Bang! Burst!

Zhao Yang covered his stomach and took several steps back, and the acid water spit out a lot, although it was a transformation state, but it was also a lot of losses.

This set of armor has transformed and has resisted a lot of attacks.

Even the transformation state almost returned to the human state, which made Zhao Yang extremely shocked, and he almost returned to the human state with a punch, how strong is this?

Zhao Yang did not bind himself anymore and took out his exclusive belt.

Zhao Yang put the nanodrive on his waist

, took out the Apocalypse energy element, and directly pressed it: "Apocalypse, Apocalypse


After inserting the Apocalypse energy element in the empty slot

in the upper right corner, he pressed the button in the middle

of the drive, "load, load"

, and swiped his hand to the right in front of the nano drive display

, authorizing

Zhao Yang to directly shout the


"The Book of Revelation

" "Restart, Restart

" "Create, Create"

"Ruin, Destroy

" "Armor Warrior Apocalypse!"

After seeing that Zhao Yang finally took out his belt, the corners of Zhao Yang's mouth on the opposite side rose and took out a belt that was exactly the same as Zhao Yang, but unfortunately the color was different.

Zhao Yang's nano driver is blue and white dual colors, while this person's driver is black, red and purple.

The breath emitted by the drive made people feel disgusted, and Zhao Yang knew that this feeling was exactly the same as the feeling of facing the aura of the heavenly devil.

Menyaji, who was watching from the side, was also shocked, and this person actually took out the same belt as his husband.

Although the color was a little different, the aura that emanated made even her feel some disgust.

Even the appearance of the two sets of armor is exactly the same, except for some differences in color, it is basically exactly the same, but that breath is also extremely disgusting.

The disgust that Menyaji could clearly feel for this breath was from the soul, although I don't know why the breath emitted by that person and that driver was like this?

But I can understand that my husband is not that person's opponent, and now he has been pressed and beaten, yes, our Zhao Dashao is the one who was pressed and beaten.

Bals quietly absorbed the power of the Heavenly Demon Crystal on the side, but Menyaji saw what Bals did, but he was not this person's opponent.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Sonorous, clang, bang!"

Zhao Yang was beaten down and smashed out a huge deep pit, and the dark apocalypse in the sky only sneered.

That's it?

I thought how strong this person was, but it turned out to be not his opponent, and after three minutes, he didn't see Zhao Yang's figure, and he felt a spinning kick behind his back.


Zhao Yang's blow was instantly blocked, and his chest was also kicked, flying out upside down, without any resistance in front of this person, the action was the same as being seen through.

In the mirror, Zhao Yang said: "Give Ru another chance to merge with me and make me more complete, so that I will consider giving this world a way of life and death."

One of these two Zhao Yang is added by the system, while the other is added by the power of the Heavenly Devil.

Even if Zhao Yang asked the system to restore his injuries, he could also recover his injuries if he had the power of the Heavenly Demon on the other side.

Zhao Yang hooked the system in his heart and said: "Yiyi, give me another recovery from the injury, I don't believe I can't beat this guy."

Yiyi replied: "Husband, your injury has recovered, but now the strength of the two of you is very different, and you can only gain new strength by completing the task."

Yiyi continued: "But now there is no task for the time being, my husband should be as careful as possible."

Zhao Yang said again in his heart: "If I remember correctly, you seem to be able to scan the person on the other side, help me scan it, and see the gap between the two of us and its real source."

Yiyi replied: "Okay, it's being scanned..." Yiyi

said again: "The scan results are as follows, husband, please take a look."

Name: Zhao Yang race in the mirror

: Terran / pseudo-heavenly demon

ability and host ability are exactly the same, because the power of the replicator is stronger than the host.

Treasure Bag: Dark nano drive, dark apocalypse energy element, because there are too many I won't write here, so as not to say my water word.

Place of origin: Unknown

Zhao Yang was first stunned when he secretly looked at the opposite panel, pseudo-heavenly demon?

It should be the ghost of the Heavenly Demon Guide who went to the Exeid world for the first time, otherwise how could a replicator appear? Although his immunity is stolen is not fake.

If you collect your own blood, you can still make your own replicator.

But when was his blood collected by the person on the other side, was it the time he fought with Qi Guangmin?

The more Zhao Yang thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, otherwise how could there be blood collection? And it is also connected to the self in the mirror world.

Zhao Yang casually took out a mirror, and sure enough, he couldn't reflect his existence in the mirror, but he could show it after aiming the mirror at Bals.

Sure enough, he contacted himself in the mirror world, and let him completely blacken, although that pseudo-heavenly demon is always a pseudo-word, but it is also a half-step heavenly demon.

No, it should not be said that it is blackening, it should be said that the self of the mirror world is the opposite of the real world itself, and if the real world self is evil, then the mirror world itself is good.

Then if the real world self is good, then the mirror world itself is evil, so that everything can be understood.

The self on the opposite side just now also said to let himself fuse with him, obviously he is not a complete body, if he is fused with him, then he is no longer himself.

In the mirror high in the sky, Zhao Yang said: "How is the consideration?" Do you come and merge with me yourself, or do you let me go and force me to merge myself?

Zhao Yang could only do this, and after contacting the system in his heart, he used the system teleportation, shielding the breath of himself and the emperor rider.

No matter how Zhao Yang of the mirror world sensed, he couldn't sense Zhao Yang's breath, and Zhao Yang of the mirror world said angrily: "Hmph, don't let me catch Ru, wait for the next time I catch Ru, I must force fusion."

Then he looked at Bals, who was transforming, and said: "Ru stay here, don't go anywhere, I will go back, I don't believe I can't find him"

At the same time, fortunately in the other side of the space-time palace

, not only his own women in this space-time palace, but even his parents and younger brother in parallel time-space are also here, seeing Zhao Yang come back so embarrassed.

PS: Please urge more praise, rest assured, this will not write Xiu Xian, I said unless it is a sequel, but the sequel has not yet come out.

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