Under the lessons of Ares, especially under the bondage of Diana’s lasso of mantra, and the threat of her Vulcan sword.

The sons of Ares finally stopped resisting, but took the initiative to hand over the power they had stolen from the gods that did not belong to them.

As a huge amount of divine power emanated from the bodies of the sons of Ares, many temples of Olympus, which had been dead and dilapidated, began to regain their radiance.

And the breath of the gods also began to revive.

During this period, Ares couldn’t help but praise Diana’s strength as it became stronger and stronger.

However, Ares also commented, in fact, Diana’s performance is not exaggerated.

First of all, as a child of Zeus, her strength is naturally stronger than that of the sons of Ares, which is beyond doubt.

Secondly, although Diana did not use divine power, her power, as well as the gifts given to her by half of the main god level, could not be underestimated.

The main thing is that the sons of Ares did not completely kill the gods, and although the gods were sleeping, they still retained a certain amount of power.

Plus the sons of Ares dispersed the power of the gods.

So they were no match for Diana.

More importantly, the sons of Ares finally looked down on Diana before she took it down in one fell swoop.

If it were a fair fight, perhaps Diana would have to unleash all her divine powers to defeat them.

In fact, there is such a big gap in the combat power between gods and gods, Diana, as the daughter of Zeus, already has great power, but she has never taken the initiative to use the power of God.

“But Diana, it’s time for you to adapt too, because sooner or later, the power of God will be your main source of strength, and you can’t use your power as an Amazonian all your life,” Ares advised.

Diana shrugged noncommittally.

At least for now, it’s enough.

“Well, you should go see him too,” Ares said abruptly.

Diana’s heart moved, and she immediately heard a voice ringing in her head.

“Diana, my child, my daughter, come and see me at the temple,” said a majestic voice.

Diana smiled, she had already guessed whose voice it was.

Zeus, the true master of Olympus, is also her father.

But Diana flicked her long hair as if she hadn’t heard it.

Turning her head, Diana looked at Eris and asked, “Okay, it’s time to talk about how well you did.” Where is Donna now? ”

“Huh,” Eris snorted, Diana’s eyes made her feel fear, coupled with the effect of the lasso of truth, she quickly said: “On the battlefield of such and such a country.” ”

Diana smiled with satisfaction and said, “Thank you.” Then I’ll go back. ”

Get back? Don’t go to Zeus?

“He hasn’t said to see me once in so many years, and since he doesn’t exist, then let me belong to the non-existent.” Besides, Zeus also has his own wife, isn’t it your mother Ares? What am I, it’s too embarrassing, forget it,” Diana smiled freely, and then said to the brothers Faubos and Demos: “Okay smelly boys, send me back.” ”

Forbos and Demus looked at each other and muttered, “Obviously we are much older than her.” ”

What’s the use of that? Is she your father’s sister or your mother’s sister?

She is both your aunt and your aunt, and she is here.

Ares and Aphrodite looked at each other helplessly and smiled, it seemed that the relationship between Zeus and Diana had to be slowly repaired.

After Forbos and Demus merged to become Ares, he turned on the teleportation skill to send Diana back to Earth.

That’s Ares’ power, and his abilities include teleportation, allowing him to go wherever he wants, and wandering back and forth between Olympus and Earth.

Even Ares has magical abilities, and he can transform into any form.

These are all the basic abilities of God, including Diana’s ability to easily do many incredible things if she no longer limits her divine power.

Not to mention that Diana used the power of Zeus.

It’s just that Diana prefers to retain her human side and identity.

“Gone,” greeted, Diana dashingly walked through the portal back to Earth after solving the incident in Olympus.

As for what kind of punishment Ares and his family will receive after that, it has nothing to do with her.

It is conceivable that after the sons of Ares caused such a big incident, it was impossible not to suffer any punishment.

And in the temple of Olympus, Zeus could only show a helpless wry smile after feeling that Diana’s breath had disappeared.

At the same time, Zeus also felt that after recovering his power, half of Zeus’s power had disappeared.

For him, it will definitely weaken some strength in a short period of time.

But as long as he stays in Olympus, sooner or later he will automatically recover.

So it’s no big deal.

In fact, Zeus wanted Diana to meet him for only one purpose, that is, to take this opportunity to make Diana a goddess of truth.

This also exposes Zeus’s ambition, who wants Diana to come to Olympus too much, whether it is to keep his daughter by his side, or to make Diana a power and warrior of Olympus once and for all.

But Diana chose to return to the human world.

But what could Zeus do?

He also heard Diana’s words as she left, his father was not competent at all, and he could only watch Diana return to Earth.

On the other side, a tavern.

Diana did not fight in Olympus for long, and left for only a few hours in total.

And when she returned, she found that Steve was still waiting for her and was looking for her everywhere.

He was crazy.

“Oh my God, where have you been? I thought you had been kidnapped,” Steve finally found Diana, and at the same time he noticed the change in Diana: “Your hair and eyes. ”

“Huh? What’s wrong? Diana then noticed that her hair appeared blue at the ends, and there was a lightning-like shadow in the depths of her eyes.

These were all brought about by Zeus’s divine power, and later, although Diana completely absorbed the power of Zeus’s power, her eyes turned black again.

But the change in hair can’t be changed back.

“Okay Steve, Ares’s matter has been settled, but unfortunately, I found out that this war was not provoked by Ares, but by you humans.”

“So sorry Steve, I can’t help you end this war, and I’m going to find one of my sisters.”

“Goodbye Steve.”

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