Chapter 95 Donna’s Worries and Diana’s Thoughts.

Even the Amazonian warriors, Diana and Donna were really exhausted.

Especially Donna, she was almost taken away before, although later the vitality has returned, she also needs to rest well. They didn’t sleep all day and night, and this time they slept for a whole day and night.

Finally, it was replenished with a full vitality.

The next day, Diana also personally cooked a sumptuous breakfast for Donna, a pot of fragrant skinned egg lean porridge, steamed egg soup, and lying eggs like poached eggs, and salted duck eggs she pickled, all dripping oil.

Including the preserved eggs, Diana also made it herself, because this side seems to be unaccustomed to eating preserved eggs.

In fact, the preserved eggs are very delicious, Diana and Donna like to eat them, especially when used as a wine dish. Even a little bit of vinegar can be delicious.

Breakfast is full of protein, which is not richer than the so-called Western food?

They yawned while eating, and chatted about dispensable gossip.

“By the way, we haven’t had a discussion for a long time, have we?”

Suddenly, Diana’s eyes lit up and she winked at Donna with seductive eyes.

Donna froze and said with a dry smile: “Why did you suddenly talk about this.” ”

Are you going to be beaten again?

She admits that she has lost more than one battle in terms of technique and strength in martial arts. That’s why she didn’t want to be beaten unilaterally.

Diana was interested, and said for good reason: “You actually lost to that guy [Maxwell, she obviously forgot his name again], it seems that you need to practice.” ”

“I’m sorry, I still have to go to work.”

Donna decisively refused, preferring to go to work.

Diana ruthlessly debunked her excuse: “Those artifacts need to be counted before they can be returned to the museum, plus the museum has to make various records and so on.” You won’t be able to go to work until at least tomorrow. I also took three days off here, SO, really don’t you go to practice? ”

Donna saw that she was just itching her hands, and yesterday’s battle was not yet enjoyable, but she wanted to put her skills to good use.

Donna also understands her character and seems to be unable to hide.

“I want to have a big meal in the evening.”

Donna gritted her teeth and said that she could only fight for her own interests as much as possible, and she had to prepare for nutritional supplements after the inevitable beating.

“No problem, when the time comes, let’s go to the sea to catch the king crab, and then go to the mountains to catch a bear and a wild boar.” Let me tell you Donna, when I used to eat roasted bear paws by myself, I was disappointed because I lost all the fat. Later I learned what the bear’s paw was going to do. It would be better if you were lucky enough to find wild honey. ”

Diana also began to look forward to it.

Donna licked the tears that were not fighting at the corners of her mouth [?] For a sumptuous dinner in the evening, she decided to lay down her life to accompany the gentleman. As Diana said, today they didn’t even get a phone call.

Instead of staying at home and doing nothing, they took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, quietly flew straight into the sky, and quickly flew outside the city under the cover of clouds.

In one fell swoop, they also came to an uninhabited island in the Pacific, where they could unfold unrestrained. In fact, for decades, they have been each other’s best matches.

On the surface, their strength is equal, and even the things they learn have always been exactly the same, and they can also let them understand the martial arts they have learned more thoroughly through competition.

So they are already old rivals.

There is a very lush forest on this uninhabited island, and it is not the kind of mangrove forest that likes swamps and mud, but it is also full of fruit trees with some rainforest fruits, and palm trees everywhere.

On one of the spacious grassy fields, Diana and Donna were already standing there armed. They specially put on battle uniforms to facilitate the next battle.

However, they must get rid of their weapons in advance, otherwise they can’t really fight with knives and guns, right? Instead, they each found two wooden sticks from nearby to use as weapons.


With a sharp flick of the long stick in her hand, Diana put on a posture with a horizontal gun in her hand. Not to be outdone, Donna stabbed with a gun.

They are already old opponents, and they don’t need to make opening remarks, let alone put on a posture in advance, and fight directly. The six-in-one big gun and the eight-largest gun of the eighth-level gate were simply flying sand and stones, and the power was extremely terrifying.

But it is also said that the big gun of the eighth-level door is not called the eight-level gun, in fact, the marksmanship of the eighth-level gate is the six-step big gun. And their first teacher is Li Shuwen, the invincible sharpshooter, and his achievements in marksmanship are beyond doubt.

Thorning, picking, horizontal and vertical smashing, and even collapsing, pointing, entanglement, hanging, the skills and power that can be displayed in marksmanship have all been displayed by them…….

And Donna noticed that Diana did not show aggressiveness this time, as if she was suspicious. This made Donna annoyed in her heart, and the gun in her hand also turned, and the tiger and tiger beat with Goro’s gossip stick in one hand. Diana’s eyes lit up and she shouted, “Good come.” Yang family gun. ”

Legend has it that the Golang Bagua Stick was founded by Yang Golang, one of the Yang family generals of the Song Dynasty, hence the name.

So Diana simply displayed the marksmanship of the Yang family’s gun and started a new round of competition with Donna again.

They hadn’t fought like this for a long time, and when they were in high spirits, they threw away their weapons and switched to hand-to-hand combat. Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Baguazhang, Tanleg.

Each move is both standard and formal.

The previous move may still be a praying mantis fist, and the next move becomes a powerful Vajra leg. The previous move was still a pool leg, and the next move became Wing Chun.

The previous move is still a broken fist, and the next move becomes an inch.

Then he picked up the stick that had fallen aside, and with a “click”, Diana folded the stick in two, and put on a posture of double knife flow with her left and right hands.

Donna, on the other hand, stood in her hand as if she were using the long stick in her hand as a knife.

The two stood face to face and looked at each other, and then rushed to each other and re-entangled together.

Decades of study in ancient Eastern countries have allowed them to master almost the essence and true meaning of all martial arts.

They also integrate the martial arts they have learned and learned, and do not need to use them one move at a time, but can fight as they want.

The battle lasted from morning to afternoon, when they finally fell on the beach on the other side of the island, near the sea.


Diana exclaimed.

Sure enough, this kind of discussion can be enjoyable.

But Donna’s expression became a little gloomy, and she asked, “Why are your subordinates merciful?” ”

She realized that at the end of the day, Diana had never been serious, otherwise she would have defeated herself a long time ago. Diana turned her head and said with a strange look: “Nonsense, you are not an enemy, you are my sister.” ”

Therefore, the previous battle with the leopard woman was not happy at all, in the face of the enemy, Diana would ruthlessly kill her, just like their teacher Li Shuwen, many times there is no need to show superb martial arts, because one move can kill.

“Okay, okay, hurry up and go to the sea to grab tonight’s ingredients.”

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