Chapter 101 Diana was defeated?.

The call and reminder from her mother finally reminded Diana.

“Yes, isn’t the old lady also a god?”

Diana looked down at the guardian silver bracelet, she was usually used to sealing her divine power, but at this time she was facing a strong enemy who far surpassed Ares and had to face with all her strength.

But she even thought so highly of herself that she sealed her strongest power? Even a guy who is arrogant and thinks highly of himself will not be so stupid.

“Diana, Diana, you really look down on people, don’t you think you are invincible?”

Diana laughed at herself while laboriously removing the protective silver bracelets of her hands.

Because her shoulder blades were pierced, just moving her hands made her feel heart-wrenching pain. However, Diana stood up firmly.

Even such severe pain is not comparable to the humiliation caused by her being beaten to the point that she was unable to fight back just now, and even her will collapsed. Just now, she really didn’t even have the confidence to face her newborn.

She had never been in such a situation before.

She has never faced any opponent like this.

“Diana, what is your purpose in learning martial arts so persistently16?”

Suddenly, a conversation from decades ago seemed to ring in her ears again.

In retrospect, Diana seemed to have been an inquiry by her teacher, Mr. Li Shuwen.

At the time, she replied: “I am here to protect my most important family from harm.” I can’t imagine how desperate I would one day be if an enemy strong enough to hurt my most important family in front of me, but I had no power to protect them. ”

“Hmph, didn’t you even say that you want to protect world peace?”

At that time, Li Shuwen seemed to show a smile. Although only for a moment.

Diana also laughed at that time: “What does peace have to do with me?” If humanity itself does not want peace, why should I want peace for them? I am not qualified to decide whether the world should be peaceful or not, because the world is not mine, and I will not force the will and will of others. So I can only decide what I want to do. ”

“Then Diana, in order to protect your most important people, then become strong, even if it is unscrupulous, if the day comes, even if you climb up from hell, go and fight.”

“Teacher, today is the moment.”

Diana slowly closed her eyes.

In front of Diana, Nascent did not notice anything, he looked at Donna and the others who had escaped a long distance, and noticed that they seemed to meet another convoy head-on.

It was reinforcements sent by the Eye of Heaven, and Little Steve sent helpers anyway.

But they were just ordinary soldiers, and they couldn’t pose any threat to the newborns, who didn’t even look at them. Nascent seems to have a special ability to seize the divine power of other gods, including Blue Knox, who is still in ruins. If he were also a child of Zeus, he should have a power beyond common sense.

But now he is just an ordinary person.

Obviously, the reason why the first born found this place was because he was guided by the divine power of Zeus. And his purpose was to seize the divine power inherited by these children of Zeus.

“Can you escape?”

Hatsu sneered, he wouldn’t let them escape. But just as he was about to catch up.

Suddenly, there was an aura behind him, and what surprised Chusheng even more was that it was a divine power that he had not felt before, and it also belonged to the breath of Zeus.

Is there even a child of Zeus?

Hatsu subconsciously turned around, but saw that Diana had stood up again.

Hatsuo looked at Diana, not knowing why she suddenly burst out of divine power, and even, the power of Zeus was becoming stronger and stronger.

Finally, even the newborn began to feel threatened, and he knew that he could not continue to let her improve.

“I didn’t expect you to be a wild species too.”

Hatsu shouted and rushed towards Diana again.

Diana slowly opened her eyes, there was even thunder flickering in the depths of her eyes, her long hair fluttered automatically without wind, and the blue at the end of her hair “crackled” like real lightning.

Diana glanced sideways at the guardian silver bracelet on the ground and understood, because she had blocked her divine power before, so she was born to mistakenly think that she was not a child of Zeus, and thought that Donna was.

Thinking of this, Diana laughed: “Brother? Can I ask you to die? ”

“It’s you who die.”

Hatsu drank loudly and waved his big hand again to smash Diana’s body.

Perhaps in his opinion, even if Diana activated the divine power, it would be the same as before, and would not pose any threat to him. However, in Diana’s perspective, the speed of birth suddenly became extremely slow.

Of course, it’s not that the newborn’s speed has really slowed down, it’s just that in Diana’s eyes, his speed has been slowed down.

There is only one reason, since it is not the speed of the newborn that has slowed down, it is that Diana’s speed has become faster at this time.

“It’s slow.”

Diana gently sideways her body, easily dodging the nascent attack, she also raised her hand and slapped in front of her mouth, deliberately yawning.

Hatsu was stunned, because he didn’t even notice how Diana had avoided it.

In fact, when Diana was full of firepower, she could have entered the realm of the speed of light a long time ago.

That’s the speed of light, and unless it’s a special god with the blessing of speed, even other gods can’t touch it.

Even in Olympus, only Hermes’ speed could reach.

And although the first born does not know what god he is in charge of, at least one thing is certain, that is, he does not have the speed of the speed of light, and the speed of the first born is only dozens of times the speed of sound at most, so his speed can exceed Diana before, but it will not make Diana unable to deal with it.

But now, Dai 580 Anna’s speed has significantly exceeded that of the newborn.

Next, no matter how the newborn attacked Diana, Diana could easily dodge it, and he couldn’t even touch a single hair of her.

This made the newborn extremely angry: “Damn, do you only dare to hide and hide?” ”


Diana snorted softly, raised her hand and abruptly removed the tip of the Vulcan Sword from her shoulder blade, and her wound healed quickly in the first place.

Diana gently squeezed the broken blade of the Vulcan Sword in her hand, came to him at a speed that he could not even see in his first life, and then gently slashed across his chest.


Even if it was as powerful as a newborn physique, it was easily cut through by the Vulcan Sword in Diana’s hand. This is the power of the Vulcan Sword.

“I could have killed you easily.”

Diana did not continue to attack him, but threw the Vulcan Sword in her hand aside.

Diana returned to her position in front of the newborn and stood still, pinched each other’s hands and made a “crackling” sound, Diana continued: “But I don’t want you to die so easily. Just now you broke my faith, and I need to punch you to rebuild my faith. ”


Hatsuo laughed as if he had heard some joke. And Diana also let out a burst of laughter: “Hahahaha.” ”

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