Chapter 146 Return to Paradise Island?.

Just like that, Diana still chose to leave.

Her situation made it impossible for her to stay on Paradise Island for too long, and every extra moment was dangerous. Donna also said goodbye to her mother, and she decided to continue to accompany Diana.

Only this time their departure was no longer secretive, but under the farewell of the entire Amazon, they left with a flying machine into a big ship.

And because Diana is not very calm now, she overlooked one thing, that is, she originally planned to take the time to go to the place where the mother box was sealed.

But she forgot this, so she left directly.

This also led to the subsequent invasion of Earth by Apocalypse, and even the attack on Paradise Island because of the mother box. Diana didn’t know it until she was warned by her mother.

Of course, that’s an afterthought.

Next, Diana and Donna begin their journey, and they decide to travel to every corner of the world again to try to find a cure for Diana.

It’s just that when they just left Paradise Island and didn’t wait to dock, they ran into trouble. On the sea, a small island 16 suddenly appeared blocking their path.

There is also one more person on the island.

He wears a golden and green armor that resembles the ancient Greek style. He sat on a throne, his legs crossed and his arms folded.

At his side stood a golden trident. On top of his white hair he wore a crown.

His identity has been revealed, he is the master of the sea and the master of all the seas, he is Poseidon, the god of the sea. He seems to be waiting for Diana and them here on purpose?

“Diana, princess of Paradise Island, daughter of my brother Zeus and Queen of the Amazons.”

Poseidon slowly opened his eyes and revealed Diana’s identity and origin.

Diana frowned, she felt a trace of hostility, so she raised her fist impatiently: “Ah, it’s me, what?” Want to fight? ”

Poseidon also frowned, very dissatisfied with Diana’s attitude: “I am the twelve main gods, and even your father’s brother, even if Zeus sees me, he will not be so rude.” ”

“Huh? So what the hell are you here for? Recognize relatives? ”

Diana choked with an unhappy look.

She was extremely annoyed because she had nowhere to vent the pain in her body, but this guy was blocking the way, and the yin and yang were strange and did not explain the origin.

Diana turned her head and asked Donna: “Miss Lady Fate, look at his destiny line, whether he will die here today.” ”

Donna was startled and looked at Diana stupidly, that’s your uncle, you shouldn’t be going to beat him to death here, right? Silently wiping a cold sweat, Donna hurriedly rushed ahead of Diana and said to Poseidon: “That, Mr. Poseidon, right?” Diana is being tortured by Hydra’s poison, don’t see her in general. What the hell are you here for? ”

In fact, she was also curious, because Poseidon didn’t seem to come to attack them, so why did he come?

Poseidon took a deep breath, one and two are so rude, it seems, have the Olympian gods been forgotten by the world?


Poseidon snorted coldly, and he also had a temper, and said coldly: “Originally, I wanted to remind you that Hades has been unhappy that Diana inherited Hecate’s divine power and authority, and may even attack you.” But now it seems that I am starting to look forward to what will happen after that. ”

While speaking, the island under him began to sink, and his whole person was also sinking into the depths of the sea.

“I wish you good luck.”

In the end, Poseidon disappeared completely.

Donna looked at Diana with some concern: “What he said is true?” But I don’t see that we have a line of destiny in danger. As the current goddess of fate, Donna can keep an eye on the line of destiny on them at any time. ”

Yet she didn’t see them in danger.

“Because the other party is not enough to cause danger, okay, leave that guy alone, keep going.”

Diana said while shaking her head vigorously.

Because of Poseidon’s fork, she became even more impatient.

The main thing is that she clearly feels that Poseidon is hostile, in fact, he does not have a good impression of Diana.

So whether he came to warn or deliberately lead them to a trap, no one knows what the truth is. That’s why Diana’s attitude was so tough and rude. Knowing that you have bad intentions towards me, why should you be polite?

In this way, the sisters approached the nearby land again, and when they first arrived on land, they had no time to put away the aircraft.

Just listen to the “whoosh”.

A long arrow came straight for Diana and Donna with a terrifying momentum.


But Diana just grabbed it casually, and caught the arrow feather firmly in her hand without warning. Looking up at the shore, Diana noticed the shadows of a group of centaurs in a nearby wood.

Not an adjective for centaurs, but a real group of centaurs aiming at them with a longbow.

“Is it a centaur?”

Donna also discovered the situation and couldn’t help but exclaim: “Haven’t they been exterminated a long time ago?” ”

Centaurs are a special race of horses with upper body and lower body, and are also more famous monsters in ancient Greek mythology. Not entirely because Charon is also a centaur, but because the race is particularly rough and barbaric.

They don’t have the slightest rationality or intellect, and they are more animals than humans.

For example, they tried to abduct the bride at King Lapytai’s wedding banquet, and even tried to force the female guests on the spot and attack the host with tree trunks and stones.

Later they are said to have been defeated by the Lapitaeans.

At this time, Diana and Donna’s landing place was surrounded by a group of centaurs, all of them men, and some with bows and arrows, because they were also the best archers.

Among them were also centaurs holding javelins aimed at Diana and Donna.

“It seems that they are not good at coming, if so, then destroy them here, 820”

Diana snorted coldly, just holding the fire in her stomach, and just at this time she was right to cut them.

So Diana also took out the divine bow that Artemis of Olympus had given her. A big war broke out immediately.

Diana’s power is combined with the power of the divine bow, and she can also make every move. Whenever Diana shot a long arrow, a centaur would fall to the ground.

And she doesn’t need to think about the arrow, this longbow will automatically generate magic arrows as long as the bowstring is pulled.

At the same time, Diana’s rate of fire was far from comparable to those centaurs, and in the first round alone, she immediately shot more than a dozen centaurs.

The centaurs were completely defenseless, they only heard a “buzzing” movement, and then fell a third of their companions.

Donna on the side was not to be outdone, she took out the golden scissors and began to cut the lifeline of those centaurs. As long as the divine power cannot surpass Donna, she can even cut the fate line of God, which also represents the death of God.

However, when Donna was about to do this, she was surprised to find something: “Wait Diana, they are already dead.” They are not the lives of this world, they are the souls of the dead from the kingdom of the dead. ”

[PS: I’m sorry, I fell asleep suddenly last night, and I didn’t notice that I was so tired, but it was also because I started exercising recently… Will continue to write and update in a moment. I wanted to be lazy for a day, but when I saw that the book review area was urging changes, I just updated it normally… 】。

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