Chapter 173 Diana is now powerful.

First of all, let’s talk about the strength of Diana’s power, except for the power of Zeus, which is still retained by her alone, Diana has fused all the divine power she has absorbed so far.

These include the divine power of Dorus, the divine power of the nascent, as well as the divine power of Iazon and the divine power of Hecate, not to mention the huge divine power absorbed in the underworld.

Those powers included the twelve Titan gods, including the six giants, and even the Typhons and all their children.

The power of those monsters should not be underestimated, and many of them have a great reputation and even caused a lot of trouble to the great heroes of the demigods.

Originally, Iazon’s divine power also belonged to the power of Zeus, but Diana did not fuse Iazon’s divine power with her own Zeus power at that time, because she did not have time to do so.

So Iasong’s divine power that was enough to match Diana was also fused into Diana’s power by her.

These divine powers are undoubtedly huge, especially when Diana is completely easy to get together, they are no longer one plus one equals two, but become multiplicative, belonging to the improvement of qualitative change.

This allowed Diana’s divine power to directly reach the multiverse-level terrifying realm. Especially the ascension of the Godhead.

Dolos, as the god of lies, if he uses 810 well, Diana can achieve the desired result [wish] at a negligible price like before.

Hatsu couldn’t care because he didn’t know his godhead. And Iazon also has no godhead.

The main thing is the godhead of the gods such as Hecate.

Hecate’s transcendent status has been mentioned many times, and I will not repeat it here. And those Titan gods, they used to be the masters of Olympus.

Among them, Kronos is the god-king, he rules the sky, the earth, the sea, the underworld and even time. Hyprion is the sun god who soars high in the sky.

Oceanus is the god of the rivers of the oceans and the father of all rivers.

Other Titan gods include the God of Light, the God of Life, the God of Death, and so on and so forth.

It can be said that the twelve titan gods were the gods of everything, and their power covered all the laws of the world. It is equivalent to saying that the huge clan of Olympus today all belonged to the twelve Titan gods.

And those six giants only have pure strength.

Therefore, the power of the giants is even feared by the Titan God. Not to mention that Typhon is the most powerful demon.

In addition, Diana also mastered the power of countless laws and magic.

Because of her godhead and power, she can control all the natural forces of everything in the world, sky, earth, wind, rain, thunder and fire.

Even she masters all the known magic in the world, because she is also a god of magic.

Diana also had a hunch, now she can even feel the fifth dimensional space, she can even feel the sixth dimension, but unfortunately she has not reached the sixth dimension, but she can already observe everything in the world from the perspective of the fifth dimension.

This also allowed her to master many abilities in the fifth dimension.

Including rewriting the laws of reality at will, observing time at will, and even rewriting history, she can also travel through time and space to anywhere in the universe, and even to other universes.

She was already a multiverse-level god, and even the existence of other universes began to be perceived. This couldn’t help but make Diana begin to have an illusion.

“Am I omniscient and omnipotent?”

Diana couldn’t help but say to herself.

If it doesn’t involve higher dimensions and stronger gods, only below the fifth dimension, she really already belongs to the all-powerful level. But Diana is not yet omniscient, even if she seems to be able to do anything, she can do everything.

But she lacks something.

After all, above her, there is a sixth dimension that she does not understand. But this was enough to amaze Diana.

At the same time, she also felt like an idiot again.

In fact, she could have avoided the things that happened before, including being killed by Yi Song Pit, she could solve everything immediately, so as not to be tortured.

But that’s not bad, because she completely absorbed the toxins that became extremely powerful, and the terrible toxins that grew with her to the multiverse level became Diana’s power.

Those toxins were so difficult and difficult at the beginning, but now they all turned into Diana’s physical strength, which greatly strengthened her physical fitness.

This made Diana’s physical strength also reach the multiverse level.

Her strength, as well as the ability to withstand blows, even including speed, were strengthened to the point of terror. It is no exaggeration to say that if she does not restrain her power, she may well be able to crush the earth with just one step. She can even withstand the power of bursting a planet.

Her speed has long exceeded the speed of light, and she can even break the time barrier with speed to the point of traveling through time.

You must know that the Flash can only be achieved by relying on the power of Godspeed, and as a speedster, the Flash is only fast. Diana is not a speedster, which needs to be explained that although Diana is fast, she is not a speedster, she is just fast.

In fact, the speedsters are very demanding, although all of them have the speed power, but they also only have the speed power, and all their other means are achieved through the speed brought by the speed brought by the speed of the speed force.

So Diana is not a speedster.

However, she doesn’t need divine speed to reach the speed that other speedsters can do, which is rather terrifying.

If you have to describe how fast Diana is today, you can only use the concept of Planck’s time to compare. Planck time is the shortest known time concept in the world, and there is no shorter time.

The general Planck time is considered to be 10 to the minus 43rd power.

I mention this because when the speed is fast to a certain extent, it feels like the time around you will be slowed down.

Simply put, Diana’s fastest speed can reach [one Planck time, and by the time ordinary humans feel the concept of one second passing, Diana’s side is equivalent to spending “ten forty-three square seconds”.

She can even disappear at any time, because humans cannot see her presence.

She can even spend the equivalent of the time from the birth of the universe to the explosion in that particular dimension, and for humans, only a short time has passed.

In the end, even Diana shook her head with a wry smile, and chose to put on the guardian silver bracelet again.

But even so, even if she suppressed her divine power to the maximum, only the divine power was sealed, and her own power was still extremely powerful.

Before she knew it, she had grown to such a terrifying point. Even Diana had an intuition.

“It always feels as if something is guiding me and as if it has arranged all this for me?”

Diana muttered, for example, she had stumbled upon a shadow of the sixth dimension before.

The blue figure is familiar. It’s as if…

“Dr. Manhattan?”

“It’s me.”

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