Chapter 180 Bruce’s Passion.

“Why is that?”

When sensing that something happened to Batman, Thomas Wayne and butler Afu quickly dispatched and rescued Bruce. However, they found that Bruce’s spine had been broken.

This is a terrible injury.

They didn’t dare to alarm Martha, but they felt incredible.

“Your strength is not much worse than the other party, you could have defeated him, or dodged such a fatal injury, why is this?”

Thomas questioned.

Bruce was silent, only he knew he was distracted during the battle.

“Master Bruce, I thought that love would make you strong, but you let it ruin yourself.”

The butler Fu suddenly broke Bruce’s psychology.

Bruce couldn’t be silent, he could only defend: “It has nothing to do with her, it’s me who lost my mind.” ”


Thomas was angry and helpless, he could only hate the iron and steel to look at his son who was paralyzed there, and asked him: “But what should you do now?” Also, when Martha found out, did you think how sad she should be? Even when you can’t become a superhero, will that girl still be by your side? Isn’t it your dream to one day stand by her side? But you’ve become like this. ”

Bruce was silent again.

“Okay Master Wayne, I think Master Bruce is in pain right now, although we injected him with painkillers. And we can’t get him to the hospital now, otherwise it’s tantamount to telling the world that Bruce Wayne is Batman. At that time, the dark forces of the entire Gotham City will gather against us. ”

Butler Afu voiced his concerns.

And his worries are not untargeted.

Even Donna knows that Batman’s debut battle is to wipe out the once largest gangster family in Gotham City. After that, he often haunted at night, helping the police fight criminals.

It can be said that Batman has offended all the villains in Gotham City, and he is also a thorn in the side of all the villains.

And once his true identity is known, those madmen are likely to rush into Wayne Manor without hesitation and scruples, including Bruce’s parents, as well as the housekeeper Afu, and even everyone he knows will suffer.

Don’t underestimate the madness of those crazy people.

Even if the current Gotham City Police Department has been improved because of Thomas Wayne’s help, the chief has become Gordon. However, there will still be people who turn a blind eye to this.

They can’t even believe the power of the official.

After all, before the appearance of Batman, Gotham City was really a black and white family.

It is because of the appearance of Batman that many of them do not even have a decent end, even if they want to die comfortably.

So they have no choice but to take Bruce to the secret stronghold behind Wayne Manor, which is Batman’s main base, Batcave.

No wonder no one has ever known Batman’s true identity, he usually shows himself as a playboy, plus no one would have thought that such a rich son would dare to venture to become a superhero.

But even in the bat cave, there was no way to cure him.

Even though his father, Thomas Wayne, was a doctor, Thomas seemed to be a dentist. This night is destined to be a sleepless night for Bruce.

And Diana and Donna donna don’t know anything about it.

Until the next day, when Diana was excited to change her image, she permed her hair into big waves, dyed the blue at the ends black, and specially put on a skirt.

Then she dragged Donna to Wayne Manor again. It seems that she is not tired of playing this game yet.

“Is Bruce home?”

Diana knocked on the door of Wayne Manor and directly inquired about Bruce’s whereabouts. But the housekeeper A Fu said with a sad face: “He is not there, he is no longer there.” ”

What does it mean to be no longer there?

“What do you mean?”

Donna was anxious and hurriedly asked, “What happened?” ”

“Didn’t you watch the news?”

Butler Afu felt strange, because just this morning, the villain named Bane even held a press conference to voluntarily admit that he broke Batman’s spine and announced that Gotham City would no longer have superheroes.

“We came directly from Metropolis.”

Diana said with some embarrassment, in fact, she also made her hair and bought a dress.

“Tell me first, what’s wrong with Bruce?”

Donna was more concerned about Bruce’s news.

The housekeeper A Fu was a little hesitant: “Young Master Bruce wants me to tell you that he is dead, but I think this is not good, so…” ”

“Dead? I’d rather see where he died. ”

Donna gritted her teeth, she was the goddess of fate, of course she could feel that Bruce’s fate line was not broken, how could he suddenly die…….

So Donna unceremoniously pushed away the housekeeper Afu and broke in.

But she didn’t know how to get into the bat cave, even if she searched all the rooms and couldn’t find Bruce’s whereabouts. In the end, the housekeeper A Fu couldn’t stand it and said, “Come with me.” I hope he doesn’t blame me for being troublesome. ”

Led by the butler Afu, they finally found the entrance, which was in Thomas’s study, with a secret door hidden behind a bookcase.

First they passed through a long dark tunnel, and finally came to an underground hollow. This is the Bat Cave, I didn’t expect to hide it so deeply.

Behind Wayne Manor, in front of the Bat Cave, there is a lake directly connected to the sea. No one would have thought that the bat cave was hidden behind this lake.

Because there is a waterfall here that hides the location of the cave entrance.

Diana and Donna immediately noticed a shelf in the bat cave, where Bruce was lying.

And his parents were by his side.

Martha had cried into tears because she also knew that the injuries suffered by Eves were almost disabled. That’s the most important vertebrae of a person is broken.

Donna quickened her pace and walked over: “Bruce? Are you okay? ”

“Donna? What are you doing here? ”

Although Bruce was already injured so badly, he recognized Donna for the first time at 5.4.

Donna leaned down and looked down at the pale-faced Bruce, carefully observing his line of destiny while reprimanding, “What happened?” Why didn’t it give me… We call? Don’t you have my phone? Why not ask us for help? ”

Bruce smiled wryly and shook his head, he was just thinking about Donna for a while, he really just thought about it, and he was caught by that Bane, and he was lifted up and broke his spine at once.

At this time, Diana also came, she first reached out to comfort Donna, but because Donna herself did not notice how sad her expression was, this made Diana squint her eyes slightly, and murderous intent began to occur in her heart.

Dare to let her sister show such an expression? No matter who that person is or why, he is dead.

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