Chapter 182 Unlucky Bane.

As Diana treated Bruce’s injuries, the Waynes and the housekeeper Afu breathed a sigh of relief. Diana then helped move Bruce to his bedroom, where he could continue to rest.

Although Diana regenerated and repaired Bruce’s spine, he still needed some rest to fully recover. Then because Bruce was still clutching Donna’s hand in his sleep, everyone saw this situation and could only let Donna stay to take care of Bruce.

Diana glanced sideways at Donna and turned to go out. Donna blushed and pretended to turn a blind eye.

In the living room outside, Diana still maintained Bruce’s appearance, even the clothes were exactly the same as when Bruce was in his pajamas, he sat in the living room with his legs up, enjoying the body of the long-lost man while thinking thoughtfully.

In fact, with his current strength and realm, if there is really a cute young lady who is willing to stick with him in the future, it seems that he does not have to be pasted?

He doesn’t need to become someone else, just become a man exactly like himself, that is, turn his body into a man, isn’t it?

They can also have children or something. Ahem.

The girl who is just willing to stick with him should be Diana, who likes to be a woman, right? It’s really a bit embarrassing.

Did Wonder Woman become Wonder Man?

Watching him sit there swaggering, in fact, the Waynes and his wife also felt a little discordant, because their son would not be so rude.

Only the butler A Fu silently wiped his tears on the side, he was happy for Young Master Bruce. Especially looking at Donna’s attitude, maybe Bruce was still a blessing in disguise this time?

“Then again, I’ll take the place of Batman next, so don’t get involved.”

Diana looked up, he didn’t want Thomas to go into danger.

Obviously, he can easily solve it, don’t get hurt again when Thomas is injured, he still has to waste some hands and feet.

Thomas saw that Diana’s attitude was very firm, plus he also cured his son, and he could only agree;

“Then it’s bothering you.”

Diana shook her head, and when she stood up, she also used magic to create a Batman suit for herself.

“Maybe that’s not bad.”

Diana laughed, maybe he just thought it was funny, right?

The Waynes looked at each other, really not understanding why Diana was so interested.

Diana did not hesitate much, since he had decided that he would replace Bruce as Batman again, she simply reached out and lifted the window and jumped out.

“I’ll go back.”

Diana said, and the person flickered in mid-air and disappeared. Only Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and the housekeeper Afu were left to look at each other.

“In other words, I’m afraid such a Batman is going to cause a sensation, right?”

Does Batman appear during the day?

That’s not the night knight anymore.

What’s more, with Diana’s power, how powerful should the Batman who appears in front of people be? That’s definitely something that Batman’s enemies can’t understand.

In fact, in essence, Batman’s opponent and Diana’s enemy are not the same level. Who are Batman’s enemies? Bain? Clown? Riddler? Penguin people? Scarecrow? What is this.

Look at Diana’s opponents, who faced the son of Ares on her debut, and they were all gods.

Then there are the leopard women, the newborns, Iazon, Cersei, even the Olympian gods and even the Titan gods and so on. This is not a level at all.

So Diana didn’t take Bane seriously at all, but when Diana found Bane, she found that the guy was making a big fuss in a square without any scruples.

He claims to release all the madmen in Gotham City Prison and the Arkham Asylum, and he wants to make Gotham City a “free country” once and for all.

He even wants to control Gotham City.

The people around dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and even the police officers led by Sheriff Gordon could not easily fire because they did not receive orders. What’s more, Bane is currently only claiming that he solved Batman, and he broke Batman’s spine.

However, because Batman’s identity has not been exposed, he is more like a legend, no one knows who Batman is, not even a vigilante.

So I don’t know if Bain is a crime or not.

Sheriff Gordon was also helpless. And at this moment, Diana, wearing a black cloak, suddenly fell from the sky.

“I’m sorry, but although I’m a little interested in your ideals of a free country, I have to interrupt you, Bane, whose back do you say you broke?”

Diana appeared in the square as Batman.

Immediately there was a cheer all around.

There are also video cameras and camera shutters that flash non-stop.

Diana stood there with her hands crossed at the waist, in fact, she was not Batman at all. He did it on purpose to make the news that Batman is still alive and well known to the world.

Bane exclaimed in disbelief: “This can’t be, I have obviously broken your spine.” ”

“Oh? Then you try again? ”

Diana beckoned to Bane, looking unimpressed, which could be described as contemptuous to the extreme, Bane was furious, and he became furious because of Diana’s provocation.

So without hesitation, he took a big step and rushed directly to Diana’s face.

As a result, Diana seemed to be completely unresponsive, and was picked up by Bane and lifted above her head. There was an exclamation all around.

And the reporters present also reported on the spot: “It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s really bad, Bane lifted Batman, oh no, what is Bane going to do?” Oh my God, Bane slammed Batman on his knee. No, Bane… Bane’s knee shattered. ”

A scene that surprised all the viewers who were watching the TV series.

As the reporter said, Bane lifted Batman up, but as he slammed the bat clip to his knee.

With a “click”, what can be shattered is no longer Batman’s spine, but Bane’s knee.

He rolled on the ground holding his legs and shouting, “No, my legs, my knees.” ”

“That’s it?”

Diana, of course, fell back to the ground intact.

Everyone around looked at Diana stupidly.

Including Bruce, who was in front of the TV and had woken up, in Wayne Manor, he covered his head with one hand and looked unbearable to look at him.

I heard the butler A Fu who pushed the door and entered: “It seems that the legend of Batman is going to add some new content.” ”

That’s what Bruce has a headache for.

Looking at the picture again, Diana stepped forward and easily picked up Bane with one hand.

Seeing that Diana was about to reach out and grab Bane’s head, Bruce hurriedly asked Donna: “What is she going to do?” ”

“Ripping off his head, of course.”

“Oh my God, Batman doesn’t kill anyone, stop her.”

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