Chapter 203 Darkseid is here.

Darkseid finally came.

In fact, his arrival was inevitable, so no one was surprised when Darkseid really attacked.

In the Superman Square of the Metropolis, the superheroes have all come, and no one has escaped, in fact, there is no place to escape.

The entire universe has turned into a hell, even more terrifying than hell. It’s all because of Darkseid.

He overbearingly and ruthlessly conquered all the planets except Earth, and the entire universe was brutally trampled by him. This will be his final battle.

Even Darkseid has won before, and he has defeated Earth’s superheroes, from the Justice League to the Teen Titans, including all superhero and supervillain teams.

Every superhero has been ravaged by him. And almost all dead.

Darkseid’s previous withdrawal was more of a calm-back banter, or was it really because of Captain Atom’s blast?

Captain Atom’s explosion may have triggered a certain blue energy, which emitted fluctuations that even Darkseid had palpitations, but Darkseid made a comeback, and even Darkseid seemed to have drawn some kind of power from the earth, which made him stronger.

The sky of the earth was suddenly shrouded in black clouds, which should have been clear daylight, but it was as if it had ushered in the night in advance, that was Darkseid’s army, it was a black cloud composed of countless demons.

790 thousand? Tens? Several hundred thousand? Millions?

No, that’s an army of billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, even trillions.

Countless sonic boom channels were opened, which was the teleportation channel opened by the technology of the Apokolips Star with the mother box.

Countless demons are still pouring in madly, they let out a shrill crazy roar, they have only one purpose, they are loyal to Darkseid, they want to conquer all the universes for Darkseid.

On the ground.

The superheroes looked at all this with a solemn expression.

“What about those guys [supervillains]?”

Green Arrow asked Batman. Batman is about to contact Luthor.

But suddenly, there was a loud “boom” sound in a certain ruin behind him.


The Joker’s signature crazy laugh came, and he still carried an RPG launcher on his shoulder, apparently the same as he fired a rocket.

The rocket flew high in the air and was detonated, and the huge shock wave directly involved dozens of demons.

Although the demon is Darkseid’s biochemical weapon, the demon does not win with individual strength, in fact, the individual strength of the demon has reached the peak of ordinary humans, and even people without superpowers such as Batman and the Joker can be defeated.

What is truly terrifying about demons is their infinite number.

Therefore, the densely packed demons in the sky do not need to aim at all, and a bomb can be destroyed wherever they are dropped. But this loss is no different from throwing a grain of sand into the sea.

Darkseid was also completely unimpressed, floating high in the air with his hands behind his back, looking condescendingly at the ground like a king. Darkseid was also a little surprised that the superheroes who had been killed by him were standing there again.

But he still didn’t care, but said lightly: “Conquer them.” ”

It’s just another conquest.

So, the great war was beaten because of the clown’s shells. Without any opening words, the battle began.


In the sky, the immeasurable army of demons surged over, as if they wanted to devour the earth. On the ground, both superheroes and the supervillains are ready for battle.

But suddenly, Diana flew into the sky first.

Just when everyone was wondering what she was going to do, Diana raised her hands, and there was no seal of the guardian silver bracelet on her wrist.

After all, it is Darkseid who has to face, how can she be so big that she wears a guardian silver bracelet to fight Darkseid, hasn’t she suffered enough?

Whether it is a leopard woman or a newborn, she has brought Diana an impressive blow and lesson. So Diana is already on full fire.

I heard her raise her head and shout: “I am Diana, the sky, the earth, the sea, the underworld, everything in the world, and even everything in the universe, must be subject to Diana’s control.” Wind, lightning, rainstorm, flames. ”

Every time Diana pronounced a word, a corresponding element condensed around her. And as Diana pointed forward.


Above the sky, even higher in the sky between the demon-like army and Darkseid, patches of even more terrifying black clouds shrouded them, followed by terrifying thunder with a diameter like a bucket.

Even the succession of thunder and lightning was as airtight as rain.

Countless demons didn’t even have time to react, and they all wailed and turned into flying ash.

And there were torrential rains that began to fall, but those torrential rains were not just rain, the powerful raindrops easily pierced the bodies of countless demons like bullets.

What’s more, a terrible sea of fire ignited from in front of Diana, and with the wind that began to howl, the flame that seemed to be enough to destroy the world swept from the bottom up towards the demon army and Darkseid.

Not only can the flames easily burn the demons to ashes, but the fierce wind is also terrifying, as if it contains terrifying blades, which are enough to easily tear the demons’ bodies apart and sweep them to pieces.

With Diana’s outbreak, and up and down, the immeasurable army of demons instantly collapsed. Diana alone had caused such a terrible feat, and the ground suddenly resounded with cheers.

At the same time, Diana II, that is, the Diana of this universe, also began to wonder, is she so strong?

Why is this Diana so powerful? Is that the power of magic? It’s not like other people’s magic, because Diana’s magic is too powerful.

After all, Diana is now the god of magic.

The wind is still howling, the thunder is roaring, the flames are raging below, and the downpour is pouring above. In this, even Darkseid was moved, because he felt the power of God.

“She’s strong.”

Darkseid said.

“However, she is not as strong as you, the great Darkseid.”

Behind Darkseid, there was also a row of figures exuding terrifying momentum standing in the sonic boom tunnel.

But they did not dare to go beyond Darkseid, they were waiting for Darkseid’s order, only Darkseid’s order could make them move, otherwise they would not even dare to move.

“Great Dark Lord, let us conquer this world for you once and for all, and capture that old god for you.”

A tall body covered in terrible scales knelt willingly behind Darkseid.

Darkseid said without looking back, “No, Steppenwolf, it’s not yet time for you to appear.” Let my girls deal with her. Also, increase the number of sonic boom channels so that all the demons can come over in one go. ”

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