Chapter 228: Diana’s magical doppelganger.

Seeing that those Kryptonian vehicles have all been activated, and even began to emit some kind of unique energy, shooting towards the ground of those cities, and as the energy light pillar began to contact the air and the ground, the surrounding atmosphere and ground began to be transformed.

Diana knew she couldn’t wait any longer to let it ferment, so she got into action. Among Diana’s many abilities, there is no such thing as the ability to be separated.

But as the goddess of magic, she has all the known magic, including the magic that Cersey has mastered over the years, and all the magic recorded on Earth.

Of course, because Hecate’s legends and powers are earth-wide after all, they only contain all the magic on the earth, after all, there may be other magical gods in other worlds.

Like the Three Palaces Demon or something?

It was in the midst of those spells that Diana actually found the magic she wanted. That’s the magic that can be separated.

“Tao gives birth to one, one life to two, two to three, three to all things. Incarnate. ”


From behind Diana, figures suddenly flew out. That’s countless Dianas.

At this moment, she used a passage from the Taoist Tao Te Ching as a magic spell, but after 340, she created her own countless doppelgangers by imitating the mystery of the birth of heaven and earth and the birth of the universe.

These doppelgangers don’t even belong to the doppelganger, because each one belongs to Diana’s essence, so they have the same power as the ontology.

But because of this, if these doppelgangers are hit hard, Diana herself will also be affected. This is not an ordinary doppelganger, but more like the so-called one qi and three cleansing mentioned by Taoists.

That is, each one is a true self.

To be honest, if there are ulterior motives or demagoguery among these doppelgangers, it is very dangerous and easy to be eaten back.

But now Diana can’t take care of much.

Needless to say, those doppelgangers are also ontology, and naturally know what the ontology wants to do.

Countless Dianas looked at each other, and then they began to move, and surrounded the flying machines. Because at this moment, the number of Diana’s doppelgangers is more, and there are more than three Diana around almost every aircraft.

“Dismantled them.”

With the ontology’s command, all Diana took action.

While they violently dismantled and exploded the flying machines, while Diana’s doppelganger quickly restored the changed environment to its previous appearance, and more Diana doppelgangers went around to find out if there were injured and affected people to help them heal, the legend of Wonder Woman also added some strange stories.

At the same time, this also made Diana’s reputation even louder. Because she is now doing operations on a global scale.

As for those flying machines, they were violently blasted by all Diana’s doppelgängers.

Diana also carefully noticed whether there were any hidden debris that would leave a hidden danger, so that she would never leave any traces. In just a split second, Diana destroyed General Zod’s ambitious plan.

This was something that General Zod did not expect, and even the Martian hunter Jon Jones could not speak, so he silently changed back to the appearance of human John Jones.

But he has already revealed his identity as an alien, so he shouldn’t be able to go back to before, right?

And General Zod couldn’t take care of this side at this time, because a big war broke out between him and Clark. In order not to threaten the safety of Louise and Martha, Clark took General Zod elsewhere. But I don’t know when, their battle actually came to the sky over the metropolis.

Suddenly, with the collision of two superhuman-level forces, the metropolis began to be destroyed.

Especially the Daily Planet, perhaps Clark already knew that it was the Daily Planet who betrayed Louise, saying that Louise may know the whereabouts of Clark, an alien, which led to all this.

Or maybe it was really just an accident?

In short, the first thing Clark and General Zod rushed to was the Daily Planet.

Just listening to the “boom”, the Planet Daily logo, which was a huge spherical model made of metal that they placed at the top of the building, similar to the earth, was hit head-on by Clark and Zod, and then collapsed with a bang.

The huge metal model, though not solid, was just a hollow spherical model.

But that thing is still very large, just smashed down like this, not to mention how much damage it caused to the ground below, even the people in the building will be threatened.

At the critical moment, a sturdy and beautiful figure flew over and easily caught the metal ball. Exactly Diana.

It turned out that Diana had left the handling of the aircraft and the environment to the back, as well as the treatment of the injured people. As for her body, she rushed over.

“Hey, don’t destroy other people’s cities, damn it, this is my territory right now. And Superman, what did you protect? ”

Diana shouted.

After all, before Superman was born, she was the superhero of Metropolis. But neither Zod nor Clark had time to pay attention to her complaints. Not to mention that General Zod is even less likely to listen to her.

When Diana had just placed the metal ball on the ground, she noticed that their fight had flown high in the air on the other side.

Seeing General Zod in battle with Clark, as his suit, which also functions as a spacesuit, began to break, General Zod finally began to touch the Earth’s atmosphere and feel nourished by the light from the yellow sun.

This gave General Zod more power, even beginning to surpass Clark.

After all, General Zod is a natural fighter, and his combat literacy and combat experience are not comparable to Clark’s.

“So that’s why you’re strong?”

General Zod felt more powerful while chagrining, he already knew that he should have let all his subordinates go through a baptism before.

That way, they wouldn’t have been easily wiped out by that damn woman.

Diana didn’t know that she was scolded by Zod, but even if she knew it, she would disdain to say, the old lady is a multiverse level, just you?

Don’t get me wrong, don’t have the illusion, when did you see her true strength? After a burst of laughter, General Zod kicked Clark’s body even harder.

At this time, they really have superhuman strength, after all, Clark is superman, and General Zod’s power has even begun to surpass Clark.

So the power of this kick is definitely not to be underestimated.

General Zod not only produced a sonic boom caused by breaking through the sound barrier in mid-air when he pulled out this kick, but also when he kicked Clark, who was caught off guard, the terrifying force directly made him fly to another building at the speed of sound.

If he crashed into it, I am afraid that half of the building would have to collapse.


Diana hurriedly chased after her and caught Clark at faster-than-light speeds. At this time, she seems to have become their firefighter?

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