Darkness is in Action!

“Damn it!”

In the secret laboratory of Saitek Group in Kumamoto City, Masaki Keigo viciously threw the stone in his hand to the ground.

The stone that looked like a prismatic crystal turned into powder the moment it touched the ground, and then melted into the ground.

“Why, why can’t it succeed!”

Masaki Keigo sat slumped on the ground. He looked at the gray-black stone statue standing in front of him, and a trace of anger flashed deep in his eyes.

“Perhaps, we must find the inheritor of light and obtain his transformation device!”

After a long time, Masaki Keigo got up from the ground, brushed the dust off his body, and walked towards the exit of the laboratory without saying a word.

In the corridor near the exit, there are four huge photos hanging!

They are Dijia, Dyna, Galops, and Uub who has only shot once!

If people from the Victory Team were here, they would be very surprised, because Uub’s photos only appeared inside the Victory Team and in front of TPC executives. Where did Masaki Keigo get the photos from?

“Dyna is not the light handed down from the ancient times. There is no clue about Galopus’s human body. That is to say, I can only start with the human body of Di Jia and this unknown guy?”

Back in his office, Masaki Keigo opened the document he had secretly stored, and found some information that even the winning team needed permission to unlock!

“Yuan Dagu!”

Masaki Keigo looked at it for a long time before slowly hovering the mouse over Dagu’s photo.

Only this person, only this person is the most suspect!

“When Di Jia appeared, he was nowhere to be seen. The follow-up battle report was also somewhat ambiguous. It seems that I have found the person I need to find!”

Masaki Keigo took a deep breath and leaned back on the chair back. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, but his attention was not concentrated!

Ever since monsters and Ultraman appeared, Keigo Masaki, a well-known physicist, professor of mathematics, and professor of aviation and aerospace engineering, began to study this creature that surpassed human common sense.

He obtained the wreckage of the monster “defeated” by the winning team through some means, and researched a lot of interesting things. If he published all of them, he might have to add two or three more to his long list of titles.

However, Masaki Keigo did not publish the information he had researched, but instead hid it all.

Because, many of the materials he researched do not have much practical benefit, but they will have a violent impact on the current structure of the earth. This impact is likely to completely destroy a great peaceful scene.

He Masaki Keigo is a proud person, but also a scientist who loves the earth and mankind. It is impossible to do things that harm the interests of the earth and mankind.

Of course, this persistence lasted until the day when he discovered a fact that shocked him!

In the process of studying unnatural creatures, Masaki Keigo bought this mountain and converted it into his own laboratory. During the process of digging the cave, he accidentally discovered this isolated tiankeng!

When he explored this tiankeng, he was surprised to find that a stone statue of a giant and a stone statue of a terrifying monster stood quietly in the cave, and no one knew how many years had passed!

Masaki Keigo, who was already very interested in Ultraman and monsters, immediately threw himself into the experiment. In an accident, he cut his hand, and the blood sprayed onto the giant.When the man was on the stone statue, it aroused the resonance of the stone statue!

At that time, Masaki Keigo was quite scared and excited, because he felt as if he was standing in front of a certain gate, and he only needed to stretch out his hand lightly to push the gate called “God” open. !

Without proceeding with the experiment rashly, Masaki Keigo contacted his eyeliner in TPC, and sent out the recording of the space-time machine through his special means.

Masaki Keigo, who also possesses ultra-ancient genetic genes, easily analyzed all the information of You Lianna except “the ancients become light”.

When he learned that Ultraman turned out to be a human transformed, Masaki Keigo felt that his inner ambition had changed!

He wants to become the leader who leads mankind to evolution!

Since then, Masaki Keigo has been researching and developing light energy conversion equipment day and night in order to revive the stone statue, but he did not expect him to research it.

It’s a pity that without enough media, even if he also possesses ultra-ancient genetic factors, Masaki Keigo has no way to completely integrate with the giant stone statue to revive him.

Today is the seventeenth time that he failed the experiment!

This time’s failure also made Masaki Keigo realize that he must have a powerful medium in order to truly become a god leading human evolution!

And that medium is the transforming device in the hands of Ultraman’s human body.

“According to the patrol schedule of the Victory Team, he will patrol around Mihuacho in Tokyo the day after tomorrow with Lina, Xincheng Qianxue and Shimizu Mo.”

Masaki Keigo regained his concentration. He put his gaze back on Dagu’s materials, and began to figure out how to let Dagu act alone.

No way, even if it was Masaki Keigo, who claimed to be a human elite, he was not sure of getting Dako’s transformation device in the siege of the four victorious team elites.

What’s more, there are two monsters that cannot be called human beings.

Xincheng Qianxue and Qingshuimo are the top one or two with multiple records in the TPC. The gap between them and the third place is like a natural barrier!

Masaki Keigo once tested it himself, and he may be better than those records of the former No. 1, but compared to Qian Xue and Qing Shuimo, he is really the younger brother, and there is no comparison at all!

If it wasn’t because of his repeated investigations, Dagu was the most likely Tijia, maybe he would have set his sights on these two people!

“Let’s just use Gai Ozark, and let me see how big the gap is between me, who has not transformed into a giant of light, and Tiga!”

Masaki Keigo rubbed his temples, and then looked in the direction of his other secret laboratory with awe-inspiring eyes!

There, there are the giant war weapons independently developed and built by him, the Mediterranean Shark, and Gay Ozark!

At the beginning, he wanted to use Geozak to find out if there were any other giants of light and stone monster statues under Kumamoto City, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

Just as Masaki Keigo was planning how to target Dagu, the victory team’s command room was filled with joy and peace.

The villagers who were rescued in the Magnia incident and the staff of the Cosmic Observation Center sent thanks to the victory team. The person who came was Jiang Qi Qianhe!

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