People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 102 Yu Xiaogang’s face was dark, and Tang San didn’t even dare to fart.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang leaving in despair, Flanders suddenly smiled.

This kid Zhao Wuji is really getting better and better at last-hitting.

He had long discovered that Yu Xiaogang and his vice-dean seemed to have some problems with each other.

But at the beginning, he didn't want any conflict between the two parties.

After all, at that time, he still regarded Yu Xiaogang as his brother.

Zao Wuji is also indispensable to him.

Therefore, Flanders still wanted the two of them to get along well with each other.

But what Yu Xiaogang did later made him extremely disappointed.

This guy doesn't seem to care about brotherhood at all, but instead goes all out to get benefits from himself.

So Flanders didn't bother to take care of it later.

Yu Xiaogang is a bastard, and he is arrogant just because he had a good relationship with him in the past.

Instead, he came to Vice Dean Zhao Wuji, not to mention being arrogant.

That is simply too much to dare to say.

If what Zhao Wuji said just now came from Flanders' mouth, then Yu Xiaogang would definitely not give up.

At least he wouldn't leave in such a dejected manner.

"It's time for us to leave. The results achieved by Team Shrek today can be said to be very good, even exceeding my expectations."

At this moment, Flanders stood up and prepared to leave the Soto Spirit Arena with Zhao Wuji.

"Dean, I very much agree with your statement, but I also have a suggestion here."

Zhao Wuji also stood up,

"To be honest, our players are under a lot of pressure today against Team Madness. I suggest that we give them a day off tomorrow, and at the same time, we can reward everyone when we go back later."

Flanders hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

What Zhao Wuji said is not unreasonable.

The intensity of the spirit fight today was simply too great.

He had already noticed it when he just came off the field.

Although everyone in the Shrek team had a smile on their face.

But hidden under the smile was a deep look of exhaustion.

Especially among Dai Mubai's six players who were dismissed early, Huo Feng, who turned the tide in the end and hit six against six, seemed to be in much better spirits.

After winning a battle, of course you have to reward everyone.

Only in this way can we better mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone.

After returning to the hotel, he directly called everyone to his room, even Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were called over.

Considering the special nature of the two of them, Flender directly asked Zhao Wuki to call him.

So although the two people at this moment have arrived, their faces can be said to be very ugly.

Yu Xiaogang was okay, at least he was still awake when Zhao Wuji went, but he was very reluctant.

But Tang San was different. He had already laid down when Yu Xiaogang left.

It's just that he didn't fall asleep because he felt uncomfortable.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, something like this happened.

Isn’t this a joke?

Although Tang San was angry, he didn't dare to show off at all.

His own teacher Yu Xiaogang stood there with a dark face and did not dare to speak, and even his little disciple did not dare to say a word.

On the way here, Tang San had already learned from Yu Xiaogang that Team Shrek had also won the team battle in the spirit battle today.

However, the latter did not tell him that the Shrek team's victory was due to Huo Feng's one-on-six turn of events.

Although Yu Xiaogang has some confidence in his disciple.

But this kind of thing will inevitably affect Tang San's mentality.

We can only tell when we can no longer hide it.

Therefore, Tang San now also understood that the results of all the students of Shrek Academy today were among the best.

Whether it's one-on-one, two-on-two, or the final team battle.

Only he, Tang San, lost a small one-on-one match, and Oscar and Ma Hongjun lost a two-on-two match.

All other games were won.

The most outrageous thing is that his way of losing is not the normal kind of hard power gap.

If it's just a simple difference in physical strength, like the two-on-two match between Oscar and Ma Hongjun, there's nothing to say if you haven't played before.

Not only did Tang San lose, but his loss was quite explosive.

Now in the Soto Great Spirit Fighting Arena, the only one who could compete with Tang San's popularity was Huo Feng, who finally beat six in a team battle.

But the reputation of the two is completely different.

Some people have discovered that these two people are actually on the same team.

But in the last team battle, "Shrek No. 8" failed to appear at the same time as "Shrek No. 1", which was really a pity.

Tang San glanced sideways at Yu Xiaogang and saw that the latter had a dark face and lowered his head.

He also quickly lowered his head.

It’s really a bit shameless!

Looking at the students who were a little tired but extremely excited, Flanders asked calmly:

"Tell me, how did you feel during today's spirit fight?"

Hearing this question, Tang San lowered his head even harder.

If Flanders asked him to answer how he felt about today's spirit fight, then Tang San might as well die.

Not only was his feeling strange, but the most important thing was that it was hard to talk about!

Everyone thought for a while, and finally Dai Mubai spoke first:

"In individual battles, it was fine, but in team battles, our initial cooperation was not tacit enough."

"If Huo Feng hadn't turned the tide in the end, we still don't know what the outcome would have been."

When he reached the second half of the sentence, Dai Mubai scratched his head in embarrassment.

Although they won the team battle, it can be said that half of the credit belongs to Huo Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar and Ma Hongjun all said a few words.

Even Vice Dean Zhao Wuji said a few words at the end.

Without exception, they all mentioned Huo Feng.

And it's all praise for the latter.

This couldn't help but make Tang San very confused.

Because these Shrek students didn't reveal any details of the team battle, Tang San just knew that their team battle was a victory.

And it was because of Huo Feng's efforts to turn the tide that he won.

In general, Huo Feng's contribution is great.

Now Tang San was eager to know what Huo Feng, as everyone said, had done in the group battle spirit.

He quietly glanced at Yu Xiaogang's position and saw that the latter still had his head lowered and seemed to have no intention of raising his head.

Seeing this scene, Tang San didn't dare to look around anymore and obediently lowered his head.

Of course he didn't know that his teacher Yu Xiaogang not only knew what Huo Feng had done.

Moreover, he personally witnessed the process of Huo Feng leading Shrek to victory.

He even truly acted like a clown in front of Dean Flanders and Vice Dean Zhao Wuji.

But how could he talk to his disciples about this kind of thing.

At this moment, a smile gradually widened on Flanders' face.

What a coincidence, his eyes fell on Yu Xiaogang and Tang San who were bowing their heads.

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