People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 111 System Mission: Defeat the Imperial Team and sacrifice Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan!

[Task reward: five thousand sacrifice points! 】

Good guy!

Another unpretentious five thousand sacrifice points!

Huo Feng smiled in his heart, or else the system must be solid.

The five thousand sacrifice points for this system mission, plus the previous sacrifice points, have now easily exceeded the ten thousand mark.

And now he is getting closer and closer to level 40.

With these five thousand sacrifice points.

It can be said that there is no need to worry about the level 40 soul ring anymore.

According to Huo Feng's memory of the original work, this Royal Dou team is the team of Tian Dou Royal Academy.

Captain Yu Tianheng is the heir to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

Vice-captain Dugu Yan is the granddaughter of Titled Douluo Dugu Bo.

The background can be said to be deeper than the last.

But before the system, all beings are equal.

The sacrifice must still be a sacrifice.

At this moment, Flanders walked up to Zhao Wuji, lifted the crystal glasses on his nose, and whispered,

"If my guess is correct, this team must be famous in a certain city."

"And I have already vaguely guessed the origin of this Imperial Battle Team. If my guess is correct, then there will be no danger to the souls in this team battle."

Zhao Wuji was a little confused.

What is the dean saying?

Why don't you stay here and play charades with him?

Flanders ignored the confused Zhao Wuji. He turned around and walked back to the seven Huo Feng people. He raised his hand and pointed to the information on the desk.

"According to the data, the seven people on the other side are a very complete combination. The two people you should pay attention to the most are their captains and deputy captains. The blue electric overlord dragon soul master and the jade phosphorus snake soul master."

"Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus"

"Jade Phosphorous Snake"

Behind him, Zhao Wuji muttered to himself and repeated it.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, as if he suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Flanders, who was still introducing to everyone:

"The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, as the top being among the beast spirits, has extremely powerful attack power and is known as the beast spirit with the strongest attack."

"Its status in the beast martial spirit is equivalent to Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in the auxiliary martial spirit."

"As for this Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit Master, since she chose the control system, she reminds me of someone."

"Zhao Wuji, do you still remember him?"

Zhao Wuji, who was still doubtful at first, has basically confirmed what he just suspected.

"You said it couldn't be him, right?"

Flanders nodded,

"That's him I'm talking about."

Dai Mubai next to him couldn't bear it anymore.

"Dean, master, please don't play riddles. What exactly are you talking about?"

Flanders looked serious and said seriously:

"The Jade Phosphorus Snake Martial Spirit is a rare martial spirit on the mainland, just like the martial spirits of several major families."

"But there is only one famous Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit Master in history."

"He is a special control type war soul master."

"To be precise, he should be called Jade Phosphorus Douluo."

"I think some of you should have heard of it."

Isn't it Poison Douluo Dugu Bo? Huo Feng has naturally heard of him and is very familiar with him.

But in order to be consistent with the others, he still deliberately flashed a look of surprise on his face.

But others are not as calm as him.

Upon hearing the words Jade Phosphorus Douluo, Dai Mubai's expression suddenly changed and he said hastily:

"Are you talking about the Jade Phosphorus Douluo who is known as the most difficult poison tyrant in the world?"

Flanders took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"Besides him, who else is the Jade Phosphorus Douluo?"

"As far as I know, apart from him, there are very few jade phosphorus snake soul masters in existence. Even if there are, they will not be of the control type."

"Since the other vice-captain is a control-type Jade Phosphorus Snake, I can be sure that she has an inseparable relationship with Jade Phosphorus Douluo."

"Others may not know, but I know clearly that Jade Phosphorus Douluo also has the surname Dugu."

At this time, Ning Rongrong suddenly said:

"Then is their captain a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?"

Flanders smiled bitterly and said:

"Except for the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, at least I haven't heard of any Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex soul masters anywhere."

"The background of this Huang Dou group is terrifying."

"Not only these two, the Xuanwu Turtle is a martial spirit as famous as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus."

"It's just that there are fewer Xuanwu Turtle soul masters and there is no complete sect, so it is not as famous as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex."

"Despite this, Xuanwu Turtle is also a top-notch existence among defensive martial spirits."

Ning Rongrong nodded and looked at Flanders:

"Dean, can I make a suggestion?"

Flanders nodded,

"You tell me."

Ning Rongrong took a step forward and faced the others in Shrek.

"When fighting souls, our primary target must be the opponent's auxiliary soul master."

"Oh why?"

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Flender couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Even he had never heard of Jiuxin Haitang, a martial spirit. This situation was extremely rare.

But considering that there are two auxiliary soul masters on his side, including Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, he is not worried about being weaker than his opponent in this aspect.

On the other hand, Ning Rongrong looked serious.

"I know the martial spirit of Jiuxin Haitang."

"Unlike other martial spirits, this martial spirit is passed down from a single line, and each generation can only have one successor."

"There can only be two Nine Heart Begonia Soul Masters alive at the same time."

"Only when one dies can another one appear in the next generation."

"It can be said to be the smallest number of martial arts spirits. My father once said that Jiuxin Begonia is a miracle among martial arts spirits."

Who is Ning Rongrong’s father, let alone Flanders and Zao Wu-Ki?

Even the other members of the Shrek team know it.

That was the sect leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Represents the authority of the auxiliary soul master.

Even he described a martial spirit like this, so the role of this martial spirit can be imagined.

Flanders frowned slightly, then asked:

"Then what exactly is the role of the Nine Heart Begonia martial spirit? In what aspect does it play a supporting role?"

Ning Rongrong said in a deep voice:

"Jiuxin Haitang is good at only one ability."

"No matter how many soul rings it has, it only has one soul skill. This is what's scary about it."

"Its function is to treat the whole body in a wide range."

"The degree of treatment is controlled by the soul master's will. The higher the level, the more soul rings, and the more soul power used for treatment."

"My father said that with Jiuxin Haitang Spirit Master here, it will not be easy even if you want to die."

"So, after the soul fighting begins, we must first get her out of the battlefield. Otherwise, we will not be able to cause harm to any opponent before her soul power is exhausted."

Flanders nodded, his expression slightly solemn.

What Ning Rongrong said makes perfect sense.

Judging from the current information, this Imperial Fighting Team seems to be much stronger than the Shrek Team.

And coupled with the useless Tang San, it can be said that it is six to eight.

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