People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 130 Yu Xiaogang panicked, Tang San’s situation was not optimistic


Yu Xiaogang was shocked.

Not caring about pretending anymore, he rushed straight in the direction of Tang San.

Tang San was his only disciple, so he must not let anything happen to him.

The very hasty footsteps caught Qin Ming's attention.

He was always standing at the entrance passage. Just when he wanted to see what was going on, he saw his disciples approaching one by one.

There was no unpleasant expression on Qin Ming's face, but a faint smile.

In his opinion, this may be a good result.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Qin, we lost."

Yu Tianheng stopped in front of Qin Ming and lowered his always proud head.

Qin Ming didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Yu Tianheng can be said to be his most proud disciple and his pride.

At this time, Yu Tianheng continued:

"The responsibility for today's defeat lies entirely with me."

"It was me who failed to command well, went deep alone, and was ambushed by my opponent."

"He was also arrogant and careless, and mistakenly underestimated the strength of the other team."

"If you want to punish me, punish me."

Qin Ming is by no means a gentle person.

On the contrary, he was extremely strict when educating his disciples.

The punishment is often severe.

That's why Yu Tianheng voluntarily asked for punishment.

"No, captain, I can't blame you. Who would have thought that the other party's captain would be so strong?"

Black Panther Soul Master Oslo hurriedly helped Yu Tianheng to tell the difference.

Yu Tianheng sighed softly, shook his head and said:

"If you lose, you lose."

"Even though we completely outperformed our opponents in terms of soul power and soul rings, we still lost."

"It only proves that we made too many mistakes in this spirit fight."

At this time, Dugu Yan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Tianheng, even if there is a mistake, it is not your fault."

"It's me, as the control soul master, the soul of the team."

"I am the commander on the battlefield. I failed to direct everyone well."

Growing up, Dugu Yan rarely cried.

Her life of the past twenty years has been mostly smooth sailing.

He has rare poison field control ability, profound background, and powerful soul power among his peers.

Keeping her at the top of the pyramid.

Today's defeat hit her harder than anyone else.

At this moment, tears of humiliation flowed out of his eyes unconsciously.

The two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters remained silent. Yu Feng was about to say something, but Qin Ming raised his hand to stop him.

"For you, although this is a failure, it is a good thing."

Qin Ming said with a smile.

There was no harshness in the tone that the members of the Royal Tou Sentai were waiting for.

Yu Tianheng was stunned for a moment, looked at Qin Ming, and suddenly understood something in his heart.

Oslo couldn't help but said:

"Teacher Qin, we lost so miserably, why is it still a good thing?"

Qin Ming smiled faintly and said,

"Because, everything you have experienced has been so smooth."

"Although you have encountered setbacks in front of you, after all, this setback has not caused any of you to be irreparably harmed."

"If this setback occurs in the future, perhaps you will have to pay the price of your life to understand what is happening before you."

"Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is not being able to learn from failure."

"I think you should have found some mistakes of your own."

"Then, when you encounter such an opponent next time, you will become stronger."

"Team Shrek defeated you, but it also awakened you."

"Each of you has unique talents."

"I only have one sentence for you"

Having said this, he paused for a moment and glanced at all the members of the Imperial Fighting Team before continuing,

“Grow through failure.”

"Grow through failure."

The members of the Royal Dou Team nodded and kept repeating Qin Ming's words.

At this moment Qin Ming waved his hand,

"You all go back to rest and recover as soon as possible. I have to meet a few people."

After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

On the other hand, the atmosphere on Team Shrek's side was much better.

Flanders was not stingy with his compliments, he simply praised them.

"Very good, you won. Not only did you defeat your opponent, you also defeated yourself."

"Today's team battle spirit can be regarded as the test in the second phase of the trial."

"And you all passed my test with flying colors."

When he said this, Flanders subconsciously looked in the direction of Yu Xiaogang and Tang San.

Naturally, Tang San was not included in this outstanding achievement.

Now Flanders regrets it from time to time.

If he had to choose again, he would definitely not agree to let Tang San join Shrek Academy.

This guy really lowered the average level of the entire academy.

The same goes for Soto's Great Soul Fight this time.

Without him, "Shrek No. 8," Shrek Academy's record could be said to be perfect.

The winning rate is almost over 90%.

But once Tang San was included, it instantly dropped a lot.

At this moment Oscar smiled and said,

"Dean, when you get back, is it time to give us a holiday?"

After hearing this, Flanders frowned and said:

"You little guys don't get too proud."

"Can't you see how lucky you are to win today?"

"In a real competition of strength, you are not the opponent of the Imperial Fighter Team."

Everyone in Shrek could naturally hear that this was a hint that they could win the team battle spirit, and Huo Feng played a big role in it.

Oscar curled his lips and said:

"But Dean, I remember you once taught us that luck is also a part of strength."

"Have you already forgotten?"

It's enough to say that they are lucky to have such a strong teammate as Huo Feng.

But this is indeed part of the strength.

Why doesn't the rival Royal Fighter team have such strong teammates?

"Uh..., you're a good boy."

Flanders smiled angrily.

Although he was reprimanding Oscar, in fact, he was no less excited than these team members.

Zhao Wuji on the side smiled and said,

"Okay, Flanders, you don't have to be so stern but the children have been hard enough during this time."

"Would you like to let them rest for a while when they go back?"

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang walked down the Soul Fighting Platform with Tang San on his back.

Because the damage caused by the latter was not that great this time, it was not too disgusting.

So Yu Xiaogang simply wrapped Tang San in his own clothes and then carried him on his back.

He looked a little panicked at this moment.

The pace is hurried, as if he doesn't want to stop for a moment.

Because after a brief inspection, Yu Xiaogang discovered that,

Tang San's situation is not optimistic.

However, Flender still stopped Yu Xiaogang out of concern for his Shrek Academy students, and said calmly,

"How is Tang San's condition?"

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