People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 137 Ten Thousand Years Wind Attribute Black Soul Ring! Spend 9999 sacrifice points!

The most expensive thing in the system mall is only 9999 sacrifice points.

This hasn't changed at least yet.

Because of the third soul ring Huo Feng had exchanged before.

A five-thousand-year-old purple soul ring consumes 9,999 sacrifice points.

And the exchange fee for the ten thousand year black soul ring he saw now was also 9999 sacrifice points.

[Ten thousand year wind attribute black soul ring! 】

Huo Fengqing couldn't help but nodded.

That’s it!

The fourth soul ring of ten thousand years level, this news should not scare people to death!

Fortunately, Huo Feng has a soul ring simulator.

The display color and age of the soul ring can be modified at will.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be directly captured by Wuhun Palace for research.

Just when Huo Feng was about to use the sacrifice points in exchange for this soul ring, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the room.

He frowned and quickly put away the system panel.

Then he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water as if nothing had happened.

"It's true that the dean actually asked us to carry Tang San?"

"It really ruined my day."

At this moment, he heard Oscar's voice talking to himself getting closer and closer.

He seemed to be complaining about Flanders, and at the same time he was also scolding Tang San.


The next second, Oscar opened the door and walked in.

The expression that had been frowning just a moment ago suddenly turned into a smile.

Seeing Huo Feng, he was actually a little nervous.

Huo Feng's performance in the spirit fighting arena these days made them all gain a lot of points.

Therefore, I now have great respect for their captain.

"Captain, the dean said he wants us to gather in the playground for a meeting."

Oscar still habitually calls Huo Feng captain.

After saying this, he carefully exited the dormitory.

And he closed the door with his hands.

A look of doubt flashed across Huo Feng's face.

Going to the playground for a meeting?

Didn't Flanders say let them rest for a month or two?

Why do we have to gather for a meeting only the next day?

And just now Huo Feng heard Oscar say that he had gone to carry Tang San early in the morning.

Originally, he thought the latter was going to be cool with Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

What's going on?

He originally wanted to take this time to fuse his fourth soul ring.

It seems that it can only be put on hold temporarily.

I have to find another time.

Huo Feng shook his head gently, stood up and walked out of the room.

It's definitely not easy to guess by yourself. Since we have to gather, we should go to the playground to see what is going on.

In fact, Oscar was called by Flanders early in the morning to help carry Tang San back from Soto City on a stretcher.

Also going together were Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

Including Yu Xiaogang, there are three people in total.

Tang San, who had just completed the operation, was forcefully carried back to Shrek Academy from the hospital.

Originally, Tang San should be lying in the hospital to rest.

But Yu Xiaogang really has no money.

This is the only last resort.

Tang San spent just one operation on the five hundred gold soul coins that Yu Xiaogang and Flanders asked for that night.

To help carry people, it was Flender who Yu Xiaogang secretly came to ask for in the middle of the night yesterday.

The latter arranged for Dai Mubai and the others to set off early in the morning.

Arriving at the playground, Huo Feng found that everyone else had already arrived.

Including three boys, Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

As well as three girls, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were not seen.

Could it be that what Flanders was about to say had nothing to do with the two of them.

At this moment, Huo Feng discovered that there was a slender man standing next to Flanders and Zhao Wuji.

At first he thought it was other teachers in the college.

But when I got closer, I realized that the person was actually the teacher of the Imperial Fighting Team - Qin Ming!

Huo Feng called him a good guy.

What is this for?

He walked forward and stood next to Xiao Wu as usual.

Behind him are Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

But for some reason, Huo Feng always felt that the three girls looked at him a little strangely today.

But I can’t tell where exactly.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Flanders straight to the point told the reason why he asked them to gather.

"This is a teacher from Tiandou Royal Academy and a student who graduated from our Shrek Academy, Teacher Qin Ming."

Everyone nodded, their expressions were calm, after all, they had seen him before.

However, the next second, Flanders' words made everyone present unable to remain calm.

"After discussion with Vice President Zhao Wuji and me, and the invitation of Teacher Qin Ming."

"I have decided to let everyone temporarily join Tiandou Royal Academy as exchange students for one year!"

"What the hell?"


"What do you mean by what the dean just said?"

"It seems like we are being asked to join the Tiandou Royal Academy."

Seeing the confused people, Qin Ming nodded.

"Yes, you heard me right."

"Tian Dou Royal Academy has the title of the first academy in the Tian Dou Empire."

"But there have been very few powerful soul masters in recent years, and their status has been deteriorating."

"As an academy established by the royal family of the Tiandou Empire, the Tiandou Royal Academy should have two participating places for the Soul Master Competition in a year's time."

"Therefore, I ask you all to join the Tiandou Royal Academy and participate in the continent-wide Soul Master Academy Elite Competition in one year's time!"

Flanders and Zhao Wuji next to him also nodded.

The two of them thought about this decision for a long time.

Only regular academies who have passed the preliminary round can participate in the continent-wide Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

Shrek Academy has not been registered in any kingdom or empire.

Because the college does not have the corresponding hardware conditions.

Although Shrek Academy has a reputation in the soul master world.

But that doesn't qualify you for the competition.

That's why they choose this method.

Moreover, Tiandou Royal Academy belongs to the royal family of Tiandou Empire.

It is one of the rare pure lands of soul masters that is not interfered by the Wuhun Palace.

Students will not suffer any loss if they stay there.

Shrek’s current teachers can also have a place to retire.

At the same time, Tiandou Royal Academy has a good name.

At this moment, Flanders turned his eyes to the Shrek people who were still a little confused,

"Letting everyone join Tiandou Royal Academy is actually not much different from now."

"We still let the teachers from our academy educate these children in person, and there will be no interference from Tiandou Royal Academy."

"At the same time, when we want to leave, Tiandou Royal Academy is not qualified to stop us."

"However, the conditions of Tiandou Royal Academy are much better than those here. I wonder if you have any opinions?"

As soon as Flanders said this, joy flashed across everyone's faces.

All seven people, including Huo Feng, nodded.

That's how it's settled.

Then everyone dispersed.

Dai Mubai took Oscar and Ma Hongjun and ran away.

Huo Feng returned to the dormitory again.

This time, he directly opened the system mall.

Choose, buy!

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host! The ten thousand year wind attribute black soul ring was purchased successfully! 】

[This consumption: 9999 sacrifice points! 】

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