People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 147 Tang San: Teacher, you won’t take me to beg for food, right?

After Qin Ming learned about the arrival of Shrek's group, he quickly rushed over.

At this moment, he looked happy,

"Dean Flanders, you are finally here!"

As he spoke, he hurried forward to salute Flanders and several teachers from Shrek Academy.

Flanders helped him up and said with a smile:

"Stop being so polite. Speaking of which, we will have to follow you in the future."

"Have you made arrangements here?"

Qin Ming nodded quickly,

"Don't worry, Dean, I have already arranged everything."

"I have already said hello to the senior management of Tiandou Academy. They welcome all teachers to join us!"

"Although they don't quite believe that the junior students can be so strong."

"But those kids from the Royal Tou Sentai have also proved it."

"Everything is fine!"

Flanders nodded and smiled.

Looking at the Shrek people who were a little tired from the long journey, Qin Ming immediately suggested,

"All the teachers and fellow students have come from afar, so why not take a rest today."

"I will arrange a place for everyone to live. Tomorrow I will take you to meet with the senior management of the college to finalize this matter."

Flanders and Zhao Wuji looked at each other.

Then they nodded at the same time.

They were quite satisfied with Qin Ming's arrangement.

After receiving the reply, Qin Ming immediately led them to a courtyard on the west side of the main campus of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Everything here has been tidied up, and everyone has a separate room.

There is also a separate conference room.

And all daily necessities are brand new.

The entire courtyard is like a separate existence, and the conditions in all aspects are much better than those of Shrek Academy.

Not only the teachers were satisfied, but the Shrek students were also greatly surprised.

The hard life in Shrek Academy has been going on for so long.

They were a little unaccustomed to being like this all of a sudden.

Especially the three girls Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

On weekdays, the three of them live in the same dormitory.

And from time to time I would go to bed.

Now, if they are separated all at once, they will naturally not get used to it.

After a brief discussion, they still chose to live together.

Because a single room is big enough.

They even blatantly seduced Huo Feng to live with them.

The latter naturally refused with a serious face.

Can you agree to such a thing?

If someone sees it in such a public place, wouldn't it be very easy to cause public outrage?

Being rejected by Huo Feng, Xiao Wu and the others did not feel any disappointment.

Because they originally wanted to tease Huo Feng as a joke.

Everything was arranged and everyone gathered in the reception room.

Qin Ming sat next to Flanders and asked everyone in Shrek very casually,

"I wonder if the teachers and fellow students are satisfied?"

"After I came back last time and finalized the matter with the hospital."

“I’ve made many choices, and I still think this is the most suitable place.”

"When you leave the yard, you can see the mountain scenery outside, and you can also see the lake below."

"There is a separate road from here that leads directly to the foot of the mountain. It is also very convenient to go to Tiandou City."

The students all smiled and nodded without saying anything.

But Flanders couldn't hold back his lips.

He was really satisfied with Qin Ming's arrangement.

I have to say that the environment here is completely different from that in Shrek Academy before.

Originally he was a little reluctant.

Only when I came to this good environment did I know what real fragrance is!

"Qin Ming, you have arranged it very well. I think everyone is very satisfied!"

Qin Ming nodded sheepishly,

"This is all as it should be, and it's not too early."

"Originally, I wanted to invite all the teachers and juniors to come to Tiandou City and find a better place for you to catch the wind and wash away the dust."

"But it's a little late today. Let's just grab something to eat in the academy."

"When everything is settled tomorrow, I think the hospital will host a special banquet for all the teachers."

Zhao Wuji waved his hand indifferently,

"Qin Ming, you also know that we don't care much about secular etiquette, so you don't have to go to too much trouble."

Qin Ming looked at Zhao Wuji and Flanders with deep emotions in his eyes.

"Dean, please don't be polite to me. Just listen to my arrangements."

The dinner was much more sumptuous than imagined.

Although it was in a hurry, Qin Ming still prepared the best dishes as much as possible to entertain everyone.

Qin Ming sat with Flanders and Zhao Wuji.

After three rounds of drinking, he praised the Shrek students.

"I have been coming to Tiandou Royal Academy for a few years, and I have met many students with outstanding talents."

"Like Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan, they are also very talented."

"But compared with our Shrek Academy students, they are still far behind."

Flanders curled his lips,

“It’s okay to praise appropriately, but don’t overdo it.”

"Dean, I am telling the truth!"

"Especially the captain of the Shrek team. His talent and strength can be said to be something I have never seen before."

With that said, Qin Ming swept towards Huo Feng and others.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered a problem.

I saw Qin Ming looking at Flanders with some suspicion.

"Dean, why do I remember that you signed up with me for fifteen people before, but there seems to be only thirteen here!"

There were two missing people, so he was a little panicked.

Who would have thought that Flanders would not take it seriously after seeing Qin Ming's question?

"It may take them two days to arrive, don't worry."

The two people Flanders mentioned were naturally Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

If only the master and apprentice knew that Flanders and the others were eating a lot of meat and fish.

I'm afraid my intestines will turn green.

But this doesn't depend on Flanders at all.

It was Yu Xiaogang who insisted that he couldn't follow and asked them to leave first.

"The two of them are dispensable. Just arrange a place for them when they arrive in two days."

Zhao Wuji also explained a few words to Qin Ming from the side.

Speaking of which, Qin Ming probably knew who the two people who didn't come were.

If I remember correctly, it was during the soul battle with the Royal Dou Sentai.

There is a very outrageous student on Team Shrek.

Only later did he learn that Da Shi was a famous figure in the soul master world.

That's the teacher from that college.

And now it seems that the relationship between Dean Flender and Da Shi is not very good.

Since that's the case, I won't ask any more questions.

Early the next morning, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang ran out of the inn early.

The reason why they had to run was because they took advantage of the innkeeper not paying attention.

They directly took away the map that the latter lent them.

Otherwise, Yu Xiaogang might really get lost again.

"Teacher, it seems we haven't eaten for two days, right?"

After hearing Tang San's words, Yu Xiaogang actually took out a large bowl from his soul guidance device.

"Don't worry, the teacher has his own way!"

This move immediately shocked Tang San,

Isn't the teacher going to take me to beg for food?

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