People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 154 Yu Xiaogang takes Tang San to wash his feet and give him a massage

Now Yu Xiaogang is dressed gorgeously and looks arrogant when walking.

He also brought Tang San a set of gorgeous noble clothes.

For no other reason than to show off in front of the rest of Shrek.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang come back, Flanders was stunned.

What kind of look does Yu Xiaogang have?

Why do you seem to have become rich?

Flanders was very confused.

Half a month ago, Yu Xiaogang was begging for food from him.

The result is now like this.

But out of dignity, Flanders didn't ask.

Tang San was even more shocked after seeing Yu Xiaogang.

He really couldn't understand that it was only half a month.

Why did the teacher suddenly become a rich man?

Especially the clothes brought to him, Tang San couldn't put it down.

Early the next morning, Yu Xiaogang took Tang San and left Tiandou Royal Academy.

Head straight to Tiandou City.

The two of them spent the whole morning leisurely strolling around Tiandou City.

Then we finally had a luxurious meal.

I found a luxurious foot bath shop and had a full-service foot bath and massage.

Rested all afternoon.

Especially the hidden benefits after washing the feet, Tang San was almost overjoyed.

Wait until evening before setting off for the Tiandou Auction House.

Far away, Tang San saw the four girls he had met a few days ago.

The latter four obviously did not recognize that these two noble people were the two beggars who had been begging for food two days ago.

Seeing the two people walking straight towards them, one of the four girls took three steps forward to meet them, bowed slightly and said:

"You two, do you need any help?"

After changing his clothes, Tang San's confidence became full.

"This is the auction house, right? We want to participate in tonight's auction."

The girl smiled and nodded,

"I'm sorry to you two guests. Can I ask if you have the bidding qualification certification?"

Hearing the girl's question, Tang San was stunned for a moment.

"Auction qualification certification? What is that?"

The girl smiled slightly and said:

"Only guests with bidding qualifications can enter the auction venue to bid."

"Qualification certification is divided into several different levels, and the entry threshold is 10,000 gold soul coins."

"In other words, you need an asset certificate of 10,000 gold soul coins to participate in the auction."

"This is necessary to avoid malicious bidding. Please forgive me."

Hearing the girl's words, Yu Xiaogang, who was behind Tang San, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a somewhat disdainful smile.

Ten thousand gold soul coins?


For labor and management, it is simply not worth mentioning.

But he did not interrupt the girl, but quietly waited for her to finish.

"There is another situation where it is possible. If you are selling something, you can also enter the auction house."

"But the items sold need to be appraised by our specialized appraisers at Tiandou Auction House."

"Only those with a value exceeding one thousand gold soul coins are eligible to participate in the auction."

"If the auction is successful, we will take 10% of the transaction price as a handling fee."

After saying that, the girl still looked at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang with a smile on her face.

These two men were richly dressed and must not have been poor.

But since I haven't seen them before, I confirmed it like this.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang, who was standing behind, stepped forward in one step.

Then he directly took out a luxurious supreme black card.

Seeing this black card, the girl suddenly looked shocked.

This black card unifies the mainland.

And its minimum recharge amount starts with 100,000 gold soul coins.

"Then you two, come with me."

Yu Xiaogang showed a smile,

"Lead the way!"

Under the leadership of the girl, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San walked into the Tiandou Auction House.

Tang San was very curious about everything inside.

There was no feeling of splendor in the auction room.

The floor is made of milky white marble, and the surrounding walls are decorated with various reliefs.

There are not many colors on the relief, which looks simple, lively and extremely elegant.

In addition to the reliefs, there are also some display windows built against the walls.

There are some display items such as porcelain and armor inside.

The girl who led the way was very professional.

She would stop every ten steps or so and make a "please" gesture to guide the direction accurately.

Under the leadership of the girl, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San finally got what they wanted.

Entering the real core of Tiandou Auction House.

Once here, the girl who led the way stopped and returned the same way.

The person who received Tang San and Yu Xiaogang was another girl.

The auction center is located on the second floor of the auction house.

There are eight stairs to enter from the lobby.

Before entering the auction house, the reception girl gave each of them a mask.

They were also told that they would need to wear masks before entering the auction in the future, for the safety of customers.

The girl sent the two of them to the entrance of the auction center before turning around and leaving. There was another waiter in the auction center.

Compared with the reception girl before, the dress of the waiters here couldn't help but make Tang San blush a little.

It's the same white outfit, and it's still a skirt, but it gives people a completely different feel.

The waiters at the auction center are all women, and their height is about the same as the girl who led the way before.

It's just that the figure is more fiery.

The white skirts they wore had a wide open front.

The short skirt is just seven inches above the waist, revealing the soft and smooth thighs.

Coupled with white high heels, it is even more tempting.

The deep ravine on the chest and the bulging buttocks under the short skirt are all arousing people's imagination.

At first, Tang San still glanced secretly from time to time.

When he found that Yu Xiaogang was staring unabashedly.

He stopped pretending.

His eyes wandered over his body unscrupulously.

Now Tang San and Yu Xiaogang have not had contact with women for a long time.

When the poor were begging for food, they would naturally not think about this.

But no matter what, Yu Xiaogang now has a lot of money.

So he couldn't help but start to act again.

It wasn't until he had finished watching that Tang San turned his attention to the auction center again.

The auction center feels more like a large auditorium, and the layout is similar to the main spirit fighting center of the big spirit fighting arena.

In the center is a circular podium, with a circle of seats arranged in a radial ring around it.

It is divided into five parts in total.

The three rows of seats closest to the podium are red and radiate outward.

Then there are black, purple, yellow and white.

Apparently set up for different levels of bidders.

The previous reception girl told them.

The innermost red seats are accessed through a special passage and are protected by dedicated security personnel.

There is the so-called million-level VIP area, and only those with status can obtain the red VIP qualification.

The black seats in a circle outside are ordinary million-level VIP areas. Anyone with money can enter.

A second-level black VIP.

Further outward, the purple ones are the five hundred thousand level purple VIPs.

Yellow is a 100,000-level ordinary VIP.

The outermost white seat is also the largest seat and the most common VIP seat.

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