People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 164 Yu Xiaogang’s head tilted and he fainted again


After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang San knelt down directly towards him.

"Teacher, in order to save your life at that time, I could only do this"

"Besides, it was the dean who asked me to do this."

"He said that if you don't remove them all, the spider's poison will soon spread throughout your body."

"So. So. Me."

Tang San was talking about a handful of snot and tears.


The corners of Yu Xiaogang's mouth kept twitching.

It was actually Flanders who asked Tang San to do this.

He didn't believe in Flanders, who was a level 78 soul saint.

There was no way to force out the poison of a thousand-year-old demon spider.

Instead, he allowed his dearest disciple to do such a thing to him.

"Good on you Flanders!"

Yu Xiaogang was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

"Dong dong dong~!"

At this moment, Tang San kowtowed three times to Yu Xiaogang.

"Teacher, if you want to blame you, blame me!"

However, Yu Xiaogang couldn't listen to anything now.

His breathing became increasingly rapid.

The next second, his head tilted, and he fainted again.

This time he was unconscious for another day and night.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Yu Xiaogang woke up again.

The Yu Xiaogang who woke up this time was very different from the last time.

It seems that he has accepted the reality that he is no longer a man.

Yu Xiaogang didn't say another word from beginning to end.

And these two days.

Except Gu Xian and Xiao Wu.

Among the remaining Shrek students, only Zhu Zhuqing has not yet found a suitable body.

So at noon, Flanders gathered everyone together,

"This afternoon, the six of you and Zhu Zhuqing will go looking for the soul beast together."

"At the same time, the teacher will no longer be of any help in the whole process of hunting soul beasts."

"We will only take action when life is in danger."

After eating something simple.

The seven people set off at the same time.

Soon, Gu Xian found a suitable soul beast.

It was a completely black tiger with only a white king pattern on its forehead.

The body length is more than three meters, and the shoulder height is about one and a half meters.

Although the body is huge, it is extremely strong.

A tiger-shaped soul beast, it is the martial spirit of Zhu Zhuqing, the ghost cat.

It's also very appropriate.

At the same time, the tiger also discovered the humans who had intruded into its territory.

Before anyone could see its appearance clearly, it was in a series of afterimages.

It actually launched the attack first and pounced!

"Do it!"

Gu Xian shouted loudly, not sparing his soul power, and raised his hand to strike with a sword.

The cultivation level of the soul beast can be seen from the appearance.

Generally, the higher the cultivation level of spirit beasts that are less than 10,000 years old, the larger they will be.

After more than ten thousand years, it will gradually become smaller.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

For example, some particularly powerful or particularly weak soul beasts.

It does not follow this special line.

You can tell at a glance that the black tiger in front of you has a cultivation level between one and two thousand years, which is suitable for the purpose.

The Ghost Tiger is known for its terrifying speed and attack power.

It is one of the powerful soul beasts and is extremely ferocious.

They will fight to the death against any opponent who dares to invade their territory.

Because its speed is extremely terrifying,

Therefore, ordinary soul beasts are unwilling to fight with it even if their cultivation level is similar to it.

At this moment, its body flashed strangely, and the one ghost tiger turned into three.

Gu Xian dropped his sword, and one of the swords turned into a phantom and disappeared.

The other two pounced on them even more quickly.

Ghost Tiger's innate ability, shadow clone.

Dai Mubai roared, and the three soul rings on his body flashed simultaneously.

When Guihu appeared, his body was already expanding rapidly.

At this moment, seeing that the ghost tiger had pounced on him, he pushed forward without hesitation.

A pair of tiger palms swung forward, white light spurted out from his mouth, and the white tiger's fierce light wave had been activated.

The increase in soul power greatly increases the power of soul skills.

Dai Mubai's purpose was just to block the ghost tiger's attack.

In the flash of white light, another ghost tiger disappeared.

There is no doubt that what Dai Mubai attacked was also a shadow.

Just when Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu came forward at the same time, preparing to attack the ghost tiger's body together.

Its huge body flashed with black light, and two figures separated again.

At this time, it has arrived in front of everyone.

With the previous lessons, no one knows which one is the real ghost tiger at this time.

At this moment, Gu Xian glanced at him and shouted loudly,

"The left side is true, Zhuqing be careful."

The aura fluctuations of the three ghost tigers are not the same.

Others couldn't tell the difference, but Gu Xian could still tell the difference.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was the only one facing the ghost tiger's true form.

Behind Zhu Zhuqing were Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

This ghost tiger was undoubtedly extremely smart and chose the most vulnerable direction to launch its attack.

Flanders, Zao Wou-Ki and the remaining three teachers are all ready to go.

Once Shrek and the others are unable to block the attack of this ghost tiger, they will take action immediately.

Everyone in Shrek has been cooperating for so long, and the level of tacit understanding between them has already reached a certain level.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing in danger, Gu Xian swung his long sword.

Instantly transformed into a light-winged giant sword.

The golden light suddenly became stronger, and everyone felt the dazzling light flash past.

The ghost tiger roared sharply, and its forward attack suddenly slowed down a bit.

Even the other two clones turned into nothing.

Zhu Zhuqing knew very well that there was no room to dodge behind him.

She did not retreat but advanced, rushing towards the ghost tiger.

At this moment, three streams of heat rushed in from behind.

Strength, agility and soul power are greatly improved at the same time.

Her condition immediately surpassed its peak.

The Nether Thrust was launched, and Zhu Zhuqing's petite body directly hit the ghost tiger.

The sharp blade at his fingertips mercilessly passed under Gui Hu's neck, leaving several deep scars.

Guihu, who was shocked by Tang San's spirit, woke up from the severe pain.

It roared fiercely, black light rushed out of its body, and its body swelled.

Then he unexpectedly moved sideways and dodged Zhu Zhuqing's hundred nether claws one after another.

However, this brief blockage was enough.

Gu Xian's figure flashed, and he turned into a black shadow and rushed out.

"The third soul skill - Shadow Strike!"

In just two breaths, Gu Xian arrived behind Gui Hu.

Aiming at the vulnerable spot on the latter's waist, he thrust his sword down.

If Guihu hadn't been attacked by Gu Xian.

It can also use its clone skills to dodge attacks as much as possible.

But now it is temporarily unable to cast its clone.

In desperation, he could only use his body to resist Gu Xian's sword.

Black light flashed, and Guihu transformed into a black light shield to cover his body.

At the same time, Guihu curled up his body as much as possible.

Try to avoid vital parts of your body.


However, facing Gu Xian, he struck out with all his strength.

Ghost Tiger's defense seemed to be of no use at all.

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