People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 167 System Mission: Sacrifice Oscar and Ma Hongjun!

"At that time, I will have other things to discuss with you."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Flanders walked over with a smile on his face.

"Qin Ming, if you have anything to say, just tell me!"

"Do we have to wait until tonight?"

After hearing Flanders' question, Qin Ming smiled helplessly.

"The matter has not been settled yet, that's why I say this."

"If it is confirmed, I will naturally announce it to everyone at that time."

At this time, Zhao Wuji stepped forward and patted Qin Ming on the shoulder.

"Well done, boy, you're quite mysterious."

"Don't worry, we will all be there tonight."

"I'm just afraid that the food and wine you prepared are not strong enough."

Hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Qin Ming immediately smiled,

"Vice President Zhao Wuji, you can rest assured!"

Everyone chatted for a few more words before Qin Ming left.

Most of the day passed quickly.

When it was time for the banquet, everyone in Shrek was led by Flanders.

Together we walked towards the place we had planned with Qin Ming.

Except for Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, everyone else was there.

Yu Xiaogang was still paralyzed on the hospital bed.

He looked like he had no hope for life and wanted to die.

Of course it is impossible for him to go.

As for Tang San.

Although he is not as immobile as Yu Xiaogang.

But the teacher couldn't go, and even more so he, the disciple, couldn't go.

Although he joined Shrek Academy, it has been quite some time since he transferred to Tiandou Royal Academy.

But except Yu Xiaogang.

Tang San and the others didn't even speak ten sentences in total.

So he didn't feel very familiar with anyone else.

Leave Yu Xiaogang alone to eat and drink.

Tang San still couldn't do it.

Because he just asked Flanders when he came back.

Bring him and Yu Xiaogang some food.

Flanders naturally nodded in agreement.

Packing up some leftovers is just a matter of convenience.

Yu Xiaogang is indeed a bit pitiful now.

For such a poor guy who is no longer a man.

Flanders couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.

But that’s about it.

If Yu Xiaogang encountered any bottom line issues.

He will still stand on the opposite side without hesitation.

For example, if Flanders knew that Yu Xiaogang was the suspect on the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex bounty warrant.

Confirm it one second, and report it to him the next second.

Tonight's banquet is considered a banquet for four people hosted by Qin Ming.

The only people coming were Shrek.

Although the venue is not big.

But all facilities are available.

The food and wine are also very rich.

Compared to that kind of large commercial banquet.

Everyone prefers to enjoy this feeling.

After three drinks, everyone opened their hearts.

At this moment, Qin Ming finally spoke,

"Dean Flanders, the Education Committee has entrusted me to tell you something, and I want to ask for your opinion."

Hearing this, Flanders waved his hand very casually,

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

When Qin Ming said it during the day, he guessed that this matter should be related to the senior officials of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Otherwise, there would be no definite or uncertain statement.

It won't be Qin Ming who tells them.

"It's Qin Ming. If you have anything to say, just say whatever you want."

"Let me hear what's going on?"

At this moment, Zhao Wuji also said with an indifferent expression.

After hearing that both deans agreed, Qin Ming felt relieved and said,

"The Education Committee wants Team Shrek and Team Royal Fighter to compete again."

"Want to discuss?"

"This is not easy to handle!"

Zhao Wuji directly picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine.

"It seems that these boys from the Imperial Battle Team are still not convinced!"

"Then defeat them until they are defeated!"

Flanders also nodded.

Discussion is a process of mutual exchange and learning.

Presumably, if the Royal Dou Team proposes this competition again, their strength will also improve.

The seven students also nodded in agreement with smiles on their faces.

Last time, most of them were over level 20, and even a loser like Tang San could beat the Imperial Team.

This time they all broke through to level 30 soul power.

And it is impossible for the Royal Dou Team to reach level 40.

In this case, it will only be easier to fight.

There was no fear at all.

Especially Ma Hongjun, his whole face was filled with excitement after hearing Qin Ming's words.

He was the substitute in the last match against the Royal Fighter Team.

If he wanted to fight again this time, he would like to see how strong the Imperial Fighter Team is.

At this moment, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't make it clear just now. This sparring is not an ordinary sparring."

"And the final results will also be included in the midterm assessment results of the Royal Dou Team."

"So it should be very important for them."

"Oh? What kind of sparring method is that?"

Flanders frowned slightly and looked at Qin Ming with some confusion.

The latter group immediately began to state the rules of this competition.

"This competition was planned by the Education Committee, with eight members from the Shrek team and seven members from the Royal Dou team participating."

"The competition is divided into two parts: one-on-one and team battle."

"The one-on-one match is based on a lottery system. Excluding the auxiliary soul master, the remaining six people each draw their own opponents from the other team."

"The soul power range extracted from the opponent will be the same as one's own."

"In the team battle part, all fifteen people will be disrupted and then randomly divided into two groups."

"The two regrouped teams compete."

"One-on-one will be drawn twice to avoid duplicates."

"Team battles will also be drawn twice, just make sure that more than 50% of the people in the two teams are not duplicated."

After Qin Ming finished speaking, he still looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

This time, no one answered directly.

Because the amount of information in Qin Ming's words is a bit large.

After a moment of silence, Flanders spoke first.

"Not bad, quite an innovative way to compete."

"Indeed, you should have come up with this method of sparring, right?"

Zhao Wuji looked at Qin Ming and guessed.

"That's right, Vice President Zhao Wuji, it was me who came up with it."

"This kind of competition can break the routine and allow students to experience a different way of fighting than in the past."

"It also unlocks their potential."

Flanders also nodded.

One's own opponents, even teammates.

It’s all unknown until you get on the field.

It's really interesting.

The seven students also nodded.

At this moment, they also smoothed things over.

It probably means no more splitting into two teams.

Instead, they will all be messed up and drawn again.

They have indeed never seen such a fighting method.

It's actually a bit new.

Seeing that everyone understood, the smile on Qin Ming's face became even bigger.

"In that case, it's settled."

"It will be at the duel venue of Tiandou Royal Academy in seven days' time."

【Ding! 】

[System main quest released! 】

[Task content: Sacrifice Oscar and Ma Hongjun! 】

At this moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Huo Feng's mind.

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