People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 211 Huo Feng didn’t go out to fight yet, Tang San looked disdainful: This is too arrogant!

Not to mention that many of the high-ranking empire officials in the VIP seats had their eyes on him.

Even the spectators in the auditoriums further away on both sides noticed his presence.

Because this person's appearance is really special.

Using special to describe it seems a bit inadequate.

This person's body is too huge.

Although he was sitting there, his body was much taller than that of an ordinary person standing.

Bone Douluo's figure and frame are already very tall.

But compared with the person next to Platinum Bishop Salas, he is not inferior at all.

This person's height was estimated by visual inspection to be at least two and a half meters tall.

He alone occupied three spacious seats in the VIP table.

Sitting there, it was like a mountain of meat.

His skin is dark and his eyes are as big as copper bells.

There seemed to be a special layer of light on the dark skin.

Sitting there, the whole person gives people a very powerful feeling.

His beard and hair are all white, and he looks to be at least seventy years old.

Ning Fengzhi did not expect that this person would actually appear at the VIP table.

Bone Douluo next to him sent a message to him and asked:

"Fengzhi, why is this old boy from Tianxiang Huyanzhen here too?"

Ning Fengzhi also answered using the method of forcing the sound into a line:

"You will understand who the Elephant Academy's opponent is today."

"Salas called Hu Yanzhen over, probably because of them."

The reason why Wuhun Palace is called the strongest in the mainland is that it can even be compared with the two major empires.

It is inseparable from the support of the lower four sects of the seven major sects.

Among the seven major sects, the upper three sects, the Qibao Glazed Sect, have always supported the Tiandou Empire's royal family.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family remains neutral.

Haotianzong retired.

The lower four sects are closely related to Wuhun Palace.

Although they are not affiliated, they are definitely connected with each other.

The Xiangjia Sect is located not far from Tiandou City.

At this time, Roshan sitting next to Platinum Bishop Salas was the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect.

The celestial phenomena are shaking!

If he was not the head of a sect, how could he be qualified to sit in the first row of the VIP table?

Gu Rong smiled slightly and said:

"It seems that this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is becoming more and more interesting."

"It's really the rise of the younger generation."

"When you predicted that they would be the golden generation in the soul master world, I was still a little skeptical."

"But now it seems that it should be good."

“I just don’t know what other teams will appear in the finals.”

"Team Shrek's opponent today is the Elephant Armor Sect. Are you still optimistic about them?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said:

"why not?"

"Although the Elephant Armor Sect is not weak, their flaws are also very obvious."

"As long as they go all out in this game, winning shouldn't be a problem."

"Wait, how could this happen..."

While he was talking, Ning Fengzhi had already seen the players from both sides walking onto the central stage.

He had seen all the Shrek Seven Devils, and the first people he saw at this time were Dai Mubai, Pan Sen and Pan Lin who walked onto the stage.

When Ning Fengzhi saw Pan Sen and Pan Lin, he understood immediately.

In this game, the Shrek team still did not go all out.

His daughter Ning Rongrong still did not appear.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head helplessly and said to Bone Douluo beside him:

"This Shrek team is really powerful, but they still don't attack with all their strength when facing the Toujia Sect."

"Hopefully this isn't a mistake."

As he spoke, Ning Fengzhi's eyes subconsciously drifted towards Platinum Bishop Salas on the other side of Emperor Xueye.

Just caught the evil flash in Salas's eyes.

During the first game, Ning Fengzhi made it clear about the relationship between the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Shrek team.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi's heart suddenly tightened a little.

He also vaguely understood the real purpose of Saras calling Huyan Zhen, the celestial phenomenon.

And it seems that Team Shrek's opponent in this game did not encounter it because of bad luck.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is hosted by Wuhun Palace and co-organized by the two empires.

Although the rules try to reflect the four words of absolute fairness.

However, at this moment, Ning Fengzhi only had four words in her mind:

Behind the scenes

Seeing that there was no hope of recruiting, Salas obviously intended to suppress Team Shrek before it became famous.

I'm afraid, the way the Xiangjia Sect fights today.

It has already been studied to target the Shrek team.

What a platinum bishop.

After understanding this, Ning Fengzhi's face suddenly darkened.

At the same time, I was sighing secretly in my heart, hoping that my protection would not turn into something bad.

The outcome of this game is no longer important.

Ning Fengzhi just hoped that the Shrek Seven Devils would not be severely damaged in this game.

Although the members of Team Shrek are already mentally prepared.

But when they actually saw their opponents, they couldn't help but gasp.

Are these really people?

The seven members of the Elephant Academy were stepping onto the central competition stage.

The entire competition stage was shaking with their steps.

It didn't look like there were seven people on the stage.

But seven mountains.

All dressed in black.

Among the seven members of the Elephant Academy, the shortest one is just over two meters tall.

The tallest one even exceeds two and a half meters.

Standing in front of the members of the Shrek team was completely condescending.

Compared with their height, what is even more terrifying is their weight.

Huo Feng could tell just by looking at it.

Among these seven people, the smallest one weighs more than 300 kilograms.

The tallest one probably weighs at least five hundred pounds.

This is really a bit outrageous.

Even Huo Feng couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from twitching.

These people have rough skin and thick flesh and are resistant to beatings.

Generally, opponents at the same level really can't do anything to them.

Same black hair, with the sides shaved.

Only the hair in the middle is combed into a strange ponytail.

Their dark skin was not much different from the clothes they were wearing.

Seven people stood in a row there.

Like a thick city wall, it blocked the sight of all members of the Shrek team.

Standing in the center was the tall man with an exceptionally strong figure.

He took a step forward and spread his legs.

Immediately there were two booms on the ground of the competition platform, and it shook violently.

"Elephant Academy team, captain, Hu Yanli!"

"Forty-three level defense-type fighting soul sect."

The captain's voice was angry.

The fat on his body seemed to tremble slightly with his voice.

A pair of small eyes glared at the two brothers Dai Mubai and Sparta in front of them, flashing fiercely.

In the stands in the distance, Tang San was already dumbfounded.

Although Yu Xiaogang pretends to be strong and calm.

But my heart was also extremely shocked.

The strength of the Elephant Academy members truly exceeded their expectations.

But Tang San still looked disdainful,

"Teacher, this Elephant Academy is so powerful."

"Team Shrek didn't send Huo Feng to fight."

"Isn't it a little too arrogant?" (End of Chapter)

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