People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 214 Tang San was disheartened, this was simply asking for humiliation!

"Xiao Ao, come here."

Oscar quickly came to Dai Mubai's side.

Then Dai Mubai flipped his wrist, and a flying mushroom intestine had been swallowed into his belly.

Then he lifted Oscar up with one hand and carried it on his back.

In the next second, the whole person rose into the sky and jumped straight into the air.

The effect of the flying mushroom sausage appeared quickly, and a pair of transparent wings quietly appeared behind Dai Mubai.

He just took Oscar and flew directly into the air.

"Light body."

Dai Mubai shouted again.

The five people who took the first three steps took a deep breath at the same time and gathered their soul power.

Let your body become as light as possible.

Among the seven people, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu lost a little weight as soon as they raised their spirits.

Although Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun are heavier, it is not a big problem.

Everyone in Shrek once carefully studied the limits of Oscar's flying mushroom intestines.

Through experiments, they found that the weight that the flying mushroom sausage can bear is about 500 kilograms.

The weight of the seven of them must definitely exceed this number, but the excess is not too much.

Except for the Spartan brothers, after all.

The rest of them, Shrek, are only in their teens.

Only Dai Mubai's figure was more majestic.

Ma Hongjun is fatter.

In such a situation, as long as everyone stays calm.

Just within the tolerance range of flying mushroom sausage.

This is also the key to Team Shrek's tactics.

Dai Mubai suddenly flew into the air, causing a burst of exclamations from the audience.

From the beginning of the qualifiers to now, there have been several soul masters with the ability to fly.

But there is absolutely no one like Dai Mubai who can fly with six of them by himself.

The spectacle of seven members of the entire team rising into the air at the same time was breathtaking.

Originally, the match between Team Shrek and Elephant Academy attracted more than 60% of the audience.

At this time, almost all the audience's attention was focused.

Even Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, who knew that Oscar had the flying auxiliary soul skill, were still very shocked.

The two masters and apprentices could not recover from the shock just now for a long time.

Now Tang San was already a little disheartened.

I even wanted to leave early.

This situation is now of little value for research.

It’s simply asking for humiliation!

At the same time, at the VIP table, Emperor Xueye exclaimed,

"That soul master actually has the ability to fly?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and said:

"I think this ability does not belong to him, but to the auxiliary soul master."

"I think they will never do unnecessary things. There must be a meaning to having this extra person."

Oscar is carried on Dai Mubai's back, which is equivalent to Dai Mubai's nanny role.

Without hesitation, he immediately gathered a large recovery sausage from his hand and stuffed it into Dai Mubai's mouth.

The consumption had just begun, and he immediately helped Dai Mubai replenish it.

Suddenly seeing seven of their opponents flying through the air, the seven members of the Elephant Academy who were pressing forward were stunned.

They never expected that they would encounter such a situation on the competition stage.

Just as Flanders said, their strength and defense are extremely high.

But it also comes at the expense of agility.

This flying soul master is undoubtedly the most restrained in their ability.

If everyone is on the ground, then the Elephant Armor Sect disciples will naturally be able to take advantage of their strong defensive capabilities.

However, the opponent is in the air.

Then, the closest thing they have to their opponents is their heads.

Although the defense of the head is not weak, the defensive power of their fat body will not be able to be used.

What's more important is that seven of their opponents flew up at the same time, immediately breaking their rhythm.

From the time everyone took off to the moment it started, the whole process only took about ten seconds.

What surprised Dai Mubai was that the reactions of the seven Elephant Armor Sect disciples were not slow at all.

The tallest and strongest Hu Yanli shouted loudly, and the seven fat men quickly gathered together.

Then a back-to-back formation was formed.

At the same time, he stretched out his big palm-like hand to pat the five people falling from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Dai Mubai couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

The defensive power of these seven people is extremely amazing, and with the current formation, there is no flaw at all.

It's not easy to break through their formation.

This is also the scene Dai Mubai least wants to see.

Dai Mubai knew very well that although they had caught the opponent's weakest characteristics.

But these fat guys are extremely smart.

What they have to do now is to hold back one of the Shrek team members even if they get beaten.

With their terrifying weight and strength, they can pull someone back.

It is equivalent to breaking the entire formation.

The seven disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect shouted almost simultaneously, and explosive power burst out instantly.

Dai Mubai also clearly saw that the second soul rings on the seven opponents lit up at the same time.

He immediately made an accurate judgment.

The opponent's first soul ring is defense, and the second soul ring should be for strength improvement.

At this moment, Oscar quickly stuffed another flying mushroom intestine into Dai Mubai's mouth.

At the same time, a large recovery sausage was prepared.

After simply calculating the time, various information flashed through Dai Mubai's brain, and he immediately launched a second round of attacks.

"Twenty seconds to defeat Hu Yanli."

Dai Mubai shouted loudly.

At the same time, the first, second, and fourth soul rings on his body lit up almost at the same time.

"The third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

"The first soul skill, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

The huge bodies of the seven Elephant Armor Academy disciples were simply the best targets standing there.

At the same time, seven members of the Shrek team landed quickly at the same time.

Hu Yanli snorted disdainfully, are you still going to impose restrictions?

Could it be said that this does not require spending soul power?

With the huge bodies of seven of our own, there is no need for more.

Withstanding a few attacks can greatly consume the opponent's soul master's soul power.

When he couldn't hold on anymore and fell from the sky, the game was over.

Want to defeat me?

I'm afraid it's not that easy.

The Elephant Armor Sect has always focused on defensive and counterattack attacks.

Seeing that Shrek Academy was about to launch an attack with all its strength, Hu Yanli was not surprised but overjoyed.

Just consume your soul power.

Are you still afraid of not being able to win?

Twenty seconds?

I want to see how you can limit my brothers to twenty seconds.

Soon the Shrek team told Hu Yanli with actions.

How did they restrict the rest of the Elephant Armor Sect to twenty seconds.

Start with fighting.

Dai Mubai relied on Huo Feng's detailed plan to control the entire battlefield under his control.

With the help of flying mushroom sausages, they have weakened their opponents' biggest advantage as much as possible.

Dai Mubai quickly swallowed a large recovery sausage and his face turned pale.

He just had to control the movements of the other five people.

He also released three major soul skills in an instant.

At this moment, more than half of his soul power was drained almost instantly. (End of chapter)

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