People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 223 Tang San took drugs like crazy and burst into tears of gratitude to Yu Xiaogang

Before the game started, Dai Mubai only had time to glance at the opponent's soul master combination.

It's not that Shrek Academy got the news late.

But Flanders deliberately told them about their opponents' situation before the game started.

Winning the game is important, but for Flanders.

What's more important is to cultivate the growth of these players.

Real battles between soul masters often involve adapting to the enemy.

When you face the enemy, the enemy will never tell you everything about his situation in advance.

What Flanders wanted to cultivate was Dai Mubai's ability to adapt to the enemy.

As the soul of the team, his adaptability is obviously the most important.

Among the seven opponents, the one that caught Dai Mubai's attention most was definitely not Huo Wushuang, who was known as the strongest in the front.

Instead, they were the two auxiliary soul masters and the control soul master Huo Wu standing at the back of the opponent's formation.

Although in terms of soul power, this time's opponents were almost the same as the Elephant Armor Sect.

After all, like the Elephant Armor Academy, they both have four soul sects above level 40.

But since they can defeat the Elephant Armor Sect, there is no doubt about their strength.

At the same time, in Tiandou City Lanba Academy.

Yu Xiaogang quietly called Tang San into his room.

Then he took out a very delicate red box from his soul guide.

"Xiao San, these are the two elixirs I tried my best to find for you before I became my master."

"I haven't given it to you before, but I think it's time now."

"Eating these two elixirs will directly increase your soul power by another level."

"It can be directly upgraded to three levels within 24 hours of taking it."

Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang with a grateful expression, his expression moved.

But he didn't say anything. No words could express his gratitude to the teacher at this time.

At this moment the referee walked to the center of the ring,

"Both sides line up and salute."

A total of fourteen players from both sides stood in two rows, each saluting the other.

Dai Mubai's eyes met Huo Wushuang.

The game hasn't even started yet, but the smell of gunpowder is already filling the eyes between each other.

Huo Wushuang glared at Dai Mubai, and their eyes collided fiercely.

Then he said in a deep voice:

"Today is the day your winning streak ends."

Dai Mubai said calmly:

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"One of our two teams couldn't continue their winning streak today."

Huo Wushuang's gaze shifted to Dai Mubai,

"It's a pity that you met us."

"I advise you to abstain, so that you can at least preserve your strength for the next game."

Dai Mubai sneered and said nothing. .

"You can release your martial soul."

The referee's voice sounded again.

In an instant, the main arena in the center glowed again.

The intense light of the soul ring filled the entire arena.

There is no doubt that both parties are the best soul ring match.

In the comparison of soul rings, the numbers were completely balanced.

They are all led by two soul masters above level 40 and five soul masters above level 30.

The overall ranking is the same.

Of course, gaps still exist.

This gap exists in Dai Mubai's terrifying ten thousand year soul ring.

What is the competition in team battles?

It's the whole!

The small difference in level will never be the key to changing the outcome of the game.

Dai Mubai's gaze started from the formation.

Except for the opponent's captain Huo Wushuang, it has always fallen on the tall girl named Huo Wu.

But this girl gave Dai Mubai a very strange feeling.

Although she always had a smile on her face, her aura was very reserved.

Even with Dai Mubai's strength, he couldn't easily tell what this girl was hiding.

The martial spirit rises, and the invisible pressure is like two huge walls squeezing each other.

When the referee stepped back, the players on both sides immediately resumed their familiar formations.

Blazing Academy is still in the same triangle battle formation as it was on the field.

Shrek Academy here.

Dai Mubai, Pan Sen, and Pan Lin were still standing in front, with Oscar at the end.

Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing are in the middle.

Judging from the formation, there is no doubt that Blazing Academy's formation looks more aggressive.

Shrek Academy's formation is relatively conservative.

"Game start."

With the referee's order.

The players from both sides started moving at the same time.

Dai Mubai suddenly took a step forward, and the entire arena shook.

The two Spartan brothers followed him.

The three people pressed against each other at the same time with thunderous momentum.


At the same time, flames instantly rose in the enemy formation.

The fiery red light filled half of the arena with a fiery aura.

Flames shot up from the bodies of the seven members of Blazing Academy at almost the same moment.

The first soul ring on each person releases a dazzling light.

Sparks shot out from their two auxiliary soul masters.

Countless small red light spots in the air quickly condensed towards those sparks.

As the red light spots condensed, Mars quickly grew in size and hovered above the heads of the seven people.

Huo Wushuang and another attack-type soul master faced him brazenly.

A loud dragon roar burst out from his mouth.

The flames rising all over his body vaguely showed the shape of a dragon behind his back.

The martial soul possessed him, causing his body to swell in size.

A layer of fiery dark red scales was attached to the surface of the skin.

Two agility attack type soul masters, Huo Yun and Huo Yu, went around at the same time.

Each of them released a pair of dazzling wings from behind.

Although it didn't fly high, it still glided around in a strange arc.

The target is Oscar, who is in the last position of Team Shrek.

After the dazzling sparks condensed in the air, they were quickly injected into other people's bodies.

Every spark injected will make the flames of the students of Blazing Academy burn brighter.

There is no doubt that this is a team that works very well together.

As soon as the game started, they were already establishing their advantage across the board.

On the battlefield, there were only three people who were completely motionless.

On the Shrek Academy side are Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

Their opponent was the control soul master Huo Wu.

It's natural that Oscar doesn't move because he is an auxiliary soul master.

As for Ma Hongjun, it was because Flanders had arranged tactics for him before the game.

It's not time for him to take action yet.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing dodged to the side at the same time and met the two opponent's agility attack type soul masters.

The frontal battlefield also collided with each other.

Dai Mubai and Huo Wushuang's second soul skills erupted with loud noises.

The bodies of both people shook at the same time.

Huo Wushuang took a step back, but Dai Mubai didn't move at all.

Both of their martial spirits are extremely powerful.

But in terms of soul power, Dai Mubai was still superior after all.

But Dai Mubai didn't feel good either.

His tiger palms had been somewhat stained by flames, and there was a burning smell.

Huo Wushuang was obviously very dissatisfied with being knocked back. (End of chapter)

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