People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 228 Feng Xiaotian couldn’t hold back his lips. Is there such a good thing?

Huo Wu has always been a proud child cultivated by the academy.

Within the Five Elements Academy, he can definitely be ranked among the top five in terms of strength.

Even the top three!

But losing to an unknown opponent like this?

And she also felt like she was losing in every way.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

For Huo Wu, this battle was a huge blow.

Especially when facing the Shrek team, the feeling of being powerless made her extremely painful.

No matter how you feel, your own strength should be higher than that of your opponent.

But in the end, he still lost, even in a somewhat inexplicable way.

Especially the fat man.

His own flame could actually consume the flames of all seven people in Blazing Academy.

This even frustrates Huo Wu's confidence.

"We'll meet again."

"Next time, you will never be so lucky."

Huo Wu stared at the Shrek crowd with burning eyes.

Dai Mubai smiled calmly,

"Always waiting."

Team Shrek won eleven of eleven battles.

Blazing Academy has won ten out of eleven games and lost one.

Although it was just one loss, they had already separated themselves from the real first group.

Amid cheers from the audience, both parties exited the venue.

This battle was an eye-opener for the audience.

The Shrek team seemed to be at a disadvantage just now.

But the situation suddenly turned around.

The game ended so calmly.

At the same time, it also raised the confidence of everyone in the Shrek team to its peak.

When everyone from Shrek walked into the players' rest area.

Whether it is a player who has not yet played a game or a player whose game has ended.

There was a little more awe in their eyes.

In this qualifier for the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

Shrek arguably stole the show.

Naturally, the players from Blazing Academy also returned to the rest area.

Naturally, they are unwilling to give in, but what can they do if they are unwilling?

As the game ended, they gradually calmed down.

Both Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu understand it.

Even if they didn't lose tactically, it would be difficult to defeat the Shrek team.

The evil fire possessed by the fat man from Team Shrek restricted them too much.

With the existence of such a fire attribute soul master, they would not have any chance.

"Huo Wushuang, we will avenge you in a few days."

At a time when the Blazing Academy group was extremely depressed.

A somewhat deep voice sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a group of participating team members wearing blue uniforms walking towards them.

The cyan uniforms are decorated with silver thread embroidery, which complements the Blazing Academy uniforms.

It is the Kamikaze Academy, which is also the Five Elements Academy.

The one who spoke was the captain of Kamikaze Academy.

He is also the soul of their team, Feng Xiaotian!

Although he was talking to Huo Wushuang.

But his eyes always stayed on Huo Wu, and the heat in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Huo Wushuang snorted coldly,

"If we can't do it, you must be able to do it?"

Feng Xiaotian chuckled and said:

"Wushuang, you know that's not what I meant."

"You didn't lose because of your strength, but because of the conflicting attributes."

"That fat guy from Team Shrek's fire is a little too evil."

"Otherwise, Sister Huowu's fourth soul skill might have destroyed him long ago."

"But his fire may not be effective against my epidemic wind."

"Although those guys from Thunder Academy can restrain us, this Shrek team cannot."

"In many battles between soul masters, the outcome is determined by the restraint of each other's attributes."

"You don't have to be too depressed."

After listening to Feng Xiaotian's explanation, the faces of everyone in Blazing Academy became a little better.

At this moment, Huo Wu suddenly spoke and said:

"Feng Xiaotian, do you really want to date me?"


Feng Xiaotian's eyes widened, although he had always had this idea.

But at this time, being singled out by Huo Wu in front of many teammates still made him feel embarrassed.

"Is that so?"

Huo Wu didn't seem to notice that many people around him were focusing on him.

Feng Xiaotian was stunned for a moment and glanced at Huo Wushuang next to him.

But at this time Huo Wushuang also looked surprised.

I understand why Huo Wu said such words at this time.

He and Huo Wu are brothers and sisters, and they have always doted on this younger sister.

"Are you a man?"

"If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not."

"Don't you even know how to speak?"

Huo Wu's voice was a little cold, which was exactly the opposite of her martial soul's attributes.

"Yes, I have always liked you."

Feng Xiaotian didn't want to become the laughing stock.

At this time, he has nothing to say.

I'm afraid there will never be another chance to pursue Huo Wu.

Huo Wu nodded to him and said:

"That's fine, as long as you can defeat Team Shrek."

"I will agree to date you."

"Brother, let's go!"

After saying that, she took the lead and walked out.

The entire Kamikaze Academy group was left standing in shock.

Huo Wu has lived in an environment surrounded by stars since she was a child.

Although she is a girl.

But whether at home or in college, he is the object of everyone's care.

In addition, she is extremely talented and has been at the top of her peers since she was a child.

He is only nineteen years old this year and has already reached level 40 or above.

It can be said to be unprecedented in Blazing Academy.

Her pride was justified.

She is proud of her appearance, strength, and family background.

However, she could not forget the look in Dai Mubai's eyes now.

She can't even forget Dai Mubai's words about her innocence.

For Fire Dance.

What she lost today was not just a game, but also her pride and dignity.

The outcome of this game was a huge blow to her.

Even Huo Wushuang couldn't fully understand his sister's heart at this time.

For the time being, I could only follow him quickly.

Feng Xiaotian stared blankly at the direction in which Huo Wu disappeared.

It wasn't until her figure completely disappeared that she finally woke up.

what did she say?

She said give me a chance to date?

As long as I can defeat Dai Mubai from Team Shrek, will she be my girlfriend?

This horse riding is simply pie in the sky.

Feng Xiaotian could hardly hold back his lips.

Is there such a good thing?

As his mind gradually cleared, uncontrollable excitement began to ignite in his body.

It's not just a day or two that he likes Huo Wu.

Divine Wind Academy and Blazing Fire Academy are very close to each other, and they often have some exchanges.

When he first met Huo Wu six years ago.

I fell deeply in love with this beautiful and talented girl.

In order to pursue Huo Wu, he even put aside his dignity to be friends with Huo Wushuang.

And in the competition with these two brothers and sisters, he has never won.

But even so, Huo Wu has always been lukewarm towards him.

The opportunity finally came, and at this moment Feng Xiaotian's heart was burning with the power of love. (End of chapter)

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