People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 231 Tang San is completely heartbroken, the gap between them and Team Shrek is still too big

On the competition stage, the personnel from both sides have entered the stage, and the competition on the five competition stages started at the same time under the referee's announcement.

What do audiences like to watch the most?

As the saying goes, outsiders just watch the fun.

The process of all the soul masters releasing their martial souls together at the beginning of the game is undoubtedly the most dazzling.

The appearance of each soul ring, the different effects produced by different martial souls.

The dazzling brilliance fully arouses the audience's emotions every time.

Five soul sects above level 40, plus two soul masters above level 30.

Team Shrek had just started the game.

In terms of soul power level, they completely suppressed their opponents.

Among the seven people in Lanba Academy.

Only their captain Tang San is a soul sect with strength above level 40.

The others are all in their thirties.

And even their captain Tang San's spirit ring is not the best match.

That very obvious first white soul ring.

It makes people look like they have no character in an instant.

Plus Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

It can be said that 99.9% of the audience at the venue had no expectations for Team Lanba.

The remaining 0.1% may be Yu Xiaogang.

But even he wants to wait for the right moment to stop the game and admit defeat.

Tang San must not be injured.

"Both players, please start the game."

The referee's voice sounded.

However, after the game started.

Neither side took action.

It’s understandable what Team Lanba said.

But shouldn't the Shrek team just rush in and brutalize the opponent and win this game?

The commentator at the VIP table couldn't help but said,

"What happened?"

"Why hasn't Team Shrek attacked yet?"

"Are they still afraid of an opponent like this?"

"Lanba Academy is obviously far behind them. If you just use a few soul skills, you should be able to win, right?"

Emperor Xueye, who was sitting in the front row of the VIP table, asked Ning Fengzhi beside him in a low voice:

"Sect Master Ning, in your opinion, why are they not fighting now?"

"Both sides seem to be a little too cautious."

"It seems that the strengths of each other are not proportional to each other."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, then shook his head.

"I have some doubts. Today's Shrek team is indeed a bit unexpected."

Amid the referee's warning and the boos of tens of thousands of spectators, the players on both sides of the center stage finally moved.


Standing in the middle, Tang Sanzhou's body and soul surged.

Then his fourth soul ring flashed fiercely.

"The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Cage!"

As soon as the words fell, countless blue and silver grasses intertwined rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Dai Mubai and the Spartan brothers, who were standing at the front, were controlled by the blue silver cage.

According to Tang San's expectation.

His blue silver cage can control the opponent for at least one minute.

With this minute, the Shrek team without the front row is not invincible.

"Brothers, come on!"

Tang San gave the order, and except for him and the auxiliary spirit master, all the other five members of the Lan Ba ​​team rushed forward.

However, the gap between soul power and strength was revealed instantly in the next second.

The five people with only level 35 soul power were attacked by Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun.

I couldn't hold on for ten breaths.

They fell to the ground one after another.

"Phoenix FireWire!"

At the same time, Ma Hongjun shot three phoenix fire rays on the blue silver cage.

Dai Mubai and the Spartan brothers were also released.

Seeing this scene, Tang San was completely heartbroken.

Sure enough, the gap between them and the Shrek team was still too big. (End of chapter)

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