People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 246 Tang San is unconscious and Yu Xiaogang is in a trance!

When Dai Mubai's White Tiger Fierce Light Wave struck in front of her.

The blue light that had appeared behind her was suddenly released, merging with the ice armor on Shui Bing'er's body.

With a bang, Shui Bing'er just took a step back, but did not suffer any harm.

The Spartan brothers also broke free from the ice one after another.

Dai Mubai broke free much faster than them.

However, the moment he just broke free from the ice on his body.

Shui Bing'er's first soul skill has arrived again.

Dai Mubai was frozen again without even giving him a chance to recover.

Pan Sen is a powerful soul master.

Facing his opponent, a tall female soul master.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed directly towards the opponent.

After all, his opponent was a girl, and he was embarrassed to strike hard.

His own strength exploded.

He believed that no soul master at the same level could compete with him in strength.

The female soul master he faced also raised her hand.

He didn't dodge, his body emitted a bright blue light, and his first soul ring shone brightly.

The scales that originally only appeared on one cheek instantly spread to every part of the body.

At the same time, the second soul ring also lit up.

A huge ball of blue light rose from her chest and went straight to Pan Sen's chest.

Faced with the opponent's attack, Pan Sen turned the spear in his hand violently and stabbed the opponent's shoulder.

Because his soul skills are completely inherent in himself, his activation speed is faster than that of any soul master.

So when the opponent's attack was completed, his spear also hit the opponent's shoulder.

The thorn was inserted, but it gave Panson a strange feeling.

It was like piercing a piece of solid ice, and most of the power was removed.

And the blue light had already exploded in his chest.

The strong impact immediately sent Pan Sen's tall and majestic body flying out.

The girl didn't feel good either. She still underestimated Pan Sen's power.

Although Pan Sen's attack was greatly weakened by his first soul skill.

But there was still some power acting on her.

The girl groaned and stumbled back a few steps.

The pain from his shoulder made half of his body paralyzed.

The two sides started fighting at the same time.

The black-haired girl at the back of the Tianshui Academy team also started to move.

The strange thing is that she didn't attack, but just danced on the spot.

The black hair is flying and dancing.

The four soul rings on his body shine alternately.

Circles of blue light spread as she danced.

As she danced, a dark cloud appeared directly above the main stage in the center.

Just enough to completely cover the arena.

Immediately afterwards, heavy raindrops began to fall from the sky.

It turned into a large curtain of water pouring down.

These water droplets will not fall on the girls of Tianshui Academy.

When they get close to their bodies, they will slide down quietly.

But it is not that simple when it comes to the members of the Shrek Academy team.

It only took a while, except for Dai Mubai who was frozen.

The other six people have become drowned rats.

Such a strange scene immediately brightened the eyes of the audience in the stands.

At the same time, inside Lanba Academy.

Liu Erlong's face looked a little solemn at this moment.

He looked at Yu Xiaogang first, and then glanced at the other six people participating in today's competition.

The latter's face was very ugly, and his expression was a little dazed.

Tang San was still unconscious at this time.

"If my guess is good."

"It won't take an hour for the competition organizing committee to send out an investigation team."

"I came to our college specifically to investigate today's game." (End of Chapter)

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