People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 248: Don’t know anything about one question? Tang San: This is not simple!

Liu Erlong glared at him angrily,

"Don't tear me down, okay?"

"Xiaosan, do you remember?"

Tang San nodded quickly, indicating that he remembered it.

Isn’t it just that you don’t know three words?

One question and three questions?

Isn't this simple?

The investigation team sent by the competition organizing committee arrived faster than Liu Erlong expected.

A group of more than ten people walked into Lanba Academy in a hurry.

What surprised Liu Erlong was that she had seen both of the people leading the team.

She never expected that the competition organizing committee would take this matter so seriously.

The organizing committee for the Tiandou City qualifiers is composed of the Wuhun Palace and the Imperial Family of the Tiandou Empire.

The two teams leading the team naturally came from two different forces.

Liu Erlong was surprised.

It was because the one who came on behalf of the Wuhun Temple turned out to be the leader of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City, Platinum Bishop Salas.

And the person representing the Tiandou Empire was actually Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Later, everyone at Lanba Academy found out that Ning Fengzhi came as the prince's teacher.

With this status, he can barely be regarded as a member of the Tiandou Empire's royal family.

Although it is not a small matter that the seven participating team members of Canghui Academy turned into idiots.

But it was never to the extent that it could alarm the two big guys, Ning Fengzhi and Salas.

The reason why the two of them came to Lanba Academy together is a bit funny.

Originally, Salas just wanted to send one of his men here.

But after learning that the leader of the Lanba Academy team is Yu Xiaogang.

After learning about the sensitive relationship between Yu Xiaogang and Wuhun Palace, he had already planned to do something secretly.

But as the general person in charge of Wuhun Palace Tiandou City, he would certainly not be so reckless.

So he has been waiting for the opportunity.

The seven people from Canghui Academy turned into idiots, which undoubtedly gave him the best excuse.

The platinum bishop with great hands and eyes was immediately ready to take advantage of this incident to take the lead in kicking Lanba Academy out of the competition.

And when the organizing committee decided to send an investigation team.

Ning Fengzhi immediately expressed his willingness to lead an investigation team to Lanba Academy to investigate.

If Ning Fengzhi goes, there is no doubt that his card counting will not work, but Salas is unwilling to give up.

In terms of status, there was still a gap between him and Ning Fengzhi.

The relationship between Wuhun Palace and the seven major sects has always been very ambiguous.

In desperation, the platinum bishop had no choice but to take action himself.

He came to Lanba Academy with Ning Fengzhi, hoping to get some clues.

In that case, no matter how high Ning Fengzhi's status is, it cannot hinder the fairness of the competition.

Therefore, these two big shots came directly to Lanba Academy with their entourage.

When I heard that they came outside the college gate.

Liu Erlong hurriedly went out with Yu Xiaogang.

"Dean Liu Erlong, I take the liberty of disturbing you."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded to Liu Erlong.

Although their soul power levels are almost the same, their status in the soul master world is vastly different.

Liu Erlong quickly returned the gift,

"Sect Master Ning is too polite."

"You can come to this hospital and make Lan Ba ​​Pengpi shine!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, gave up half of his body, and introduced Liu Erlong:

"This is the master of the Tiandou City Spirit Temple, His Excellency Bishop Salas Platinum."

Liu Erlong is so smooth.

The expression on his face did not change at all, and he hurriedly saluted again.

"It turns out to be Bishop Salas."

"Liu Erlong is polite."

"You two, please come in quickly."

Salas nodded lightly to Liu Erlong.

A group of more than ten people walked into Shrek Academy under the leadership of Liu Erlong and others. (End of chapter)

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