People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 251 Yu Xiaogang’s face was ashen: You’d better think clearly!

Salas said calmly,

"Lanba Academy now refuses to allow participating students to be investigated."

"That in itself presents significant problems."

Salas's eyes flashed coldly,

"So, you are going against the organizing committee?"

"I can interpret your behavior as a refusal to accept Sect Leader Ning. How do you think this should be handled?"

"How can we prove their innocence if we can't even interrogate them?"

Ning Fengzhi turned to Liu Erlong and said:

"Dean Liu Erlong, are all the students from your institute seriously injured?"

"I remember that one student was in good condition at the time."

"Can he be allowed to accept our investigation?"

"This matter is related to the fairness of the competition."

"Please cooperate."

Liu Erlong's eyes were red with excitement, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Why should we be investigated?"

"Since the competition is fair and just, the judges should have clearly seen the situation at that time."

"That player is none other than Tang San, the captain of our academy team."

"He is still blind now!"

"I just escaped the danger of my life!"

"Will the participating team members from Canghui Academy show mercy when they use the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique?"

"If our students hadn't blocked their attack, I'm afraid none of them would be able to come back alive now."

"Everyone has seen that our students only resisted passively, and we never did anything wrong."

"If the competition organizing committee really decides to expel us, we have nothing to say."

Salas's eyes flashed and he said:

"You said that yourself."

Liu Erlong glared at Salas,

"Your Excellency Bishop Platinum, what do you mean by targeting our Lanba Academy like this?"

"Okay, I want to see it!"

"How do you remove our Lanba Academy from this competition?"

"Xiao Gang, tomorrow we will go to the Holy Land to meet the Pope."

"Please, Your Majesty the Pope, give us justice.

Ning Fengzhi winked at Liu Erlong anxiously.

He didn't know why Liu Erlong, who had always been shrewd, suddenly became so impulsive.

Could it be that those children were really hit hard?

Does it make Liu Erlong unable to control his emotions?

Liu Erlong seemed not to notice Ning Fengzhi's eyes.

While roaring at Salas, he kept slapping the table.


A Templar suddenly took a step forward.

The light of soul power burned on all ten Templar knights at the same time.

The two cardinals also stood up.

All it takes is an order from Salas.

They will take action immediately.

Sarasli ignored Liu Erlong, turned to look at Ning Fengzhi beside him, and said:

"Sect Master Ning, you also saw it."

"Lanba Academy is so arrogant that it refuses to accept the investigation by the organizing committee."

"If we don't deal with them, how will we explain to the other participating colleges?"


Although Ning Fengzhi wanted to help, he was unable to do so now.

Salas then turned to Liu Erlong and sneered.

"Are you going to complain to the Pope?"

"Then you can set off immediately."

"I declare that Lanba Academy has violated the rules of the competition."

As he said this, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

"Wait a moment."

The person who spoke this time was Yu Xiaogang, who had been brewing for a long time.

Although he was not as excited as Liu Erlong, he still had a livid look on his face.

"Salas, you need to think clearly before making a decision." (End of Chapter)

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