People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 255 The qualifiers are over and the Shrek team has successfully advanced!

Yu Xiaogang took Liu Erlong's hand.

Walking towards the academy, walking as he did.

Four words came out slowly:

"Title: Haotian!"

On the other side, the match between the Shrek team and the Tianshui Academy team has also ended.

The result of the game was beyond everyone's expectation.

Both sides actually chose to admit defeat at the same time.

It was a tie.

The audience was undoubtedly disappointed.

The Shrek team supported by most people failed to win the last game, which made many viewers criticize.

In particular, voices doubting that Shrek team did not send all the main force spread in every corner.

Return to the lounge area.

Dai Mubai ate the big recovery sausage handed over by Oscar.

"Sorry, it is my fault."

"Not paying enough attention to the opponent at the beginning of the game."

"The failure to make targeted tactical arrangements in time led to the passivity later."

Ma Hongjun patted Dai Mubai on the shoulder,

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Boss Dai, don't be depressed."

"As the saying goes, failure is success."

"Besides, we didn't lose!"

"You're not going all out either, are you?"

"Actually, not only you, but everyone also didn't use their full strength."

"And the captain and Rongrong haven't even played yet."

Dai Mubai raised his hand and hit the fat man on the head.

"Are you very capable?"

"Okay, then you can do it yourself next time."

"Let's see how you can burn seven of them."

Ma Hongjun touched his head.

He said aggrievedly:

"Aren't I trying to comfort you?"

"Failure is the mother of success, this saying is very true."

"There is a one-month adjustment period before the promotion round."

"During this period, you still have enough time to find out your shortcomings."

Flanders came over at some point.

His eyes were falling on Dai Mubai, looking at him with a smile.


Facing Flanders' gaze, Dai Mubai lowered his head.

Flanders walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Actually, the result of today's game is better than if you win."

"I have always said that actual combat is the best way to test yourself."

"Only through continuous actual combat and facing different opponents will progress be faster."

"The profession of soul master is inherently ever-changing. No one knows what kind of opponent we will encounter in the next battle."

"The only way is to fight against as many different soul masters as possible to increase your experience."

"You are all geniuses in the soul master world."

"The opponents I encountered in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition were also the best among the younger generation."

"This competition is just an episode in your life."

"You still have a long way to go. As long as you gain something, winning or losing doesn't matter."

"Yes, Dean!"

All the students responded at the same time.

The eyes that were slightly different at first became consistent again.

For some reason, Dai Mubai, who had always been in a peaceful mood, was extremely eager for victory.

The qualifiers in Tiandou City have all ended.

According to the procedure, the award ceremony will be held soon.

The top five teams in the qualifiers will receive qualification certificates for the promotion round.

But because the main arena in the center was destroyed in the previous game.

The process has also been streamlined.

Other colleges that did not advance will no longer participate in the final ceremony.

Only the top five teams will go to the VIP podium to receive their qualification certificates.

The ceremony process is not complicated, under the announcement of the host.

The captains and vice-captains of the top five teams slowly walked onto the podium. (End of chapter)

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