People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 257 Only Gu Xian is relatively calm, and the system is so sweet.

They represent our Tiandou Empire in this Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition.

I also want to make a promise to you here.

If any of your teams can win the final game.

The entire team's title will also be promoted to one level.

At the same time, the prefix of the college was added with the word "royal", which was financially supported by the empire.

Serve as the captain and deputy captain of each team.

Although these young people can be considered to have seen the world.

But Emperor Xue Ye's huge list of rewards still made them a little confused.

What does the title mean?

The viscount can already have his own territory and attendants.

They will also receive certain subsidies from the state.

This amount alone is enough to live on.

Although many soul masters have titles.

But it is easy to obtain the titles of kingdoms and principalities.

Obtaining the imperial title is not that simple.

Especially the title of viscount directly awarded.

The territory owned by a viscount can already be a small city.

What's even more valuable is that Emperor Xueye has already promised the ten people in front of him.

After this game is over.

Give them fiefdoms.

This shows that they are not just a false title.

But the nobles who actually own the territory.

Sarath's face looked ugly.

He didn't say anything more, but there was a bit of a sinister look in his eyes.

The captains and vice-captains of the five teams that passed the qualifiers.

They are all elites among the young soul masters, and each one is smarter than the other.

From the promise of Emperor Xueye and the stoppage of Salas.

They could also vaguely feel the smell of gunpowder.

Ning Fengzhi just stood aside and smiled without saying a word.

It seemed like it had nothing to do with him.

Emperor Xue Ye didn't seem to see the ugly face of Platinum Bishop Salas at all.

He continued to smile and said:

"The next promotion competition will still be held in the empire."

"But the venue will be changed from the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena to the Royal Paddock."

"At that time, the ten teams from the Five Principalities and Kingdoms that have passed the qualifiers will come to compete with you in the promotion round."

"I hope that all five of your colleges will be at the top of the promotion round."

"This way you will have an advantage when participating in the finals."

"The promotion competition is the best stage to reflect your personal strength."

"At that time, the top three students with the most wins in the promotion competition will be selected."

"The empire will provide you with the soul beasts you need for your next title promotion."

"You can choose the type of soul beast by yourself."

"The empire can guarantee all soul beasts with a cultivation level of less than 30,000 years!"

Whether it's the Shrek team or the four elemental academies.

At this time, Emperor Xue Ye's promise was even more exciting to them than the previous title.

You know, the ten captains and deputy captains in front of you represent each college.

They are all around level 40. I will upgrade my title next time.

That's when you reach level 50.

Although level 50 is not as important as a level 30 soul ring.

But level 50 is the first level that can obtain a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

The strength of the first ten thousand year soul ring will have a great impact on each of their futures.

If you can choose a soul beast according to your own needs, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit.

Not only do you not need to take risks and waste time.

And he can also bring out his martial soul to the fullest extent.

Starting from level 50, the soul master's training speed will be greatly reduced.

First, there is a ten-thousand-year soul ring as a guarantee, and it will undoubtedly remain strong in the process of reaching levels 50 to 60.

It will have unlimited benefits for future development.

Only one person is calmer.

It was Huo Feng.

Because things like soul beasts and soul rings really have no attraction for him.

After all, what the system gives is so delicious. (End of chapter)

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