People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 262 The Soul Master Competition Qualifying Round Begins!

Unlike the preliminaries, the promotion match does not have multiple arenas at the same time.

Instead, there is only one competition venue, which is the Royal Knights' Grand Parade.

A total of fifteen teams participating in the promotion match will play fourteen rounds of round-robin matches.

One round per day, one team will be on a bye every day, and seven games will be played.

All are played in the same venue.

The Grand Parade has been renovated.

A 100-meter diameter area is drawn in the center as the competition venue.

Compared with the preliminaries, the space here is wider, and it is naturally easier to display one's strength.

On the north side of the Grand Parade, a VIP seat was temporarily built facing north and south.

It is also the referee seat.

There are not as many VIPs coming to watch the game this time as last time.

There are fewer nobles.

Looking around.

In addition to the first row of Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, Platinum Bishop Saras and others, the VIP seats are in the back seats.

There were people dressed in military commanders and some high-ranking officials of the Spirit Hall of Tiandou City.

After all, group battles are more chaotic, and many things are not easy to see clearly.

But the promotion match is different.

Every student will show his or her personal strength in public.

This is also the best time to assess the strength of a spirit master.

Outside the large parade ground.

A full 10,000 royal knights surrounded the entire parade ground, with shining helmets and armor.

The front row of the Royal Knights stood on the ground.

The back row sat on the back of their mounts.

It formed a huge circle.

Such a tight defense can be said to be watertight.

Of course, the purpose of Emperor Xue Ye is to make the most elite warriors under his command.

Let's see the strength of the new generation of young spirit masters to inspire their fighting spirit.

Between the large circle formed by the knights and the competition venue.

All fifteen participating teams have arrived at the scene.

Even the team that was given a bye today is no exception.

Even if they don't have to play, they have to see the strength of their opponents clearly.

The rules of the game are very simple.

Each side sends seven players to participate.

Each player on the field must fight until they are defeated.

The winner will face the next opponent.

Until all seven players on one side are defeated.

The draw was completed last night.

The Shrek team did not get a bye in the first round.

Their opponent is a high-level soul master academy from the Barak Kingdom.

They are scheduled to play in the third of the seven games today.

The teams that passed the preliminaries in different divisions are grouped together.

The Shrek team naturally saw the familiar opponents of the Four Elements Academy.

When they looked at the Shrek team.

Several people's eyes fell on them in particular.

Among them was Feng Xiaotian, the captain of the Shenfeng Academy team.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, the brothers and sisters of the Chihuo Academy team.

Shui Binger, the captain of the Tianshui Academy team, and the captain of the Thunder Academy team, whom they had never met.

A young man with an ordinary figure and a very inconspicuous appearance.

Flanders called everyone to his side, and his eyes swept over all eleven Shrek team members,

"Now I will announce the lineup."

"Xiao Wu, you will be the first to go on stage, followed by Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun."

Everyone was still listening, but Flanders had already finished speaking.

Dai Mubai couldn't help asking,

"Dean, aren't you going to send seven people?"

Flanders smiled indifferently,

"Don't you three have the confidence to finish the game?"

"Although the opponents in the promotion competition are a little stronger, they will not be stronger than the Four Elements Academy."

"One-on-one does not require cooperation, only strength."

A simple sentence immediately aroused the fighting spirit of the Shrek team, (End of this chapter)

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