People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 265 Xiao Wu: Big brother, I think you are right

"Brother is heavy-handed. If he hurts you, it will be bad."

"I think you should go down."

"Find someone stronger to come up?"

"This is not the place you should come to."

The tall young man said jokingly.

Although Xiao Wu's figure is almost the same as that of an adult woman.

But some important parts are still in bud.

What's more, the childishness on her face is obviously not what a person over 20 years old should have.

During the team battle, many people mixed together.

No one would pay attention to these.

But this is a one-on-one match, and the appearance of both sides naturally stands out.

Xiao Wu frowned.

The tall young man's voice was so loud that most of the students from various colleges outside the competition venue heard it.

Oscar asked Ma Hongjun beside him with some doubt,

"Fatty, why are you covering your eyes?"

Ma Hongjun said sincerely:

"Because I can't bear to watch it anymore."

"If you look down on Xiao Wu like this, the brothers of Barak Academy may be in trouble."

"Have you forgotten that terrifying continuous fall of Xiao Wu at that time?"

"It seems to be called eight-section fall."

"It's a pity that you didn't see the situation at that time."

"I really can't bear to watch it."

While Ma Hongjun and Oscar were talking.

The game on the field had already started under the announcement of the referee.

Xiao Wu didn't take the initiative to fight, and blinked at the tall young man opposite,

"Big brother, I think you are right."

"This is really not the place I should come."

Although she said this.

But her body had begun to change.

The martial spirit was quietly released, two yellow and one purple, and three soul rings swirled up.

The tall young man of Barak Academy should have noticed the soul rings on Xiao Wu and became alert.

But he did as Ma Hongjun said.

He really looked down on Xiao Wu.

Moreover, he was confident in his own strength.

In the entire Barak Academy team.

He was not only the captain, but also the strongest one.

His soul power exceeded level 40.

Unfortunately, he met Xiao Wu.

When Xiao Wu released her martial soul.

Her soul skills were also released at the same time.

The second soul ring skill, Charm, was activated.

The yellow halo was shining, and Xiao Wu's eyes turned into a tempting pink at the same time.

The tall young man was stunned for a moment, and the whole person became a little confused.

And at this moment, Xiao Wu moved.

According to the rules of the game.

Both sides started the official game at a distance of 20 meters.

Xiao Wu's long legs bounced up powerfully, almost in just a moment.

The distance between the two was shortened to 10 meters.

After all, the soul power of this tall young man was higher than Xiao Wu, and the time of confusion was not too long.

He subconsciously realized that it was not good.

He quickly activated his martial soul while his eyes were still blurry.

At the same time, he slapped his face with both hands.

To make himself more sober.

His reaction was indeed not slow.

When Xiao Wu rushed to about five meters away from him, the whole person had become completely sober.

The three soul rings that were enlarged in front of him.

And the speed of Xiao Wu's body, how could he not be shocked.

Almost subconsciously raised his hands and launched his first soul skill to Xiao Wu in front of him.

But at the moment when he launched this soul skill, he was stunned again.

Because the opponent in front of him had disappeared.

Xiao Wu appeared behind the tall young man with her back to him.

The scorpion braid was thrown out.

While the tall young man was still surprised, he felt his neck tighten.

He was a little out of breath. (End of this chapter)

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