People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 267 Xiao Wu is not afraid because she has already made a breakthrough for a while!

"What are you doing?"

The referee appeared in time, but he only used words to stop the opponent.

"Want to fight in a group?"

The other six members of the Shrek team stepped onto the playing field almost immediately.

Xiao Wu didn't even take a step back, she just watched quietly as the other party approached.

In fact, she didn't want to beat her opponent so badly.

But when she discovered that her opponent's strength exceeded level 40, she had to go all out.

In addition, after activating her waist bow, the power was not something she could fully control.

In order to make her opponent completely lose the ability to resist, she had no choice but to do this.

After all, she is a close combat soul master.

It's not like just releasing soul skills.

"This is a game, what do you want to do?"

A deep and cold voice came into the field, sending chills all over the body.

Platinum Bishop Salas did not know when he stood up from the VIP seat.

Staring at both parties in the field with cold eyes.

At this time, the leading teacher from Barak Kingdom had also entered the competition venue.

Looking at Flanders not far away, he felt guilty for some reason.

I saw him turn around and salute to the VIP table from afar,

"Mr. Platinum Bishop, please calm down."

"We just want to carry the students of our academy down, there is no other intention."

Salas said calmly,

"Please both of you remember your identities."

"Non-competitors who re-enter without the referee's permission will be immediately expelled from the competition."

The fiery scene that was about to break out was suppressed.

But the smell of gunpowder between Team Shrek and Barak Academy has undoubtedly become stronger.

Xiao Wu still stayed on the field.

Huo Feng whispered a few words to her as he passed by her, and then walked off the stage.

Barak Academy was clearly outraged.

What surprised everyone in the Shrek team was that their opponent was the second to take the stage.

He turned out to be a soul sect above level 40.

As soon as he came on stage, before the referee announced the start of the game, he had already released his martial arts spirit.

His martial spirit is very strange, it is like a flower.

Red flower center, orange petals.


Xiao Wu's second opponent is a soul master with a plant spirit.

Sunflower has a strong restriction ability.

Wild sunflowers can release a peculiar smell that can make enemies incapacitated.

It's a strange psychoactive toxin.

The sunflower is as hard as iron, and it is used as a martial spirit.

It can be used as a weapon in itself.

Poison and attack are equally important.

Obviously, Xiao Wu's opponent is not easy to deal with.

Seeing the four soul rings of white, yellow, purple and violet on his opponent's body.

Xiao Wu's expression also became solemn.

Her abilities have been demonstrated once, so her opponents will definitely be on guard.

Of course she also knew about Sunflower.

It was difficult to deal with opponents with poison-type attacks, especially when their soul power was higher than hers.

"You have to pay the price for what you just did."

Although the second member of the Balak Kingdom is not tall.

But he is very strong, and you can clearly see the bulging muscles on his broad shoulders.

Holding a flower in this shape looks really weird.

The referee reminded:

"Don't forget the rules of the game."

"Any violation will result in disqualification from continuing to participate."

Xiao Wu and her opponent nodded at the same time.

But neither of them showed any intention of restraining their breath.

Judging from the opponent's soul power fluctuations, he should have just passed level 40.

Xiao Wu, who had already broken through for some time, was naturally not afraid at all. (End of chapter)

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