People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 271 Huo Feng alone might be able to clear Blazing Academy directly

In the subsequent matches, the other three teams that qualified from Tiandou City also won.

The undefeated record of the five soul master academies representing the Tiandou Empire immediately satisfied Emperor Xue Ye.

He said on the spot that all the winning academies today would be rewarded with 1,000 gold soul coins each.

The losing academies would also be rewarded with 500 gold soul coins.

After the first day of the competition, the leaders of each team came on stage to draw lots.

The Shrek team was not very lucky.

In the second day of the competition.

The opponent they drew was the Blazing Academy, which had made a big splash in the first game.

Although it was a round-robin tournament, every academy would meet.

But meeting the Blazing Academy so early undoubtedly caused some psychological fluctuations for the players on both sides.

Back in the camp, Xiao Wu went back to her room to rest first.

There will be a game tomorrow, and she consumed a lot of soul power today.

She must recover as soon as possible.

Flanders gathered the students of the Shrek team together.

Then he asked straight to the point:

"Your opponent tomorrow is Chihuo Academy."

"What kind of lineup do you think should be used to fight?"

Dai Mubai was the first to speak:

"Dean, Chihuo Academy is strong."

"But they are actually the weakest among the four element academies."

"Only Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu are relatively strong."

"It is difficult for others to pose a threat to us."

"According to the situation of today's game, at least one of Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu will be ranked in the front."

"Try to win as much as possible, and the other players should be used to consume our soul power."

"Why not let me play first and Fatty finishes."

"This will completely guarantee victory."

Flanders nodded,

"Mubai is right."

"But there is one thing I must remind you."

"Preliminary After all, the competition is a preliminaries, even if it is a promotion match now. "

"Each team may not use their full strength."

"We are not the only ones who hide our strength."

"Others will also use this method."

"There are two auxiliary soul masters among the seven of you Shrek. Except for Huo Feng, the strength of others is relatively balanced."

"You come to participate in the competition not only to get a ranking, but more importantly to exercise."

"Exercise your strength and mentality."

"What you can think of, your opponent can naturally think of."

"What I want to teach you today is to surprise."

"It is easier to break the opponent's rhythm by playing cards that are not in line with common sense."

"So in tomorrow's battle, Dai Mubai will be the first to appear."

"Next are Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing."

Just like when facing Barak Academy today, Flanders only announced three names.

Now he also only read out three names.

Obviously, this is the lineup he thinks can win.

Among the three, only Ma Hongjun has never played.

Flanders has his own purpose in sending him out this time.

Ma Hongjun had not shown much of his strength in the preliminaries, and Flanders gave him the task of hard training.

The promotion match began at this time.

It is better to let him fight with outside opponents to find the rhythm of the game than to start again in the finals.

As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, they are auxiliary spirit masters.

As long as they have tacit cooperation with their teammates, it will be fine.

Keep them in the cold.

They are not allowed to participate in the promotion match.

As for Huo Feng, Flanders thinks there is no need for him to play.

He alone may be able to help the seven people from Chihuo Academy pass the level directly.

At that time, it will be too noticeable.

According to Flanders's idea, Huo Feng will at least wait until it is absolutely necessary.

before he will play! (End of this chapter)

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