People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 273 Dai Mubai faces off against Huo Wushuang

He originally thought that Xiao Wu, who won five consecutive victories yesterday, would still be the first to appear.

He was also ready to fight Xiao Wu.

But the one who appeared in front of him was Dai Mubai, who had left a deep impression on him.

This caused a crack in Huo Wushuang's inner determination.

He knew that with Dai Mubai's ability to control his martial soul and his strong strength.

It would be difficult for him to please him.

Dai Mubai still had a calm face.

He was like this when facing any opponent.

As the referee said the game started, he made a gesture of invitation to Huo Wushuang.

Almost at the same time, the two completed the process of releasing their martial souls.

Not just Chihuo Academy.

Those academy players from kingdoms and principalities.

As long as they did not participate in the competition.

Almost all of them set their sights on the battle between Huo Wushuang and Dai Mubai.

One is a traditional strong team, and the other is a dark horse team.

This battle is destined to be exciting.

At the same time, these academies also want to observe carefully how strong Dai Mubai is.

Scales emerge from under the skin.

The blazing flames rose up in an instant and extinguished in an instant.

Huo Wushuang's entire body was covered with a layer of dark red.

A short horn protruded from the top of his head, about three inches long.

It was his martial soul, the unicorn fire tyrannosaurus.

Dai Mubai on the other side was also possessed by the white tiger.

And he had released the third soul skill, the white tiger diamond transformation, at the first time.

Seeing the process of Huo Wushuang releasing his martial soul, Dai Mubai's eyes could not help but condense.

It was normal to release the flame.

But the subsequent convergence of the flame was obviously different from the last time they met in the team battle.

Look at Huo Wushuang's calm and composed look.

Obviously, he had thought of a way to deal with himself.

Dai Mubai's eyes flashed and he took the lead in launching an attack.

He moved his feet and floated out.

It seemed that his movements were not fast, but with his steps.

But in a few blinks of an eye, he had already approached Huo Wushuang.

The first soul ring on Huo Wushuang's body had lit up in an instant.

The dark red layer on the scales on the surface of the body suddenly became crystal clear.

It was like a layer of armor covering his body.

But his body did not move, but his eyes were fixed on Dai Mubai who was approaching rapidly.

Huo Wushuang could not bear it any longer.

He clasped his hands together in front of his chest.

In his palms, dark red light rushed out.

It instantly condensed into a palm-sized dark red light ball.

There was still no flame rising, and not even a trace of burning heat.

Just as his eyes locked on Dai Mubai's body.

The dark red light ball shot out and flew straight towards Dai Mubai.

Seeing the moment before the two were about to collide.

Dai Mubai's feet suddenly slipped, and he narrowly avoided the impact of the dark red light ball.

At this time, he was less than five meters away from Huo Wushuang.

Obviously, Huo Wushuang's attack was not so easy to dodge.

Although the first attack was avoided.

But the light ball immediately changed direction and chased Dai Mubai.

"White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

A faint smile appeared on Dai Mubai's lips.

The next moment, surprise appeared on both of their faces.

Accompanied by a violent roar, the dark red light ball disappeared.

But the White Tiger Fierce Light Wave also disappeared.

And Dai Mubai also came close to Huo Wushuang.

Huo Wushuang's body finally moved.

He did not retreat, but rushed towards Dai Mubai's body.

At this moment, the distance between Huo Wushuang and Dai Mubai was very close. (End of this chapter)

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